PV-PRO™ 89 System - APComPower, Inc.

PV-PRO™ 89 System - APComPower, Inc.

PV-PRO™ 89 System - APComPower, Inc.


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<strong>PV</strong>-PRO <strong>89</strong> <strong>System</strong><br />

A Fineness, Capacity & Operational Flexibility<br />

Solution for Coal Pulverizers<br />

Power<br />

With Alstom behind me...<br />

I’m in control!

Alstom helps keep you in control<br />

WIth Over 100 yeArS’ OF PulverIzer And<br />

POWer ServICe exPertISe And exPerIenCe |<br />

Alstom offers the logistics, experience, technology<br />

and innovation to help keep you in control. Our<br />

installed base includes over 400 GW of power<br />

generation capacity. We are the “pulverizer system<br />

experts”, with a deep understanding and a full<br />

range of offerings across many pulverizer types,<br />

including those from Alstom, B&W, riley and<br />

Combustion engineering. With capabilities like<br />

that, it is easy to see why, with Alstom behind you,<br />

you’re in control.<br />

Pv-PrO <strong>89</strong> SyStem – SuPerIOr<br />

PerFOrmAnCe IS juSt WeekS AWAy | As the<br />

world’s leading supplier of parts and services for<br />

coal pulverizing systems Alstom is well qualified to<br />

help you extend your operating hours and increase<br />

pulverizer performance. the Pv-PrO <strong>89</strong> <strong>System</strong><br />

is an integrated Performance, recovery and<br />

Optimization (PrO) system for your mPS®-type<br />

Pulverizers.<br />

Simply put,<br />

<strong>PV</strong>-Pro <strong>89</strong> SyStem<br />

iS deSigned to:<br />

1 | manage and reduce pulverizer wear to extend<br />

operation time between outages<br />

2 | Improve coal fineness to facilitate in-furnace<br />

emissions reduction<br />

3 | maximize pulverizer capacity to improve your<br />

operational flexibility with a wider range of coal types,<br />

without shutting down your pulverizer for adjustment.<br />

A World of ExpEriEncE<br />

with our AdVAnced comPutAtionAl fluid<br />

dynAmicS (cfd) modeling techniqueS we<br />

APProAch your PulVerizer AS An integrAted<br />

SyStem, generAting SynergiStic SyStem<br />

benefitS with eAch comPonent.

otating throat...<br />

BeneFItS<br />

improvEs EfficiEncy And ExtEnds pulvErizEr lifE<br />

the deSIGn OF AlStOm’S rOtAtInG<br />

thrOAt | features wing tips that are designed<br />

to lower pressure drop and reduce erosioncausing<br />

turbulence. A shallow angle directs air<br />

strategically into the grinding area, optimizing air<br />

flow for better coal transport and pyrite rejection.<br />

Proper wing spacing, which lowers the coal<br />

velocity within the pulverizer, along with chrome<br />

carbide liner plates, inhibit wear, resulting in<br />

extended pulverizer life.<br />

Alstom’s flexible design accommodates worn<br />

pulverizers with out-of-round housings and outof-center<br />

rotating assemblies. Because they are<br />

welded to the ring seat and pulverizer housing,<br />

not bolted, Alstom’s rotating throat assemblies<br />

are easy to install and maintain. And segments do<br />

not fall out of alignment.<br />

1 | lower coal rejects 3 | reduced pulverizer wear<br />

2 | less pressure drop 4 | improved coal transport<br />

And thiS meAnS:<br />

1 | Improved efficiency<br />

2 | e x tended operations<br />

3 | better control of coal<br />

fineness for better<br />


Low Profile Grinding Zone...<br />

AlStOm hAS PerFeCted the lOW<br />

PrOFIle GrIndInG zOne WIth A 20%<br />

lArGer GrIndInG AreA | this means<br />

coal recirculates less for more efficient<br />

operation and better “first run yield”<br />

classification. Unlike competitive standard<br />

designs that don’t reach peak performance<br />

until 50% of wear life, the Alstom grinding<br />

system is at peak performance the<br />

moment you start operating,<br />

with the same<br />

or better wear<br />

life.<br />

pEAk pErformAncE from dAy 1<br />

BeneFItS<br />

1 | Improved efficiency<br />

2 | reduced pulverizer erosion<br />

3 | extended time between outages<br />

20% lArger grinding AreA

engineered Adjustable Static classifier<br />

ExtErnAl clAssificAtion sEtting/consistEnt coAl finEnEss<br />

AlStOm’S PrOPrIetAry AdjuStABle<br />

StAtIC ClASSIFIer AllOWS OPerAtOrS<br />

tO AdjuSt the ClASSIFICAtIOn<br />

SettInG externAlly | Adjustments can<br />

be made while the pulverizer is operating<br />

to account for factors such as differing<br />

coal types and pulverizer wear. ease of<br />

adjustment allows consistent coal fineness<br />

over the life of the pulverizer. the inverted<br />

extended cone design eliminates moving<br />

parts for improved fineness. No flapper<br />

doors to come loose, jam or fall off. Alstom<br />

uses advanced CFd modeling techniques to<br />

create the most efficient and smooth flow<br />

of coal through the entire pulverizer.<br />

BeneFItS<br />

1 | easy adjustment<br />

2 | better performance<br />

3 | lower maintenance than any other design

50 mesh<br />

00 mesh<br />

00 mesh<br />

)<br />

% Thru Mesh<br />

85<br />

100<br />

90<br />

80<br />

70<br />

60<br />

utIlIzInG the externAl lInkAGe,<br />

COAl FIneneSS WAS AdjuSted<br />

tO delIver the OPtImum<br />

the<br />

COmBuStIOn<br />

results<br />

COndItIOnS WIth<br />

Speak for themselves<br />

the leASt AmOunt OF erOSIOn.<br />

the reSultS<br />

improved FineneSS Control<br />

Note:<br />

Classifier Setting Control Range: 3 - 7<br />

Classifier Sweep @ 78 tph<br />

PulverIzer OPerAtInG rAnGe.<br />

improved FineneSS Control<br />

Before<br />

Upgrade<br />

50 Mesh 100 Mesh 200 Mesh<br />

Fineness<br />

Control<br />

Range<br />

improvEd finEnEss And control<br />

In FIeld trIAlS, the Pv-PrO <strong>89</strong><br />

SyStem delIvered ImPrOved<br />

FIneneSS Over the entIre<br />

PulverIzer OPerAtInG rAnGe.<br />

utIlIzInG the externAl lInkAGe,<br />

COAl FIneneSS WAS AdjuSted<br />

tO delIver the OPtImum<br />

COmBuStIOn COndItIOnS WIth<br />

the leASt AmOunt OF erOSIOn.<br />

rEcovErEd cApAcity & poWEr sAvings<br />

5/29/09 2:02:40 PM<br />

results have<br />

shown significant<br />

improvements in mill<br />

operation that<br />

provide:<br />


RECOVERY &<br />


At same conditions,<br />

following<br />

Pv-PrO <strong>89</strong><br />

installation:<br />



and<br />



<strong>PV</strong>-Pro <strong>89</strong> <strong>System</strong> Pays for itself<br />

rOI CAlCulAtIOn<br />

COnSIderAtIOnS<br />

conSidering the benefitS of increASed<br />

cAPAcity And/or fineneSS, roi cAn be<br />

cAlculAted bASed uPon the following<br />

conSiderAtionS.<br />

InCreASed ASh SAleS | due to unburned<br />

carbon (lOI) reduction<br />

lOWer Fuel COSt & GreenhOuSe GAS<br />

reduCtIOn | due to heat rate (hr)<br />

improvement<br />

reduCed SOOt BlOWInG SteAm &<br />

WAter WAll WAShInG | due to furnace<br />

slagging reduction<br />

reduCed In-FurnACe emISSIOnS | due to<br />

improved ability to stage combustion<br />

reduCed WAter WAll WAStAGe<br />

(PreSSure PArt FAIlure) | due to improved<br />

combustion<br />

mOre mW tO Sell | due to mill power and<br />

fan power reduction<br />

reduCed O&m COSt/ ImPrOved<br />

AvAIlABIlIty | due to extended time Between<br />

Overhauls<br />

SuPerior oPerAtion JuSt weekS AwAy…<br />

And PAybAck cAn be JuSt 6 monthS AwAy<br />

in As littlE As 6 months<br />

BeneFItS<br />

A SyStemS ApproACh to<br />

<strong>PV</strong>-Pro <strong>89</strong> SyStem<br />

more eFFiCient,<br />

longer running<br />

pulverizerS<br />

1 | cfd modeling facilitates a “systems”<br />

approach to designing components that<br />

work in coordination for more efficient<br />

pulverizer operation<br />

2 | <strong>System</strong> performance and components<br />

proven in the field<br />

3 | <strong>PV</strong>-Pro <strong>89</strong> <strong>System</strong> features parts easily<br />

and typically replaced during pulverizer<br />

overhauls, helping to avoid unnecessary<br />

incremental costs<br />

4 | Short installation and lead times

PWer/BGene/PvPrOS10/eng/PSer1/05.10/uS/7175 © AlStOm 2009. AlStOm, the AlStOm logo and any alternative version thereof are trademarks and service marks of AlStOm. the other names mentioned, registered or not, are<br />

the property of their respective companies. the technical and other data contained in this document is provided for information only. AlStOm reserves the right to revise or change this data at any time without further notice. Pv-PrO<br />

<strong>89</strong> is a registered trademark of Alstom. ®mPS is a registered trademark of hitachi Power europe Gmbh.<br />

Alstom Power <strong>Inc</strong>.<br />

200 Great Pond drive<br />

Windsor, Ct 06095-0500<br />

tel: 860.285.2100<br />

Fax: 860.285.3101<br />


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