1 - Histomesoamericana

1 - Histomesoamericana

1 - Histomesoamericana


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1 a*<br />

THREE AHAU 117<br />

16. can Cib<br />

17. ho Caban<br />

18. uac Etz'nab<br />

19. uuc Cauac<br />

20. uaxac Ahau<br />

21. bolon Imix<br />

22. lahun Ik<br />

23. buluc Akbal<br />

24. lahca Kan<br />

25. oxlahun Chicchan<br />

26. hun Cimi<br />

27. ca Manik<br />

28. ox Lamat<br />

10 Kan (1629)<br />

En 6 de Juño<br />

1629 años ti ban i<br />

Sak y okol nalob<br />

Muk tun y an nal<br />

C uch i<br />

T u hach man<br />

Kinal<br />

Corpus*<br />

Sat i<br />

Col<br />

T u hanal ob<br />

T u y ukul<br />

Cantal<br />

Ti chikin<br />

Tal Cupul*<br />

Tal Ppol e*<br />

Man i<br />

U hanal sak nak pucil*<br />

lob*<br />

*<br />

lob<br />

lob<br />

lob*<br />

lob*<br />

lob<br />

*<br />

*<br />

lob<br />

lob<br />

lob<br />

lob*<br />

3095 16.4 Cib<br />

17. 5 Caban<br />

18. 6 Etz'nab<br />

19. 7 Cauac<br />

20. 8 Ahau<br />

3100 21. 9 Imix<br />

22.10 Ik<br />

23. 11 Akbal<br />

24. 12 Kan<br />

25. 13 Chicchan<br />

3105 26.1 Cimi<br />

27.2 Manik<br />

28. 3 Lamat<br />

bad<br />

bad<br />

bad<br />

bad<br />

bad<br />

bad<br />

bad<br />

bad<br />

bad<br />

bad<br />

10 Kan (1629)<br />

On the sixth of June<br />

3110 Of the year 1629 there fell<br />

Locusts on the corn-ears<br />

And the ears rotted,<br />

Which happened<br />

On the very passing<br />

3115 Of the time<br />

Of Corpus,<br />

And destroyed<br />

The fields.<br />

They ate<br />

3120 And drank,<br />

Starting to come<br />

From the west,<br />

Coming to Cupul,<br />

Coming to P'ol,<br />

3125 And passed<br />

The devouring locusts near the<br />

Hills.<br />

3095. Ti ppix ich i 'which is a vigil'.<br />

3096. U lubul u koch ah manob 'the posting of the tax of the buyers'.<br />

3099. Unup tun cisin 'the opposing tun of the devil'. Obscure. The date is 8<br />

Ahau, wh^ch may have something to do with it.<br />

3100. U cutal Ceeh 'the seating of Ceh'.<br />

3102. U koch ah kulelob 'the tax of the officials'.<br />

3103. U koch ah uil uinicob 'the tax of the poor people'. The manuscript adds:<br />

x S. Mateo Ap. 'St. Matthew the Apostle'. The date is Gregorian.<br />

3107. A dummy line has been counted at line 3108 so as not to disrupt the<br />

numbering of the following couplet.<br />

3116.4 Chuen 7 Pop, June 6,1629, Corpus Christi. The date is Julian.<br />

3123. Cu Pul 'seat of guayaba', probably Cupul. The province of Cupul was<br />

centered around Valladolid (Roys 1957: map).<br />

3124. P'ol 'headjland)', a town on the east coast near Cozumel.<br />

3126. Pucil 'the hills': the only hills in Yucatan, the Puuc. The sense is that the<br />

locusts spread clear across the peninsula from west to east.

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