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qāḍī” attesting a debt owed to Migran by the qā’id El Ham Ben Ham El Harari El Faryani for<br />

“406 Napoleons of sugar, tea, etc., dated 27 Dhū al-Qa‘da 1283 (2 March 1867).” 84 The entry<br />

included three more bills of debt owed by Faryani to Migran, two legalized by ‘udūl and one<br />

signed only by Faryani himself. 85 Judah returned with more claims on Migran’s behalf on<br />

November 2, 7, 9, 14, and 16. 86 There were twenty-nine such sessions in all, the last one held on<br />

January 18, 1872. 87 The commission examined a total of 149 documents presented by twenty-<br />

three foreign subjects and protégés—eleven of whom were Jewish—from all six participating<br />

states (in addition to Migran the Swedish protégé).<br />

Alongside the work of the commission, Makhzan officials convened a “Moroccan<br />

Tribunal” (Tribunal Marroquí) to rule on the claims presented by foreign subjects and protégés.<br />

The qāḍī of Azzemour, Aḥmad b. al-Ṭālib b. Sūda, 88 presided over the tribunal. The other legal<br />

authorities present were the muftīs ‘Abdallāh al-Bagrāwī 89 and ‘Abd al-Salām b. Hamū (or<br />

Ḥasūn, or Ḥasam) al-Wazzānī, 90 the qāḍī of Rabat Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm, 91 and two unnamed<br />

84 AGA, Caja M 9, Exp. no. 1 (81/9), Diario de los Sesiones de la Comisión Mixta Internacional, libro primero, p.<br />

20. Note that the Hijrī date actually corresponds to 2 April 1867; it is likely that the Hijrī date was correct and that<br />

someone made an error in converting it to the Gregorian calendar.<br />

85 These were from 5 Rabī‘ II 1284 (6 August 1867), and two from 17 Dhū al-Qa‘da 1283 (23 March 1867, though<br />

mistakenly recorded as 22 April 1867) (p. 21-2).<br />

86<br />

AGA, Caja M 9, Exp. no. 1 (81/9), Diario de los Sesiones de la Comisión Mixta Internacional, libro primero, p.<br />

23-7, 30-8, 43-5, 47-50.<br />

87<br />

AGA, Caja M 9, Exp. no. 1 (81/9), Diario de los Sesiones de la Comisión Mixta Internacional, libro segundo, p.<br />

102.<br />

88 Aḥmad b. al-Ṭālib b. Muḥammad Fatḥan b. Sūda (b. 29 Rajab 1241/ 9 March 1826, d. 10 Rajab 1321/ 2 October<br />

1903) was from a learned family in Fez. He served first as qāḍī in Azzemour in 1285/ 1868-9, then in 1292/ 1875-6<br />

he was appointed as qāḍī of Tangier. Finally, in 1294/ 1877-8, when his brother Abū ‘Īsā Muḥammad al-Mahdī<br />

died, he became the qāḍī of Meknes and participated in the royal majlis. See especially Muḥammad al-Ḥafīẓ b.<br />

Muḥammad al-Ṭāhir al-Fāsī, Mu‘jam al-shuyūkh al-musammā riyāḍ al-janna (Beirut: Dār al-kutub al-‘ilmīya,<br />

2003), 80-2 and al-Marrākushī, al-I‘lām bi-man ḥalla Marrākush, v. 2, 455-7. See also Muḥammad b. al-Ḥasan al-<br />

Ḥajawī, Al-Fikr al-Sāmī fī tārīkh al-fiqh al-islāmī, 4 vols. (Beirut: Dār al-kutub al-‘ilmīya, 1995), v. 4, 369-70:<br />

Berque, L’intérieur du Maghreb, 478, 492.<br />

89 Abū Sālim ‘Abdallāh b. Idrīs b. ‘Abdallāh al-Bagrāwī (d. 29 Dhū al-Ḥijja 1316/ 10 May 1899) was from an<br />

important Fāsī family and was known as one of the great scholars of his day. He lived and taught in Fez his whole<br />

life. See al-Fāsī, Mu‘jam al-shuyūkh, 220-2. See also Berque, L’intérieur du Maghreb, 492.<br />

90 See the brief mention of him as participating in the Mixed Tribunal in al-Fāsī, Mu‘jam al-shuyūkh, 81, 221.<br />

91 See the brief mention of him as participating in the Mixed Tribunal in ibid.<br />


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