PV-PRO™ 89 System - APComPower, Inc.

PV-PRO™ 89 System - APComPower, Inc.

PV-PRO™ 89 System - APComPower, Inc.


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Alstom helps keep you in control<br />

WIth Over 100 yeArS’ OF PulverIzer And<br />

POWer ServICe exPertISe And exPerIenCe |<br />

Alstom offers the logistics, experience, technology<br />

and innovation to help keep you in control. Our<br />

installed base includes over 400 GW of power<br />

generation capacity. We are the “pulverizer system<br />

experts”, with a deep understanding and a full<br />

range of offerings across many pulverizer types,<br />

including those from Alstom, B&W, riley and<br />

Combustion engineering. With capabilities like<br />

that, it is easy to see why, with Alstom behind you,<br />

you’re in control.<br />

Pv-PrO <strong>89</strong> SyStem – SuPerIOr<br />

PerFOrmAnCe IS juSt WeekS AWAy | As the<br />

world’s leading supplier of parts and services for<br />

coal pulverizing systems Alstom is well qualified to<br />

help you extend your operating hours and increase<br />

pulverizer performance. the Pv-PrO <strong>89</strong> <strong>System</strong><br />

is an integrated Performance, recovery and<br />

Optimization (PrO) system for your mPS®-type<br />

Pulverizers.<br />

Simply put,<br />

<strong>PV</strong>-Pro <strong>89</strong> SyStem<br />

iS deSigned to:<br />

1 | manage and reduce pulverizer wear to extend<br />

operation time between outages<br />

2 | Improve coal fineness to facilitate in-furnace<br />

emissions reduction<br />

3 | maximize pulverizer capacity to improve your<br />

operational flexibility with a wider range of coal types,<br />

without shutting down your pulverizer for adjustment.<br />

A World of ExpEriEncE<br />

with our AdVAnced comPutAtionAl fluid<br />

dynAmicS (cfd) modeling techniqueS we<br />

APProAch your PulVerizer AS An integrAted<br />

SyStem, generAting SynergiStic SyStem<br />

benefitS with eAch comPonent.

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