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Intersection Detection<br />

Implementations: LEDA (see Section ) provides a C++ implementation of the Bentley-Ottmann<br />

sweepline algorithm [BO79], finding all k intersection points between n line segments in the plane in<br />

time.<br />

O'Rourke [O'R94] provides a robust program in C to compute the intersection of two convex polygons.<br />

See Section .<br />

RAPID is a ``Rapid and Accurate Polygon Interference Detection library'' for large environments<br />

composed of polygonal models. It is free for noncommercial use and available from<br />

http://www.cs.unc.edu/ geom/OBB/OBBT.html.<br />

Model Pascal subroutines for convexity testing and for finding an intersection in a set of line segments<br />

appear in [MS91]. See Section for details. XTango (see Section ) includes an animation of<br />

polygon clipping against a polygonal window.<br />

Finding the mutual intersection of a collection of half-spaces is a special case of higher-dimensional<br />

convex hulls, and Qhull [BDH97] is convex hull code of choice for general dimensions. Qhull has been<br />

widely used in scientific applications and has a well-maintained home page at<br />

http://www.geom.umn.edu/software/qhull/.<br />

Notes: Good expositions on line segment intersection detection [BO79, SH75] include [CLR90, Man89,<br />

NH93, PS85]. Good expositions on polygon and polyhedra intersection [HMMN84, MP78, SH76]<br />

include [PS85]. Preparata and Shamos [PS85] provide a good exposition on the special case of finding<br />

intersections and unions of axis-oriented rectangles, a problem that arises often in VLSI design.<br />

An optimal algorithm for computing line segment intersections is due to Chazelle and<br />

Edelsbrunner [CE92]. Simpler, randomized algorithms achieving the same time bound are thoroughly<br />

presented by Mulmuley [Mul94].<br />

Surveys on hidden-surface removal include [Dor94, SSS74].<br />

Related Problems: Maintaining arrangements (see page ), motion planning (see page ).<br />

Next: Bin Packing Up: Computational Geometry Previous: Point Location<br />

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