
The.Algorithm.Design.Manual.Springer-Verlag.1998 The.Algorithm.Design.Manual.Springer-Verlag.1998


Finite State Machine Minimization ● Constructing machines from regular expressions - There are two approaches to converting a regular expression to an equivalent finite automaton, the difference being whether the output automaton is to be a nondeterministic or deterministic machine. The former is easier to construct but less efficient to simulate. The nondeterministic construction uses -moves, which are optional transitions that require no input to fire. On reaching a state with an -move, we must assume that the machine can be in either state. Using such -moves, it is straightforward to construct an automaton from a depth-first traversal of the parse tree of the regular expression. This machine will have O(m) states, if m is the length of the regular expression. Further, simulating this machine on a string of length n takes O(m n) time, since we need consider each state/prefix pair only once. The deterministic construction starts with the parse tree for the regular expression, observing that each leaf represents one of the alphabet symbols in the pattern. After recognizing a prefix of the text, we can be left in some subset of these possible positions, which would correspond to a state in the finite automaton. The derivatives method builds up this automaton state by state as it is needed. Even so, some regular expressions of length m require states in any DFA implementing them, such as . There is no way to avoid this exponential blowup in the space required. Note, however, that it takes linear time to simulate an input string on any automaton, regardless of the size of the automaton. Implementations: FIRE Engine is a finite automaton toolkit, written in C++ by Bruce Watson. It provides production-quality implementations of finite automata and regular expression algorithms. Several finite automaton minimization algorithms have been implemented, including Hopcroft's algorithm. Both deterministic and nondeterministic automata are supported. FIRE Engine has been used for compiler construction, hardware modeling, and computational biology applications. It is strictly a computing engine and does not provide a graphical user interface. FIRE Engine is available by anonymous ftp from in the directory /pub/techreports/pi/ A greatly improved commercial version is available from Grail is a C++ package for symbolic computation with finite automata and regular expressions, from Darrell Raymond and Derrick Wood. Grail enables one to convert between different machine representations and to minimize automata. It can handle machines with 100,000 states and dictionaries of 20,000 words. All code and documentation are accessible from the WWW site, as well as pointers to a variety of other automaton packages. Commercial use of Grail is not allowed without approval, although it is freely available to students and educators. An implementation in C of a regular-expression matching algorithm appears in [BR95]. The source code for this program is printed in the text and is available on disk for a modest fee. A bare bones implementation in C of a regular-expression pattern matching algorithm appears in [GBY91]. See file:///E|/BOOK/BOOK5/NODE207.HTM (3 of 4) [19/1/2003 1:32:15]

Finite State Machine Minimization Section . XTango (see Section ) includes a simulation of a DFA. Many of the other animations (but not this one) are interesting and quite informative to watch. FLAP (Formal Languages and Automata Package) is a tool by Susan Rodger for drawing and simulating finite automata, pushdown automata, and Turing machines. Using FLAP, one can draw a graphical representation (transition diagram) of an automaton, edit it, and simulate the automaton on some input. FLAP was developed in C++ for X-Windows. See rodger/tools/tools.html. Notes: Aho [Aho90] provides a good survey on algorithms for pattern matching, and a particularly clear exposition for the case where the patterns are regular expressions. The technique for regular expression pattern matching with -moves is due to Thompson [Tho68]. Other expositions on finite automaton pattern matching include [AHU74]. Hopcroft [Hop71] gave an optimal algorithm for minimizing the number of states in DFAs. The derivatives method of constructing a finite state machine from a regular expression is due to Brzozowski [Brz64] and has been expanded upon in [BS86]. Expositions on the derivatives method includes Conway []. Testing the equivalence of two nondeterministic finite state machines is PSPACE-complete [SM73]. Related Problems: Satisfiability (see page ). string matching (see page ). Next: Longest Common Substring Up: Set and String Problems Previous: Cryptography Algorithms Mon Jun 2 23:33:50 EDT 1997 file:///E|/BOOK/BOOK5/NODE207.HTM (4 of 4) [19/1/2003 1:32:15]

Finite State Machine Minimization<br />

● Constructing machines from regular expressions - <strong>The</strong>re are two approaches to converting a<br />

regular expression to an equivalent finite automaton, the difference being whether the output<br />

automaton is to be a nondeterministic or deterministic machine. <strong>The</strong> former is easier to construct<br />

but less efficient to simulate.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nondeterministic construction uses -moves, which are optional transitions that require no<br />

input to fire. On reaching a state with an -move, we must assume that the machine can be in<br />

either state. Using such -moves, it is straightforward to construct an automaton from a depth-first<br />

traversal of the parse tree of the regular expression. This machine will have O(m) states, if m is<br />

the length of the regular expression. Further, simulating this machine on a string of length n takes<br />

O(m n) time, since we need consider each state/prefix pair only once.<br />

<strong>The</strong> deterministic construction starts with the parse tree for the regular expression, observing that<br />

each leaf represents one of the alphabet symbols in the pattern. After recognizing a prefix of the<br />

text, we can be left in some subset of these possible positions, which would correspond to a state<br />

in the finite automaton. <strong>The</strong> derivatives method builds up this automaton state by state as it is<br />

needed. Even so, some regular expressions of length m require states in any DFA<br />

implementing them, such as . <strong>The</strong>re is no way to avoid this<br />

exponential blowup in the space required. Note, however, that it takes linear time to simulate an<br />

input string on any automaton, regardless of the size of the automaton.<br />

Implementations: FIRE Engine is a finite automaton toolkit, written in C++ by Bruce Watson. It<br />

provides production-quality implementations of finite automata and regular expression algorithms.<br />

Several finite automaton minimization algorithms have been implemented, including Hopcroft's<br />

algorithm. Both deterministic and nondeterministic automata are supported. FIRE Engine has been used<br />

for compiler construction, hardware modeling, and computational biology applications. It is strictly a<br />

computing engine and does not provide a graphical user interface. FIRE Engine is available by<br />

anonymous ftp from in the directory /pub/techreports/pi/ A greatly improved<br />

commercial version is available from<br />

Grail is a C++ package for symbolic computation with finite automata and regular expressions, from<br />

Darrell Raymond and Derrick Wood. Grail enables one to convert between different machine<br />

representations and to minimize automata. It can handle machines with 100,000 states and dictionaries of<br />

20,000 words. All code and documentation are accessible from the WWW site<br />, as well as pointers to a variety of other automaton packages.<br />

Commercial use of Grail is not allowed without approval, although it is freely available to students and<br />

educators.<br />

An implementation in C of a regular-expression matching algorithm appears in [BR95]. <strong>The</strong> source code<br />

for this program is printed in the text and is available on disk for a modest fee. A bare bones<br />

implementation in C of a regular-expression pattern matching algorithm appears in [GBY91]. See<br />

file:///E|/BOOK/BOOK5/NODE207.HTM (3 of 4) [19/1/2003 1:32:15]

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