1 - Histomesoamericana

1 - Histomesoamericana

1 - Histomesoamericana


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These are the years in order.<br />

After that the count ends on<br />

13 Cauac and starts again<br />

with 1 Kan as listed. One section<br />

of the katuns has been<br />

given with its four divisions. It<br />

is a true count. (5154)<br />

18002 uacil Kan<br />

18003 uucil Muluc<br />

18004 uaxacil Hix<br />

18005 bolon Cauac<br />

18006 lahun Kan<br />

18007 bulucil Muluc<br />

18008 lah cabil Hix<br />

18009 ox lahun Cauac<br />

Lai u xocan u bukubil<br />

Habob t in u alah e<br />

Hun hun ppel nab u cuch<br />

Lai tzolantac ob la e<br />

Latu pak<br />

U tz'ocol u xoc<br />

Lai<br />

Ox lahun Cauac la e<br />

Ca tun hoppoc u xocic<br />

Hunil Kan t u ca ten<br />

Lai lie u sut e<br />

Bai tz'aanil canal lo<br />

Hun tz'it katun u y alabal<br />

T u cam pelil<br />

Lei<br />

Hah la e.<br />

1802 6 Kan<br />

1803 7 Muluc<br />

1804 8Ix<br />

1805 9 Cauac<br />

5135 1806 10 Kan<br />

1807 11 Muluc<br />

1808 12 Ix<br />

1809 13 Cauac<br />

This has enumerated the year periods.<br />

5140 The solar years I have recited.<br />

Each year is borne.<br />

This sets them in order.<br />

When these are used up<br />

The count ends.<br />

5145 That is<br />

13 Cauac then.<br />

So then one must begin to count<br />

1 Kan a second time.<br />

That is how it returns,<br />

5150 As has been given above.<br />

One part of the katuns is reported<br />

In their four divisions.<br />

This then<br />

Is true.

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