
The.Algorithm.Design.Manual.Springer-Verlag.1998 The.Algorithm.Design.Manual.Springer-Verlag.1998


Mathematica -- Assorted Routines Mathematica -- Assorted Routines These files contain implementations of interesting algorithms in the Mathematica programming language. A large collection of Mathematica programs is MathSource, maintained by Wolfram Research at Many of the files below are from MathSource, while others were obtained directly from the authors. ● Strassen's Matrix Multiplication Algorithm -- An implementation offered ``without comment or promise of efficiency'', by Stan Wagon of Macalester College, . in distrib/strassen.m Combinatorica, a library of 230 algorithms for combinatorics and graph theory written in Mathematica, has a separate entry in this algorithm repository. ● Download Files (local site) ● MathSource at Wolfram Research Problem Links ● Matrix Multiplication (6) About the Book Send us Mail Go to Main Page This page last modified on Aug 10, 1996. file:///E|/WEBSITE/IMPLEMEN/MATH/IMPLEMEN.HTM [19/1/2003 1:41:02]

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