
The.Algorithm.Design.Manual.Springer-Verlag.1998 The.Algorithm.Design.Manual.Springer-Verlag.1998


War Story: Getting the Graph ``We are going to need a data structure consisting of an array with one element for every vertex in the original data set. This element is going to be a list of all the triangles that pass through that vertex. When we read in a new triangle, we will look up the three relevant lists in the array and compare each of these against the new triangle. Actually, only two of the three lists are needed, since any adjacent triangle will share two points in common. For anything sharing two vertices, we will add an adjacency to our graph. Finally, we will add our new triangle to each of the three affected lists, so they will be updated for the next triangle read.'' She thought about this for a while and smiled. ``Got it, Chief. I'll let you know what happens.'' The next day she reported that the graph could be built in seconds, even for much larger models. From here, she went on to build a successful program for extracting triangle strips, as reported in Section . The take-home lesson here is that even elementary problems like initializing data structures can prove to be bottlenecks in algorithm development. Indeed, most programs working with large amounts of data have to run in linear or almost linear time. With such tight performance demands, there is no room to be sloppy. Once you focus on the need for linear-time performance, an appropriate algorithm or heuristic can usually be found to do the job. Next: Traversing a Graph Up: Graph Algorithms Previous: Data Structures for Graphs Algorithms Mon Jun 2 23:33:50 EDT 1997 file:///E|/BOOK/BOOK2/NODE62.HTM (3 of 3) [19/1/2003 1:29:05]

Traversing a Graph Next: Breadth-First Search Up: Graph Algorithms Previous: War Story: Getting the Traversing a Graph Perhaps the most fundamental graph problem is to traverse every edge and vertex in a graph in a systematic way. Indeed, most of the basic algorithms you will need for bookkeeping operations on graphs will be applications of graph traversal. These include: ● Printing or validating the contents of each edge and/or vertex. ● Copying a graph, or converting between alternate representations. ● Counting the number of edges and/or vertices. ● Identifying the connected components of the graph. ● Finding paths between two vertices, or cycles if they exist. Since any maze can be represented by a graph, where each junction is a vertex and each hallway an edge, any traversal algorithm must be powerful enough to get us out of an arbitrary maze. For efficiency, we must make sure we don't get lost in the maze and visit the same place repeatedly. By being careful, we can arrange to visit each edge exactly twice. For correctness, we must do the traversal in a systematic way to ensure that we don't miss anything. To guarantee that we get out of the maze, we must make sure our search takes us through every edge and vertex in the graph. The key idea behind graph traversal is to mark each vertex when we first visit it and keep track of what we have not yet completely explored. Although bread crumbs or unraveled threads are used to mark visited places in fairy-tale mazes, we will rely on Boolean flags or enumerated types. Each vertex will always be in one of the following three states: ● undiscovered - the vertex in its initial, virgin state. ● discovered - the vertex after we have encountered it, but before we have checked out all its incident edges. ● completely-explored - the vertex after we have visited all its incident edges. Obviously, a vertex cannot be completely-explored before we discover it, so over the course of the traversal the state of each vertex progresses from undiscovered to discovered to completely-explored. We must also maintain a structure containing all the vertices that we have discovered but not yet file:///E|/BOOK/BOOK2/NODE63.HTM (1 of 2) [19/1/2003 1:29:05]

War Story: Getting the Graph<br />

``We are going to need a data structure consisting of an array with one element for every vertex in the<br />

original data set. This element is going to be a list of all the triangles that pass through that vertex. When<br />

we read in a new triangle, we will look up the three relevant lists in the array and compare each of these<br />

against the new triangle. Actually, only two of the three lists are needed, since any adjacent triangle will<br />

share two points in common. For anything sharing two vertices, we will add an adjacency to our graph.<br />

Finally, we will add our new triangle to each of the three affected lists, so they will be updated for the<br />

next triangle read.''<br />

She thought about this for a while and smiled. ``Got it, Chief. I'll let you know what happens.''<br />

<strong>The</strong> next day she reported that the graph could be built in seconds, even for much larger models. From<br />

here, she went on to build a successful program for extracting triangle strips, as reported in Section .<br />

<strong>The</strong> take-home lesson here is that even elementary problems like initializing data structures can prove to<br />

be bottlenecks in algorithm development. Indeed, most programs working with large amounts of data<br />

have to run in linear or almost linear time. With such tight performance demands, there is no room to be<br />

sloppy. Once you focus on the need for linear-time performance, an appropriate algorithm or heuristic<br />

can usually be found to do the job.<br />

Next: Traversing a Graph Up: Graph <strong>Algorithm</strong>s Previous: Data Structures for Graphs<br />

<strong>Algorithm</strong>s<br />

Mon Jun 2 23:33:50 EDT 1997<br />

file:///E|/BOOK/BOOK2/NODE62.HTM (3 of 3) [19/1/2003 1:29:05]

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