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Lighting Sources / Sources lumineuses / Lichtquellen / Fuentes <strong>de</strong> luz<br />

Incan<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>cent / incan<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>centes / GlühIampen / incan<strong><strong>de</strong>s</strong>centes (IN)<br />

E27<br />

E14<br />

E14<br />

Fluorescent / fluorescentes / Leuchtstofflampen / fluorescentes (FL)<br />

G23<br />

G24d-1 - G24d-2 - G24d-3 - G24q-2 - G24q-3 - GX24q-3 - GX24q-4<br />

2G10<br />

G5 - G13 - W4,3<br />

E14 - E27<br />

E27<br />

2G11<br />

2GX13 - G10q<br />

GX53<br />

E27<br />

Halogen / halogènes / Halogenlampen / halógena (HA)<br />

E14<br />

E14<br />

ES<br />

E14<br />

ES<br />

E27<br />

ES<br />

E27<br />

ES<br />

B15d<br />

ES<br />

G9<br />

ES<br />

G53 AR111<br />

R7s/80<br />

ES<br />

R7s/115<br />

ES<br />

GY6.35 - GU4 ES<br />

GU5.3 - GX5.3 ES<br />

GU10 - GZ10 ES<br />

E27 PAR20 - PAR30<br />

Metal hali<strong>de</strong> / iodures metalliques / Metalldampflampen / yoduro metálico (MH)<br />

E27<br />

RX7s - RX7s-24<br />

G12<br />

GX8.5<br />

G8.5<br />

GX10<br />

PGj5<br />

LED<br />

ES<br />

s<br />

Table lamps / Lampes <strong>de</strong> tables / Tischleuchten / Lámparas <strong>de</strong> sobremesa<br />

Floor lamps / Lampadaires / Stehleuchten / Lámparas <strong>de</strong> suelo<br />

Wall lamps / Appliques / Wandleuchten / Lámparas <strong>de</strong> pared<br />

Semi-recessed lamps / Lampes à semi encastrer / Halbeinbauleuchten / Làmparas semi empotrables<br />

Recessed lamps / Lampes à encastrer / Einbauleuchten / Làmparas empotrables<br />

Wall washer lamps<br />

Ceiling lamps / Plafonniers / Deckenleuchten / Plafónes<br />

Hanging lamps / Suspensions / Hängeleuchten / Lámparas <strong>de</strong> techo<br />

Italian Institut of Quality Mark / Institut Italien <strong>de</strong> la Marque <strong>de</strong> Qualité /<br />

Italienisches Institut für Qualitätsmarksicherung / Instituto Italiano <strong>de</strong> la Marca <strong>de</strong> Calidad<br />

European Community Mark / Certificat <strong>de</strong> Conformité Européenne /<br />

Zertification Europäische Gemeinschaft / Certificado Comunidad Europea<br />

Suitable for installation on inflammable surfaces / Appareil utilisable sur les surfaces inflammables /<br />

Gerät zum unmittelbaren Einbau in normal entflammbaren Flächen geeignet /<br />

Aparato indicado para el montaje directo sobre superficies inflamables<br />

Un<strong>de</strong>rwriters Laboratories Inc. / Marque <strong>de</strong> certification américaine /<br />

Zertification nach <strong>de</strong>r amerikanischen Norm / Certificado <strong>de</strong> conformidad americano<br />

Certification of European Conformity / Certificat <strong>de</strong> conformité à la norme Européenne /<br />

Zertification nach <strong>de</strong>r europäischen Norm / Certificado <strong>de</strong> Conformidad Europeo<br />

China Compulsory Certification / Marque <strong>de</strong> certification chinoise /<br />

Zertifcation nach <strong>de</strong>r chinesischen Norm / Certificado <strong>de</strong> conformidad chino<br />

Danish certification mark / Marque <strong>de</strong> certification danoise /<br />

Zertifikation nach <strong>de</strong>r dänischen Norm / Certificado <strong>de</strong> conformidad danés<br />

Degree of protection / Indice <strong>de</strong> protection / Schutzart / Grado <strong>de</strong> protección<br />

Class II / Classe II / Schutzklasse II / Clase II<br />

Class III / Classe III / Schutzklasse III / Clase III<br />

Shortest distance of the lamp to the illuminated object / Distance la plus coutre entre la lampe et l’objet<br />

illumine / Kurzester Abstand <strong>de</strong>r Lampe zum feuergefahrlichen Material / Distancia minima entre la lámpara<br />

y los objetos iluminados<br />

Shock resistant up to 5 kg / résistant aux chocs jusqu’à 5 Kg / Bis 5 Kilo Stoßfest /<br />

resistente a impactos hasta 5 Kg<br />

New Halogen Energy Saver

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