
The.Algorithm.Design.Manual.Springer-Verlag.1998 The.Algorithm.Design.Manual.Springer-Verlag.1998


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References<br />

Rei72<br />

Rei91<br />

Rei94<br />

E. Reingold. On the optimality of some set algorithms. J. ACM, 19:649-659, 1972.<br />

G. Reinelt. TSPLIB - a traveling salesman problem library. ORSA J. Computing, 3:376-384, 1991.<br />

G. Reinelt. <strong>The</strong> traveling salesman problem: Computational solutions for TSP applications. In<br />

Lecture Notes in Computer Science 840, pages 172-186. <strong>Springer</strong>-Verlag, Berlin, 1994.<br />

Ren84<br />

R. J. Renka. Triangulation and interpolation at arbitrarily distributed points in the plane. ACM<br />

Trans. Math. Softw., 10(4):440-442, December 1984.<br />

RHS89<br />

A. Robison, B. Hafner, and S. Skiena. Eight pieces cannot cover a chessboard. Computer Journal,<br />

32:567-570, 1989.<br />

Riv77<br />

Riv92<br />

R. Rivest. On the worst-case behavior of string-searching algorithms. SIAM J. Computing, 6:669-<br />

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R. Rivest. <strong>The</strong> MD5 message digest algorithm. RFC 1321, 1992.<br />

RND77<br />

E. Reingold, J. Nievergelt, and N. Deo. Combinatorial algorithms: theory and practice. Prentice-<br />

Hall, Englewood Cliffs NJ, 1977.<br />

RS96<br />

H. Rau and S. Skiena. Dialing for documents: an experiment in information theory. Journal of<br />

Visual Languages and Computing, pages 79-95, 1996.<br />

RSA78<br />

R. Rivest, A. Shamir, and L. Adleman. A method for obtaining digital signatures and public-key<br />

cryptosystems. Communications of the ACM, 21:120-126, 1978.<br />

RSL77<br />

D. Rosenkrantz, R. Stearns, and P. M. Lewis. An analysis of several heuristics for the traveling<br />

salesman problem. SIAM J. Computing, 6:563-581, 1977.<br />

RSST96<br />

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