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important to note that Jews had earlier petitioned the Makhzan directly, in addition to appealing to foreign consuls and the AIU. 13 It is also pertinent that the Makhzan issued a warning to al- Jilālī despite the fact that Makhzan officials concluded that the Jews did not have enough evidence to support their claims of abuse. 14 In agreeing to address the Jews’ claims, it is not clear whether the Makhzan was responding to pressure instigated by Montefiore’s visit or whether the Jews’ direct appeals had more influence on the final resolution of the matter. 15 Similar patterns are found in the second major confrontation between Demnati Jews and their governor twenty years later. 16 The incidents in 1884 were something of a cause célèbre, and the Moroccan and European press reported on the purported abuses which al-Jilālī levied against Jews. 17 The Demnati Jews’ complaints resulted in a ẓahīr from Mawlāy Ḥasan (issued on September 14, 1884) ordering al-Jilālī to cease his abuses of the Jews. 18 Many accounts yehudei Maroko: ‘al pi te‘udot ḥadashot min ha-shanim 1845-1885 (Jerusalem: Makhon Yad Ben Zvi, 2008), 123- 9. 13 See DAR, Demnat, al-Ṭayyib al-Mayānī to Muḥammad Bargāsh, 24 Muḥarram 1281 and 30 Muḥarram 1281. In both these letters, al-Mayānī referred to Demnati Jews’ earlier appeals to the Makhzan about their governor. In the letter from 30 Muḥarram 1281, al-Mayānī instructed Bargāsh to inform the British ambassador and the other consuls about the measures being taken on behalf of Jews, indicating that the Demnati Jews had appealed to both foreign consuls and the Makhzan. On the Demnati Jews’ petitions to the AIU, see AIU, Maroc III C 10 E5, Jews of Demnat to AIU, 25 May 1864 and Maroc III C10, E25.05, Rabbi Mimon Ifran (representative of the Jewish Community of Demnat) to the Junta of Tangier, 25 May 1864. 14 See DAR, Demnat, al-Ṭayyib al-Mayānī to Muḥammad Bargāsh, 30 Muḥarram 1281 and Muḥammad Bargāsh to Mawlāy Muḥammad, 27 Rabī‘ I 1281. 15 The representatives of the Jews of Demnat signed a statement attesting the fact that their complaints had been addressed: DAR, Demnat, Muḥammad Bargāsh to Mawlāy Muḥammad, 27 Rabī‘ I 1281. 16 In fact, the Jews of Demnat petitioned the Makhzan twice more between 1864 and 1884, though the lack of documentation about these petitions suggests that they concerned more minor incidents. See DAR, Demnat, Mawlāy Muḥammad to Sīdī Ḥasan, 14 Ramaḍān 1282 (concerning a disagreement among the Muslim cobblers and the Jewish tanners of Demnat) and DAR, Demnat, Mawlāy Ḥasan to al-Jilālī al-Dimnātī, 30 Rabī‘ I 1296 (concerning the Jews’ complaint that they were afraid because there were no walls separating their quarter from that of the Muslims; Mawlāy Ḥasan instructed al-Jilālī to post guards in the Jewish quarter to assuage the Jews’ fears). 17 The 14 November 1884 article from The Jewish Chronicle cited above (and found in Fenton and Littman, L’exil au Maghreb, 327-9), in which the ẓahīr of 1281 was reprinted, was primarily about the events of 1884. See also “Horrible Persecution of Jews,” The Times of Morocco, 18 December 1884 and articles in Jewish Intelligence, March 1885, in ibid., 336-40. 18 DAR, Demnat, 15598, ẓahīr from Mawlāy Ḥasan, 23 Dhū al-Qa‘da 1301. See also DAR, Demnat, Mawlāy Ḥasan to al-Ḥajj al-Jilālī al-Dimnātī, 1 Sha‘bān 1302 (in which Mawlāy Ḥasan essentially repeated his earlier instructions). Mawlāy Ḥasan eventually relieved al-Jilālī of his authority over the Jews of Demnat, transferring this responsibility 338

attribute the Makhzan’s efforts to address the complaints of Demnat’s Jews to foreign intervention. Fenton and Littman, for instance, depict this incident as evidence of the Italian ambassador’s effective advocacy on behalf of Moroccan Jews. 19 Aḥmad Tawfīq is one of the few scholars to argue that European intervention was not the motivating factor in Mawlāy Ḥasan’s decision to grant the Jews of Demnat redress. 20 Yet whatever the motivations behind the sultan’s response, omitting any mention of the numerous appeals sent by Demnat’s Jews directly to the Makhzan leaves out a crucial part of the story. While there is little question that the Jews of Demnat appealed to foreign consuls and Jewish organizations, the Demnati Jews also appealed to the Makhzan about their complaints. 21 Significantly, the petitions to the Makhzan suggest that opinion was severely divided among the Jews of Demnat, both as to the nature of the complaints and how to address them. In a legal document sent to Mawlāy Ḥasan from August 7, 1884, a number of Demnati Jews complained not about their governor, but about fellow Jews who had sought the protection and intervention of foreigners. 22 That fall, the sultan sent a representative, al-Bāshīr al-Ḥabash, to Demnat to investigate claims made by Demnati Jews that their governor was mistreating them. 23 The Jews who had originally complained about al-Jilālī refused to cooperate with al-Ḥabash. However, some Jews who had remained in Demnat came before al-Ḥabash and al-Jilālī and testified that to Aḥmad b. al-‘Arabī al-Manabhī (see DAR, Demnat, Aḥmad b. Muḥammad al-Murabī to Muḥammad b. al-‘Arabī, 22 Shawwāl 1302). 19 Fenton and Littman, L’exil au Maghreb, 327-9. 20 Tawfīq, “Les Juifs de Demnate,” especially 156-8; idem, Īnūltān, 310-14. While Kenbib discusses Jews’ appeals to the Makhzan, he accords more importance to the Demnati Jews’ overtures to European consular officials (Kenbib, Juifs et musulmans, 235-40). See also Ben-Srhir, Britain and Morocco, 196-200. 21 On appeals to consular officials, see, e.g., DAR, Yahūd, 36130, Mathews to Mawlāy Ḥasan, 7 Dhū al-Ḥijja 1301. On appeals to the AJA, see the letter from the Jews of Demnat to the AJA published in The Jewish Chronicle on 6 February 1885, p. 11 (reprinted in Fenton and Littman, L’exil au Maghreb, 332-6). On appeals to the Makhzan, see Mawlāy Ḥasan’s account of Jews’ complaints to him in DAR, Demnat, Mawlāy Ḥasan to al-Ḥajj al-Jilālī al- Dimnātī, 1 Sha‘bān 1302. 22 DAR, Yahūd, 15597, 14 Shawwāl 1301. This petition is discussed at greater length in Chapter Six. 23 DAR, Demnat, Muḥammad b. Mūsā al-Ribāṭī to Mawlāy Ḥasan, 22 Dhū al-Ḥijja 1301. 339

important to note that Jews had earlier petitioned the Makhzan directly, in addition to appealing<br />

to foreign consuls and the AIU. 13 It is also pertinent that the Makhzan issued a warning to al-<br />

Jilālī despite the fact that Makhzan officials concluded that the Jews did not have enough<br />

evidence to support their claims of abuse. 14 In agreeing to address the Jews’ claims, it is not<br />

clear whether the Makhzan was responding to pressure instigated by Montefiore’s visit or<br />

whether the Jews’ direct appeals had more influence on the final resolution of the matter. 15<br />

Similar patterns are found in the second major confrontation between Demnati Jews and<br />

their governor twenty years later. 16 The incidents in 1884 were something of a cause célèbre,<br />

and the Moroccan and European press reported on the purported abuses which al-Jilālī levied<br />

against Jews. 17 The Demnati Jews’ complaints resulted in a ẓahīr from Mawlāy Ḥasan (issued<br />

on September 14, 1884) ordering al-Jilālī to cease his abuses of the Jews. 18 Many accounts<br />

yehudei Maroko: ‘al pi te‘udot ḥadashot min ha-shanim 1845-1885 (Jerusalem: Makhon Yad Ben Zvi, 2008), 123-<br />

9.<br />

13<br />

See DAR, Demnat, al-Ṭayyib al-Mayānī to Muḥammad Bargāsh, 24 Muḥarram 1281 and 30 Muḥarram 1281. In<br />

both these letters, al-Mayānī referred to Demnati Jews’ earlier appeals to the Makhzan about their governor. In the<br />

letter from 30 Muḥarram 1281, al-Mayānī instructed Bargāsh to inform the British ambassador and the other consuls<br />

about the measures being taken on behalf of Jews, indicating that the Demnati Jews had appealed to both foreign<br />

consuls and the Makhzan. On the Demnati Jews’ petitions to the AIU, see AIU, Maroc III C 10 E5, Jews of Demnat<br />

to AIU, 25 May 1864 and Maroc III C10, E25.05, Rabbi Mimon Ifran (representative of the Jewish Community of<br />

Demnat) to the Junta of Tangier, 25 May 1864.<br />

14<br />

See DAR, Demnat, al-Ṭayyib al-Mayānī to Muḥammad Bargāsh, 30 Muḥarram 1281 and Muḥammad Bargāsh to<br />

Mawlāy Muḥammad, 27 Rabī‘ I 1281.<br />

15<br />

The representatives of the Jews of Demnat signed a statement attesting the fact that their complaints had been<br />

addressed: DAR, Demnat, Muḥammad Bargāsh to Mawlāy Muḥammad, 27 Rabī‘ I 1281.<br />

16<br />

In fact, the Jews of Demnat petitioned the Makhzan twice more between 1864 and 1884, though the lack of<br />

documentation about these petitions suggests that they concerned more minor incidents. See DAR, Demnat,<br />

Mawlāy Muḥammad to Sīdī Ḥasan, 14 Ramaḍān 1282 (concerning a disagreement among the Muslim cobblers and<br />

the Jewish tanners of Demnat) and DAR, Demnat, Mawlāy Ḥasan to al-Jilālī al-Dimnātī, 30 Rabī‘ I 1296<br />

(concerning the Jews’ complaint that they were afraid because there were no walls separating their quarter from that<br />

of the Muslims; Mawlāy Ḥasan instructed al-Jilālī to post guards in the Jewish quarter to assuage the Jews’ fears).<br />

17<br />

The 14 November 1884 article from The Jewish Chronicle cited above (and found in Fenton and Littman, L’exil<br />

au Maghreb, 327-9), in which the ẓahīr of 1281 was reprinted, was primarily about the events of 1884. See also<br />

“Horrible Persecution of Jews,” The Times of Morocco, 18 December 1884 and articles in Jewish Intelligence,<br />

March 1885, in ibid., 336-40.<br />

18<br />

DAR, Demnat, 15598, ẓahīr from Mawlāy Ḥasan, 23 Dhū al-Qa‘da 1301. See also DAR, Demnat, Mawlāy Ḥasan<br />

to al-Ḥajj al-Jilālī al-Dimnātī, 1 Sha‘bān 1302 (in which Mawlāy Ḥasan essentially repeated his earlier instructions).<br />

Mawlāy Ḥasan eventually relieved al-Jilālī of his authority over the Jews of Demnat, transferring this responsibility<br />


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