1 - Histomesoamericana

1 - Histomesoamericana

1 - Histomesoamericana


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TWO AHAU 175<br />

Ma ix macma lub on i<br />

T u kin ix tz'ib ol nicteil<br />

Ca bin u lue ob<br />

(Tzol ox) Ahau ual e*<br />

U tan ca mol boxtic<br />

U katunil buluc Ahau*<br />

Lei culic Ah cabil Ahau<br />

C u cutal ti hunil Caua la e.*<br />

1776 hunil Cauac<br />

1777 cabil Kan<br />

l778oxilMuluc<br />

1779 canil Hiix<br />

1780 hoil Cauac<br />

1781 uacil Kan<br />

1782 uucil Muluc<br />

1783 uaxac Hix<br />

1784 bolon Cauac<br />

1785 lahun Kan<br />

1786 buluc Muluc<br />

1787 lah cabil Muluc*<br />

1788 ox lahun Cauac<br />

1789 hun Kan<br />

1790 cabil Muluc<br />

1791 oxil Hiix<br />

1792 canil Cauac<br />

1793 hoil Kan<br />

1794 uacil Muluc<br />

1795 uucil Hix<br />

Utz'oc<br />

Tz'oc u cuch Ah cabil Ahau<br />

C u cutal<br />

U hitz'il katun<br />

Cam ppel hab<br />

Ix ma kaba<br />

Ca culac<br />

Ox lahun Ahau.<br />

1796 uaxac Cauac<br />

1797 bolon Kan<br />

1798 lahun Muluc<br />

1799 buluc Hix<br />

But no one of us will rest,<br />

And on the day of painted flowers,<br />

4935 Then will be their lamentation<br />

Of the count of 3 Ahau again.<br />

We shall have half filled the cask<br />

Of the katun cycle of 11 Ahau.<br />

There is seated 2 Ahau:<br />

4940 He is seated on first Cauac.<br />

1776 1 Cauac<br />

1777 2 Kan<br />

1778 3 Muluc<br />

1779 4Ix<br />

4945 1780 5 Cauac<br />

1781 6 Kan<br />

1782 7 Muluc<br />

1783 8Ix<br />

1784 9 Cauac<br />

4950 1785 10 Kan<br />

1786 11 Muluc<br />

1787 12 Ix<br />

1788 13 Cauac<br />

1789 1 Kan<br />

4955 1790 2 Muluc<br />

1791 3 Ix<br />

1792 4 Cauac<br />

1793 5 Kan<br />

1794 6 Muluc<br />

4960 1795 7 Ix<br />

It ends,<br />

And ends the burden of 2 Ahau,<br />

Seating<br />

The ending of the katun.<br />

4965 The four years<br />

Without names,<br />

Then is to be seated<br />

13 Ahau.<br />

1796 8 Cauac<br />

4970 1797 9 Kan<br />

1798 10 Muluc<br />

1799 11 Ix<br />

4936. Text blurred; Roys reads Cabil where I get Tzol ox.<br />

4938. Meaning 2 Ahau is the twelfth katun counting from 11 Ahau, hence<br />

marking the halfway point in the new cycle of twenty-four katuns.<br />

4940. Another syncretism is suggested here: that of holding the katun ceremonies<br />

on the first day of the year, since the next day is the day name of the<br />

katun. See also note 1554, emphasizing that the "dawn" of a ceremony goes back<br />

to the sixteenth century.<br />

4952. The manuscript has Muluc for Ix.

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