Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL


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(7b) Ele trabalhava como @PRD escravo. (‘He worked as [a] slave’)<br />

- Ele é um escravo. (‘He is a slave’)<br />

In my system, I mark this distinction by using a special @PRD tag (“role predicator” or<br />

“predicative subordinator”) for cases like (7b). Though both AS’s will be tagged as<br />

functioning adverbially (@#AS-ADVL), the second contains a significant element of<br />

“predicativity”. The AS in (7b) is much like @PRED or @SC, since it predicates<br />

something of the subject. To take the analogy even further, consider (7c), where the AS<br />

is predicated of the object in much the same way as an @OC (object complement)<br />

would.<br />

(7c) A mai tratava a filha @

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