TypeBook | All Fonts | 02/16/11

TypeBook | All Fonts | 02/16/11

TypeBook | All Fonts | 02/16/11


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CrusaderGothic Italic<br />

ID: 1397, TrueType, Plain<br />



XYZabcdefghijklmnop<br />

qrstuvwxyz12345678<br />

90()$?#@!&“”‘’*+=%<br />

«»{}[]†ƒ÷¢£§•ß<br />

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy log. The sma<br />

rt red fox hops over the snake pit. The cool green fox t<br />

akes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy l<br />

og. The cool green fox takes a cab. The quick brown f<br />

ox jumps over the lazy log. The smart red fox hops ov<br />

er the snake pit. The cool green fox takes a cab. The q<br />

uick brown fox jumps over the lazy log. The cool gree<br />

n fox takes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps over the<br />

lazy log. The smart red fox hops over the snake pit. T<br />

he cool green fox takes a cab. The quick brown fox jum<br />

CrusaderGothic Italic<br />

CrusaderGothicCondensed<br />

ID: 1396, TrueType, Plain<br />


QRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk<br />

lmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890(<br />

)$?#@!&“”‘’*+=%«»{}[]<br />

†ƒ÷¢£§•ß®©´Ø±<br />

¥æàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûü¿fifl<br />

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy log. The smart red fox hops over th<br />

e snake pit. The cool green fox takes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps over t<br />

he lazy log. The cool green fox takes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps over t<br />

he lazy log. The smart red fox hops over the snake pit. The cool green fox ta<br />

kes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy log. The cool green fox t<br />

akes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy log. The smart red fox h<br />

ops over the snake pit. The cool green fox takes a cab. The quick brown fox j<br />

umps over the lazy log. The cool green fox takes a cab. The quick brown fox j<br />

umps over the lazy log. The smart red fox hops over the snake pit. The cool g<br />

reen fox takes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy log. The cool g<br />

CrusaderGothicCondensed<br />

CrusaderGothicCondensed Italic<br />

ID: 1395, TrueType, Plain<br />


QRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijk<br />

lmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890(<br />

)$?#@!&“”‘’*+=%«»{}[<br />

]†ƒ÷¢£§•ß®©´Ø±<br />

¥æàâäãåçéèêëíìîïñóòôöõúùûü¿fifl<br />

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy log. The smart red fox hops over th<br />

e snake pit. The cool green fox takes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps over<br />

the lazy log. The cool green fox takes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps over<br />

the lazy log. The smart red fox hops over the snake pit. The cool green fox ta<br />

kes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy log. The cool green fox t<br />

akes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy log. The smart red fox h<br />

ops over the snake pit. The cool green fox takes a cab. The quick brown fox j<br />

umps over the lazy log. The cool green fox takes a cab. The quick brown fox<br />

jumps over the lazy log. The smart red fox hops over the snake pit. The cool<br />

green fox takes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy log. The coo<br />

CrusaderGothicCondensed Italic<br />

CrusaderGothicExtended Italic<br />

ID: 1393, TrueType, Plain<br />




Zabcdefghijklmn<br />

opqrstuvwxyz123<br />

4567890()$?#@<br />

The quick brown fox jumps over the la<br />

zy log. The smart red fox hops over the<br />

snake pit. The cool green fox takes a c<br />

ab. The quick brown fox jumps over th<br />

e lazy log. The cool green fox takes a c<br />

ab. The quick brown fox jumps over th<br />

e lazy log. The smart red fox hops ove<br />

r the snake pit. The cool green fox tak<br />

es a cab. The quick brown fox jumps o<br />

ver the lazy log. The cool green fox tak<br />

CrusaderGothicExtended Italic<br />

Cry Uncial<br />

ID:-<strong>11</strong>840, TrueType, Plain<br />

Cry Uncial<br />

Dael Calligraphy<br />

ID:-8384, TrueType, Plain<br />

Dael Calligraphy<br />

Ann Elizabeth Calligraphy 15Feb<strong>11</strong> 18<br />

C<br />



bcdefghijklmno<br />

pqrstuvwxyz1234<br />

567890()$?#@!&“”‘<br />

’*+=%«»{}[]†ƒ÷¢£<br />

The quick brown fox jumps over th<br />

e lazy log. The smart red fox hops o<br />

ver the snake pit. The cool green f<br />

ox takes a cab. The quick brown fox<br />

jumps over the lazy log. The cool g<br />

reen fox takes a cab. The quick brow<br />

n fox jumps over the lazy log. The s<br />

mart red fox hops over the snake p<br />

it. The cool green fox takes a cab. T<br />

he quick brown fox jumps over the l<br />



bcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx<br />

yz1234567890()$?#@<br />

!&“”‘’*+=%«»{}<br />

[]†ƒ÷¢£§•ß®©<br />

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy log. The s<br />

mart red fox hops over the snake pit. The cool gree<br />

n fox takes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps ove<br />

r the lazy log. The cool green fox takes a cab. The<br />

quick brown fox jumps over the lazy log. The smart<br />

red fox hops over the snake pit. The cool green fox t<br />

akes a cab. The quick brown fox jumps over the la<br />

zy log. The cool green fox takes a cab. The quick b<br />

rown fox jumps over the lazy log. The smart red fox<br />

hops over the snake pit. The cool green fox takes a

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