Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL


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seem to be ideal candidates for focus function, and the allowed positions for perigoso<br />

and fazer isso in (i)-(iii) should therefore indicate the typical topology of (informationtheoretic)<br />

topic and focus in Portuguese copula constructions:<br />

Portuguese can place subject and subject complement on either side of the copula<br />

verb (i), or both on the same side (preferably right). In the first case, the topic comes to<br />

the left, in the second (both on the same side), it takes the last position. The focus<br />

position is usually directly to the right of the copula, but fronted in the rather marked<br />

case (ii), where both subject and complement precede the copula..<br />

The nominal material involved in these constructions can be divided into 6<br />

groups:<br />

A definite NP, including names: a Moura, o número, o chefe, Maria,<br />

3 dos melhores, um dos problemas<br />

B personal pronouns in the nominative case and demonstrative pronouns:<br />

ele, eu, isso, esse<br />

C absolute relative nominal subclauses quem fala, que recebi<br />

D infinitive subclauses, interrogative and que-subclauses:<br />

fazer isso, retomar o controle<br />

E attributives (adjectives, participles, demonstrative determiners and certain<br />

"attributive" nouns without a determiner):<br />

famoso, casado, chefe, presidente<br />

F indefinite NP: um ladrão, amigos<br />

These groups can be placed in the following ways:<br />

with the subject in topic position and the predicative as focus<br />

topic focus<br />

subject predicative<br />

1. ABCD ABCDEF<br />

Maria é bonita.<br />

Quem falta são os irmãos.<br />

O chefe sou eu.<br />

Retomar o controle foi difícil.<br />

3 dos melhores eram doentes.<br />

O problema era acabar com o bandido.<br />

Essa [regra] é a regra da democracia americana.<br />

O importante é que a sociedade saiba ...<br />

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