NPS Mission - National Park Service

NPS Mission - National Park Service

NPS Mission - National Park Service


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<strong>National</strong> <strong>Park</strong> <strong>Service</strong> FY 2013 Budget Justifications<br />

Budget Account Schedules<br />

Construction<br />

Construction Program and Financing (in millions of dollars)<br />

2011 2012 2013<br />

Identification code 14-1039-0-1-303<br />

Obligations by program activity:<br />

Direct program:<br />

actual estimate estimate<br />

00.01 Line item construction…………………………………….……………… 165 66 60<br />

00.02 Special programs...............………………….………………………… 29 26 21<br />

00.03 Construction planning and pre-design services…………….………… 12 9 8<br />

00.05 Construction program management and operations…………………… 47 40 37<br />

00.06 Management planning….………………………………………………… 16 15 15<br />

07.99 Direct program activities, subtotal………………………………………. 269 156 141<br />

08.01 Reimbursable program…………………………………………………… 129 129 129<br />

09.00 Total new obligations………………………………………………………<br />

Budgetary Resources:<br />

Unobligated balance:<br />

398 285 270<br />

10.00 Unobligated balance brought forward, Oct 1…………………………… 261 178 180<br />

10.21 Recoveries of prior year unpaid obligations……………….…….……… 5 5 …….<br />

24.40 Unobligated balance (total)…………………...………………………….. 266 183 180<br />

Budget authority:<br />

Appropriations, Discretionary:<br />

11.00 Appropriation………………………………………………..……………… 210 160 131<br />

11.31 Unobligated balance permanently reduced -25 -4 ……<br />

11.60 Appropriation, discretionary (total)…………………………………… 185 156 131<br />

Spending authority from offsetting collections:<br />

Discretionary<br />

17.00 Offsetting collections (cash)……………………………………………… 160 126 126<br />

17.01 Change in uncollected customer payments from Federal sources… -35 …… ……<br />

17.50 Spending authority from offsetting collections, total discretionary… 125 126 126<br />

19.00 Budget Authority (total)…………………………………………………… 310 282 257<br />

19.30 Total budgetary resources available...………………………………… 576 465 437<br />

Change in obligated balances:<br />

Obligated balance, start of year (net):<br />

30.00 Unpaid obligations, brought forward, Oct 1 (gross)……………………… 801 516 407<br />

30.10 Uncollected pymts, Fed sources, brought forward, Oct 1……………… -242 -187 -187<br />

30.20 Obligated balance, start of year (net)…………………………………… 559 329 220<br />

Changes in obligated balance during the year:<br />

30.30 Obligations incurred, unexpired accounts……………………………… 398 285 270<br />

30.31 Obligations incurred, expired accounts…………………………………… 1 …… ……<br />

30.40 Outlays (gross)……………………………………………………………. -678 -389 -405<br />

30.50 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, unexpired……………… 35 …… ……<br />

30.51 Change in uncollected pymts, Fed sources, expired……………….. 20 …… ……<br />


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