IN THE COURTS OF THE NATIONS - DataSpace - Princeton ...

IN THE COURTS OF THE NATIONS - DataSpace - Princeton ...

IN THE COURTS OF THE NATIONS - DataSpace - Princeton ...


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elationship among Jews, foreigners, and the Makhzan shifted according to the nature of the<br />

case. At times, Jews appealed to foreigners to intervene on their behalf. Often such appeals<br />

were made simultaneously with appeals to the Makhzan. In other instances, Jews only petitioned<br />

the Makhzan, especially for redress from injustices committed by foreigners. Jews, too, were<br />

often divided on whom to petition and for what purpose. Finally, the Makhzan’s own<br />

representation of the position of Jews in Moroccan society shifted in response to foreigners’<br />

intervention on Jews’ behalf. Makhzan officials increasingly adopted a language of equal<br />

treatment to describe the proper behavior towards Jews. The ties linking Jews, foreigners, and<br />

the Makhzan were fluid and changed according to the particular circumstances of the time.<br />


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