National Minimum Wage

National Minimum Wage

National Minimum Wage


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<strong>National</strong> <strong>Minimum</strong> <strong>Wage</strong><br />

44<br />

(EEF), the Labour Research Department (LRD), Incomes Data Services (IDS) and XpertHR<br />

(formerly IRS). All four generally give a similar picture on pay awards across the economy.<br />

Using IDS data, we are able to break down pay settlements by low-paying sector. In general,<br />

as shown in Table 2.6, pay settlements in the low-paying sectors have tended to broadly track<br />

pay settlements in the whole economy. There have, however, been some differences across<br />

low-paying sectors, with firms in hospitality (hotels, restaurants, pubs and leisure) awarding<br />

higher pay settlements than those in retail or care services since 2008.<br />

Table 2.6: Annual Median Pay Settlement, by Sector, UK, 2000-2011 a<br />

Per cent Whole<br />

economy<br />

Low-paying<br />

sectors<br />

2000 3.0 3.0<br />

2001 3.2 3.0<br />

2002 3.0 2.8<br />

2003 3.0 3.0<br />

2004 3.0 3.0<br />

2005 3.2 3.0<br />

2006 3.0 3.0<br />

2007 3.5 3.0<br />

Care<br />

services &<br />

housing<br />

Children’s<br />

nurseries<br />

Hotels,<br />

restaurants,<br />

pubs &<br />

leisure<br />

Retail<br />

2008 3.5 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.2 3.0<br />

2009 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.3 1.5<br />

2010 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.5 2.0 2.0<br />

2011 2.5 2.2 2.0 - b 2.6 2.0<br />

Source: IDS (2011c).<br />

Notes:<br />

a. IDS did not disaggregate pay settlements by<br />

b. Sample size too small to produce estimate.<br />

individual sector p rior to 2008.<br />

2.55 One of the features in pay settlements since the onset of the recession in 2008 has been the<br />

increase in the number of companies implementing pay freezes. Very few companies had<br />

frozen pay in the period from 1999-2008, but the proportion rose to around 40 per cent of all<br />

awards in the depths of recession. Few of these pay freezes were in the public sector. Pay<br />

freezes still accounted for around 10 per cent of pay awards in 2011, as they became more<br />

common in the public sector. However, few pay freezes have been in the low-paying sectors.<br />

2.56 A feature of pay reviews that does appear to have been affected by the minimum wage is<br />

their timing. In 1999, when the minimum wage was introduced, fewer than 5 per cent of all<br />

pay reviews in the low-paying sectors and in the whole economy were in October. By 2010,<br />

that percentage had risen to nearly 20 per cent of all pay reviews in the low-paying sectors,<br />

while it had only risen to about 6 per cent in the economy as a whole. Other companies have<br />

also introduced two-stage awards, where the company retains its normal pay review date for<br />

the majority of its workforce but makes a supplementary award to its low-paid staff in<br />

October if necessary.

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