Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL

Eckhard Bick - VISL


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Scope ambiguities, like the above type 3 example, are structural to such a<br />

degree that they are very hard to tag on any word, even when using semantic tags.<br />

Only global utterance context and full “knowledge of the world” allow to decide<br />

whether the negation should be applied to the number of bottles, três, or the type of<br />

beverage, vinho. Luckily, scope operators are often placed directly before the entity<br />

they operate on:<br />

(13a) Compre [ao menos @>A três] garrafas de vinho!<br />

(13a) Compre [ao menos @>N [três garrafas]] de vinho!<br />

Thus, in (13), ao=menos ('at least') can apply to either the numeral três, or the NP<br />

três garrafas, and in either instance attachment structure would optimally have to be<br />

tagged syntactically (@>A and @>N, respectively), mirroring semantic scope<br />

structure.<br />

In contrast to scope relations, the thematic role ambiguity of type 4 could<br />

easily be explicited by word-based tags, - in the postnominal case by adding "clause<br />

function" in the same way used for participle clauses, as in the following example of<br />

“true” ambiguity (14):<br />

(14a) o sacrifício da @N

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