Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL


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demais [demais] DET M/F S/P @>N ‘other’<br />

brasileiros [brasileiro] N M P @P< 'Brazilians'<br />

(6b) historiadores [historiador] N M P @N ‘the’<br />

sertão [sertão] N M S @P< ‘wilderness’<br />

de [de] PRP @N< ‘of’<br />

o [o] DET M S @>N '-'<br />

Arkansas [Arkansas] PROP M/F S/P @P< ‘Arkansas'<br />

(6d) vende entre os roqueiros<br />

assim=como [assim=como] ADV @COM @#AS-N ‘-’<br />

jazz [jazz] N M S @AS< 'jazz'<br />

entre [entre] PRP @N< @N ‘the’<br />

jazzófilos [jazzófilo] N M P @P< 'jazzophiles’<br />

(6e) Segundo [segundo] ADV @COM @#AS-ADVL> ‘according to’<br />

sua [seu] DET F S @>N ‘his’<br />

estimativa [estimativa] N F S @AS< ‘estimate’<br />

$,<br />

In all of (6), the clause-internal function of the complementiser is that of comparator<br />

(@COM), embodying the juxtaposition of what is compared and what it is compared to<br />

in much the same way as a copula predicator (which is one of the arguments in favour<br />

of a clausal analysis). Like copula verbs, however, such juxtaposing complementisers<br />

can either predicate a “how” or a “what”. Compare (7a) an (7b), where the English<br />

translation, ‘like’ and ‘as’, respectively, shows the difference. For Portuguese, CG-rules<br />

can exploit article clues: como/like usually governs a non-definite NP, while como/as<br />

usually governs an NP without an article.<br />

(7a) Ele trabalhava como @COM um escravo. (‘He worked like a slave’)<br />

- Ele é como um escravo. (‘He is like a slave [“slavish”]’)<br />

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