Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL


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tornar a 'return'<br />

voltar a 'return'<br />

passar a 'pass'<br />

subir 'climb'<br />

E atirar 'throw'<br />

jogar 'throw'<br />

carregar 'carry'<br />

voltar 'return'<br />

Semantically a cline of transitivity can be created for verbs valency-governing placeadverbials:<br />

A) be AT STATE ("IMPERFECTIVE") - copula-like<br />

B) become (be AT) TRANSITION ("PERFECTIVE") - ergative<br />

C) cause (be AT or<br />

become(be AT))<br />



E) move TO ACTION/EVENT ("PERFECTIVE") - ergative motion<br />

F) cause (move<br />



where the semantic prototypes "to be" (A: estar, morar) and "to move" (D: ir, viajar)<br />

can undergo perfectivisation/ergativisation (B 'entrar' vs. E 'voltar') or causativisation (E<br />

'pôr' vs. F 'mandar'). In a way, the valency clines A-B-C and D-E-F are analogous to the<br />

relation between the copula verb 'to be', the change-verb 'to become' and the causative<br />

'to make'. Portuguese makes a distinction between an "identity copula" ('ser') and a<br />

"state copula" ('estar'). The latter, derived from Latin 'stare' ('to stand'), covers, among<br />

other things, locative adverbial complements, providing a lexical argument in favour of<br />

maintaining the duality of "real" copula (belonging to the valency class) and<br />

"locative" copula (belonging to the class). The lexical strength of placeargument<br />

governing verbs can further be noticed from the fact, that most Portuguese<br />

expressions denoting 'to become' (i.e. ergative copula verbs) are metaphorically derived<br />

from corresponding verbs: ficar ("stay"), chegar ("arrive") a ser, sair<br />

("leave") and (in philosophical language) devir ("be-come").<br />

Interestingly, the two basic prototype groups of 'being AT' and 'moving<br />

TOWARDS' (A and D) correspond to verbs with obligatory adverbial complements,<br />

while ergatives 174 and causatives have optional adverbial complements. A possible<br />

174 In the context of this chapter, I define ergative verbs as verbs featuring an internal PATIENT/THEME subject argument,<br />

i.e. denoting affectedness of the subject, meaning result focus and a change in either state or - here - location, - implying<br />

perfectivity, action rather than activity, event rather than process. Mateus et. al. (1989, p.173) argue, that<br />

inaccusative/ergative verbs (desmaiar - 'to pass out', chegar ' arrive) on the one hand and inergative verbs (rir - 'laugh',<br />

trabalhar - 'work') on the other can be distinguished from each other and in opposition to the class of monotransitive verbs<br />

(revir - 'check, look through'). While the latter features what they call an internal (in terms of constituent structure)<br />

PATIENT/THEME direct object and an external AGENT subject argument, inaccusatives/ergatives have only an internal<br />

and inergatives only an external argument, both expressed as subject. For Portuguese, tests are suggested indicating that the<br />

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