
ICAO_211_en ICAO_211_en

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(AFIS)<br />

Approved by the Secrelary G<strong>en</strong>eral<br />

and published under his authority<br />


ClVl L AVlAfXON<br />

QRGANlZAtf ON<br />


P~rhfished in separate English, Fr<strong>en</strong>ch, Rrtssiun orrd Spanish eclirions b-v 111hp it? levnational<br />

Civil A viarion Organizar ion. A /I correspond<strong>en</strong> re. e.rrepr orders and su bit-rim iorrs, should<br />

be addressed to the Secretary G<strong>en</strong>eral.<br />

Orders for this pltblication rliouId be g<strong>en</strong>t to one of the foIloning addreq~es. to_eetlier with the<br />

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of the country in which he order is placed.<br />

Docum<strong>en</strong>t Sales Unit<br />

International Civil Aviarion Organizarion<br />

1000 Sherbrooke Street We$[, Suite 40C<br />

Montteal, Quebec<br />

Canada H3A 2R2<br />

Egvpr. <strong>ICAO</strong> Repres<strong>en</strong>tative, Middle East Officc, 16 Har~an Sabri,<br />

Zamalek, Cairo.<br />

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. 92522 Neuilly-sur-Seine (Cedex).<br />

India. Oxford Book and Stationery Co.. Scirldia l-tou

Introduction<br />


1. On 1 June 1982 the ALr Navigation Commission (100-10) examined the<br />

results of a study by the Secretariat concerning the need for the introduction<br />

in <strong>ICAO</strong> docum<strong>en</strong>ts of international ~pecif icat ions for aerodrome flight<br />

information service CAPIS) as an <strong>en</strong>tity of the air traffic services.<br />

2. Follorfng an exchange of views, the Commission decided that<br />

internat ionaZ provis ions and /or guidance material regarding AFIS should be<br />

formulated. It instructed the Secretary to develop detailed proposals on the<br />

subject for further review by the Commission, taking into account the comm<strong>en</strong>ts<br />

made daring the discussion.<br />

3. The guidance material contained fn this circular was finally<br />

developed by the Air Navigation Commission on the basis of proposals pres<strong>en</strong>ted<br />

by the Secretariat.<br />

Supporting reasons<br />

4. The Statem<strong>en</strong>t of Basic Operational Requirem<strong>en</strong>ts and Planning<br />

Crfterfa for Regional Air Navigation Haetlngs, as approved by the Air Navlgatlon<br />

Commission, specfftes that at aerodromes used by international g<strong>en</strong>eral aviation<br />

where the type and d<strong>en</strong>sity of trafffc clearly do not justlfy the provision of<br />

aerodrome control service, the provishon of aerodrome flight Information service<br />

by a unit located at the aerodrome should be recomm<strong>en</strong>ded. The aerodromes in<br />

questfon are those designated by the letters "RG" in <strong>ICAO</strong> air navigation plan<br />

pub1 icat ions.<br />

5. The main comm<strong>en</strong>ts made during the iaftial consideration by the Air<br />

Navigation Commission, as indicated in paragraph 1 above, may be summarfzed as<br />

follows :<br />

a) Aerodrome flight information service was being provided on a<br />

growing scale, There was a definite need for a service betwe<strong>en</strong><br />

aerodrome control service and no service at all. Available<br />

informat ion showed that there were differ<strong>en</strong>t understandings<br />

among States as to what aerodrome flight informatfon service .<br />

was. The kind of questions which should be addressed were:<br />

1) What is aerodrome flight information service?<br />

2) What are its limitations?<br />

3) What is the differ<strong>en</strong>ce betwe<strong>en</strong> aerodrome control service and<br />

RFIS?<br />

4) At what aerodromes may AFIS be accepted in terms of amount<br />

of traf flc , types of operation and meteorological<br />

conditions?<br />

5) What information should be provided?<br />

6) What should be the qusllflcatlons of AFIS officers?

7) What sort of facitittes are required to provide AFIS?<br />

b) The widespread provision of AFfS demonstrated a need for<br />

guidance material on the subject but Roe necessarkly for<br />

stahdardlgation of the service.<br />

c) If an international. g<strong>en</strong>eral aviation aerodrome mfght be used<br />

also as an alternate for international scheduled air transport,<br />

aerodrome control service should be provided at the aerodrome.<br />

6. The guidance material on .AFfS has be<strong>en</strong> developed with the int<strong>en</strong>t of<br />

answering the questions in 5 63 and reflecting the thoughts in 5 5.) and c)<br />

above. It includes guidance cadcerning the des igoatf on of AFIS aerodromes, the<br />

hasic elem<strong>en</strong>ts of information to be provided, the requirem<strong>en</strong>ts of AFIS units<br />

for information and communications, equipm<strong>en</strong>t and f ac iL Lt tes, the training of<br />

personnel and the procedures to be used.<br />

7. The guidance material is int<strong>en</strong>ded to facilitate the task of future<br />

regional air navtgation (RAN) met lngs or regfonal planning groups in<br />

recomm<strong>en</strong>ding the atr traffic services to be provided at interfiat f onal aerodromes<br />

designated far use by g<strong>en</strong>eral, aviation. It Es also int<strong>en</strong>ded to facilitate the<br />

task of States in determining the fiature and scope of the service to be provided<br />

at individual aerodrome$ and the information t o be published in their<br />

aeronautical information publications (AIPS). It may also help to clarify in<br />

the minds of pilots the nature of the service to be expected at AFIS<br />

aerodromes.<br />

8, It has be<strong>en</strong> suggested that one. of the primary motivations behind<br />

AFIS is costlb<strong>en</strong>efit and that this is not always compatible with safety, ft is<br />

recalled in this context that regional air navigation plans shall satisfy the<br />

operational requirem<strong>en</strong>ts and shall be economically justif fed (~ssernbly<br />

Resolutions A16-10 and A26-8, App<strong>en</strong>dix L, Associated Practice 5 refer).<br />

Although costs and the availability of qualffied controllers are significant<br />

factors, it is expected that States, wh<strong>en</strong> determining whether aerodrome control<br />

service or aerodrome flight information service is requfred at a giv<strong>en</strong><br />

aerodrome, will give the same weight to safety considerations as wh<strong>en</strong> they are<br />

plannfng other facflities and services.<br />

9. It has also be<strong>en</strong> suggested that the introduction of aerodrome<br />

flieht information service is primarily an implem<strong>en</strong>tatLon problem. Zt may be<br />

noted in this regard that the Second Asia and Pacific Regidnal Air Navigation<br />

Meeting (singapore, 1983) made provislon for AFIS at various aerodromes in the<br />

regions (DOC 9404, Ag<strong>en</strong>da Item 4, App<strong>en</strong>dfx A refers) and that the European Air<br />

Navigation Plan also specifies a requirem<strong>en</strong>t far t5e provfsion of AFIS at a<br />

large number of aerodromes (Doc 7754, 23rd edition, Part 111, Table AOP<br />

refers). The di F navigation plans Ear the Africa-Tndfan Ocean, Caribbean,<br />

Middle East and South American Regions contain g<strong>en</strong>eral recanm<strong>en</strong>dat ions on the<br />



Page<br />

G<strong>en</strong>eral ... ~ .. 1<br />

Basic elem<strong>en</strong>ts of fnformation provided to aircraft .............<br />

AFIS requirem<strong>en</strong>ts for information ..................................<br />

Meteorological information ....................................<br />

In£ ormat f<strong>en</strong> on aerodrome conditions and the operational status<br />

of associated facilities ......................................<br />

Information on the operational status of navigation aids ......<br />

Information on unmanned free balloons .....................a.bm<br />

AFLS requirem<strong>en</strong>ts for communicationa ......a.e...+...................<br />

Aeronau tfcal mobile service (airground communications) .......<br />

Aeronautical fixed service ....................................<br />

Airspace desi~ation ................................+.....++........<br />

Status of service and radiotelephony phraseology .......+............<br />

Hours of availability of AFIS .......................................<br />

Accommodation and equipm<strong>en</strong>t .............................em..........<br />

Qualifications and training of AFIS personnel .......................<br />

Visual ground signals ...............................................<br />

Flight plans .........,................................*...........**.<br />

Co-ordination betwe<strong>en</strong> an AFIS unit and the associated FfC or ACC ....<br />

Alerting service<br />

~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a e ~ ~ ~ ~<br />

....................................................<br />

Responsfbil-ities of. and procedures for pilots ......................<br />

Promulgation 05 fnformation .......................,,...............



1. Aerodrome flight information service (AFIS) Is the term used to<br />

describe the provision of informat ion useful for the safe and ef f icf<strong>en</strong>t conduct<br />

of aerodrome traffic at those aerodromes designated for use by international<br />

g<strong>en</strong>eral aviation (IGA) where the appropriate atr traffic services (ATS<br />

authority determines that the provision of aerodrome control service is not<br />

justif led, or is not just Lf Led on a 24-hour basis, AFIS Is not int<strong>en</strong>ded to be<br />

used at aerodromes designated as regular or alternate aerodromes for<br />

international commercial a2r transport operations.<br />

2. In determining whether aerodrome control service or AFLS should be<br />

provided at a giv<strong>en</strong> IGA aerodrome, the appropriate ATS authority is expected to<br />

give due cansideratfan to the type(s) of air trafffe involved, the d<strong>en</strong>sity of<br />

air traf tic, the topographical and meteorological conditions, and such other<br />

factors as may be pertin<strong>en</strong>t to safety and efffci<strong>en</strong>cy, including the language or<br />

languages to be used fn air-ground communications.<br />

3. Non-controlled aerodromes at which it Ps determined that AFIS w111<br />

be provided should be id<strong>en</strong>tified as "AFIS aerodromes" in order to distingufsh<br />

them from controlled aerodromes.<br />

4. AFIS should be provided by a unit located at the aerodrome and<br />

id<strong>en</strong>tified as an "AFIS unit". An AFIS unit will provide flight information<br />

service and alerting service to aerodrome traffic.<br />

5. The AFIS unit is not an air traff fc control unit. It. is therefore<br />

the responsibility of pilots using the servtce provided by this unit to<br />

maintain proper separation in conformity with the rules of the air.<br />

Basic elem<strong>en</strong>ts of fnformatian provided to aircraft<br />

6. The basic elem<strong>en</strong>ts of information to be provided to aircraft by an<br />

AFLS unit should include, as appropriate, the following :<br />

a) meteorological information for aircraft about to take off or to<br />

land, inelud ing SICMET in£ ormat ion. Such information should, to<br />

the ext<strong>en</strong>t possible, be the same as that provided to aerodrome<br />

traffic by aerodrome control towers, 1.e. t<br />

- the curr<strong>en</strong>t surface wind direction and speed, including<br />

significant variations;

2 <strong>ICAO</strong> Circular <strong>211</strong>-AN/128<br />

- the QNH altimeter setting and, either on a regular basis in<br />

accordance with local arrangem<strong>en</strong>ts or If so requested by the<br />

aircraft, the QFE altimeter setting;<br />

- the air temperature for the runway to be used, in the case of<br />

take-of f by turbine-<strong>en</strong>gined aircraft ;<br />

- the curr<strong>en</strong>t visibility repres<strong>en</strong>tatfve of the direction of<br />

take-off and inftfal climb, or in the approach and landtng<br />

area, if less than 10 km, or, wh<strong>en</strong> available to the APIS<br />

officer, the curr<strong>en</strong>t runway visual range for the runway to be<br />

used;<br />

- significant meteorologlca~ conditions in the take-off and<br />

climb-out area, or in the approach and landing area, This<br />

includes the occurr<strong>en</strong>ce or expected occurr<strong>en</strong>ce of cumulonimbus<br />

or thunderstorm, moderate or severe turbul<strong>en</strong>ce, wind shear,<br />

hail, moderate or severe icing, severe line squall, freezing<br />

rain, marked mountain waves, sand storm, dust storm, blowing<br />

snow, tarnado or waterspout;<br />

- the pres<strong>en</strong>t weather and the amount and height of base of low<br />

cloud, in the case of aircraft nmking an approach in<br />

Instrum<strong>en</strong>t meteorological conditlons;<br />

b) information <strong>en</strong>abling the pilot to select the most suitable<br />

runway for use, Such information should include, in addition to<br />

the curr<strong>en</strong>t surface wind d trection and speed, the "preferred<br />

runway" and traffic pattern and, on request by the pilot, the<br />

l<strong>en</strong>gth of the ru>way(s) and/or the distance betwe<strong>en</strong> an<br />

intersection and the <strong>en</strong>d of the runway;<br />

-<br />

Note,- The term "preferred runway" is used to indicate the most<br />

suitable runway at a pactlculac time, taking into account the<br />

curr<strong>en</strong>t surface vlnd direction and speed and other relevant<br />

factors such as the traffic pattern <strong>en</strong>d the runway used by other<br />

aircraft, with the int<strong>en</strong>tion of establishing and maintaining an<br />

orderly flow of aerodrome traffic.<br />

c) information on known aircraft, vehicles or personnel on or near<br />

the manoeuvring area or aircraft operdting in the vicinity of<br />

the aerodrome, which may constitute a hazard to the aircraft<br />

concerned; .<br />

d) information an aerodrome conditlons which fs ess<strong>en</strong>tial to the<br />

safe operation of aircraft, Such information should, to the<br />

ext<strong>en</strong>t possible, be the same as that provided to aerodrome<br />

traffic by aerodrome control towers, L.e. information relating<br />

to the following:<br />

- construction or maint<strong>en</strong>ance work on, or Emned iately adjac<strong>en</strong>t<br />

to the manoeuvring area;

<strong>ICAO</strong> Circular <strong>211</strong>-AN1126 3<br />

- rough or brok<strong>en</strong> surfaces on a runway or a taxiway, whether<br />

marked or not;<br />

- snow, slush or ice on a runway or a taxiway;<br />

- water on a runway;<br />

- snow banks or drifts adjac<strong>en</strong>t to a runway or a taxiway;<br />

- other temporary hazards, including parked aircraft and birds<br />

on the ground or in the air;<br />

- failure or irregular operation of part or all of the aerodrome<br />

lighting system;<br />

- any other pertin<strong>en</strong>t information;<br />

e) information on changes in the operational status of non-visual<br />

navigation aids and visual aids ess<strong>en</strong>tial for aerodrome<br />

traffic;<br />

f) radio bearings or direction-finding information, wh<strong>en</strong> equipm<strong>en</strong>t<br />

is available and wh<strong>en</strong> prescribed by the appropriate ATS<br />

authority;<br />

g) messages, including clearances, received from other ATS units<br />

for relay to aircraft (e.g. from the associated flight<br />

information c<strong>en</strong>tre (FIC) or area control c<strong>en</strong>tre (ACC)); and<br />

h) any other information contributing to safety.<br />


7. AFIS units should, to the ext<strong>en</strong>t possible, be supplied with the same<br />

information as that provided to aerodrome control towers, i.e.:<br />

Meteorological informa tion<br />

8. AFIS units should be supplied with up-to-date information on<br />

existing and forecast meteorological conditions as necessary for the performance<br />

of their functions. The information should be supplied in such a form as to<br />

require a minimum of interpretation on'the part of AFIS personnel, and with a<br />

frequ<strong>en</strong>cy which satisfies the requirem<strong>en</strong>ts of the AFIS units concerned.<br />

9. AFIS units should be supplied with curr<strong>en</strong>t meteorological reports<br />

and forecasts for the aerodrome with which they are concerned. Special reports<br />

and am<strong>en</strong>dm<strong>en</strong>ts to forecasts should be communicated to the AFIS units as soon as<br />

they are necessary in accordance with established criteria, without waiting for<br />

the next routine report or forecast.

4<br />

<strong>ICAO</strong> C ircular 21 1-AN/ 128<br />

10. AFLS units should be provided wlth curr<strong>en</strong>t pressure data for setting<br />

altimeters for the aerodrome concerned.<br />

11. AFIS units should he equipped uirh surface wind fndicator(s). The<br />

indicator(s) should be related to the same locatlon(s) of observation and be fed<br />

from the same anemometer(s) as the corresponding indicacor(s) in the<br />

meteorological station, where such a station exists. Where multiple anemometers<br />

are used, the indicators to whLeh they are related should be clearly marked to<br />

id<strong>en</strong>tify the runway and section of the runway monitored by each anemometer,<br />

12. AFIS unlrs should be provided with available curr<strong>en</strong>t Information on<br />

runway visual range as determined by instrum<strong>en</strong>ts or by qualified observer. AFIS<br />

units at aerodromes where runway visual range values are measured by<br />

instrum<strong>en</strong>tal means should be equipped with indf cator(s) permit t ine read-out of<br />

the curreat runway visual range value($). The indicator(s) should be related to<br />

the same locatioa(s) of observation and be fed from the same runway visual range<br />

measuring device( s) as the corresponding Indicator ( s) in the meteorological<br />

station, where such a station exists.<br />

facflf ties<br />

eraeional status of associated<br />

13. AFIS units should be kept curr<strong>en</strong>tly informed of the conditions of<br />

the manoeuvring area, Including the exist<strong>en</strong>ce of temporary hazards, and the<br />

operational status of any associated facilities at the aerodrome with which they<br />

are concerned,<br />

information on the operational status of navigation aids<br />

14. AFIS units should be kept curr<strong>en</strong>tly informed of the operational<br />

status of non-visual navfgation aids, and those visual aids ess<strong>en</strong>tial for<br />

surface movem<strong>en</strong>t, take-off, departure, approach and landing procedures within<br />

their area of responsibility .<br />

Information on unmanned free balloons<br />

15. AFLS units should be kept informed of details of flights of unmanned<br />

free balloons in accordance with the provfsions contained in Annex 2.<br />


~eronaut mobile s ~ r v i c e ~ m m u n i cions a t )<br />

16. Air-ground communication f acit ities should <strong>en</strong>able direct, rapid,<br />

eont inuaus and stat ic-f ree two-way communicat tons to take place be twe<strong>en</strong> an AFxS

<strong>ICAO</strong> Circular <strong>211</strong>-AN1 128 5<br />

unit and appropriately equipped aircraft operating at any distance within 45 km<br />

(25 NM) of the AFIS aerodrome concerned, or within 8 range a's specified in the<br />

regional air navigation plan,<br />

17. Wh<strong>en</strong> direct two-way radfotelephony is used for the provision of<br />

aerodrome f L ieht information service, recording Eac fL fties should be provided on<br />

all such air-ground comrounicat ion channels.<br />

18. Aircraft should, unless exempted by the appropriate ATS authority,<br />

be capable of two-way communication wtth the AFLS unit on the prescribed<br />

frequ<strong>en</strong>cy or frequ<strong>en</strong>cies.<br />

Aeronautical fixed service<br />

19. An AFLS unit should be. connected with the associated flight -<br />

inf ormatlon c<strong>en</strong>tre (EIC) or area control c<strong>en</strong>tre (ACC} and, as appropriate, with<br />

the approach control off ice serving an adjac<strong>en</strong>t or overlying terminal control<br />

area or with the aerodrome control tower at an adjac<strong>en</strong>t aerodrome and with the<br />

following:<br />

a) aerodrome rescue and emerg<strong>en</strong>cy services ( including ambulance,<br />

fire, etc.1;<br />

b) meteorological office serving the aerodrome; and<br />

c) aeronautical tsZecomrnunlcations station serving the aerodrome.<br />

20. All Eacilit ie& for direct-speech communkcation betwe<strong>en</strong> an AFlS unit<br />

and air traf f l c services units fndicated in paragraph 19 above should be<br />

provided with recording facilities.<br />


21. bFIS should be provided to all XGA traffic on the manoeuvring area<br />

and to all IGA.aircraft flying in the vicinity of the aerodrome. The airspace<br />

within whkh bFIS will be provided should be designated as a flight information<br />

zone (PLZ) and its lateral and vertLcal llmits specif led. The dim<strong>en</strong>sions of the<br />

flight information zone should coincide with chose of the aerodrome traf Eic<br />

zone, where established, ar they should he increased ta provide added<br />

safeguards,<br />


22. In order that pllotw may readily $d<strong>en</strong>tify the status of the service<br />

they are receiving, the call sign "AERODROME 1NM)KMATIONm following the name of<br />

the aerodrome shotlld he used In aeronautical mobtle cornmunicatfons to id<strong>en</strong>tify a<br />

t~nf t prov.1 Jfne AFtS, e. g, AHSWELL AERODROME INFORMAT ION, Thks will avo1 d any<br />

possible confusion with a unit providing aerodrome control service which 1s<br />


6 <strong>ICAO</strong> C ircvlar 2 11-AN / 128<br />

id<strong>en</strong>tified by the call sign "TOWER". The word "aerodrome" may be deleted after<br />

initial contact has be<strong>en</strong> established. If at any time it is appar<strong>en</strong>t that the<br />

pilot is not aware that aerodrome control servfce is not provided, the pilot<br />

should immediately be informed of thls fact using the EolTowtn~ phraseology:<br />


23. The existing phraseology in the PANS-RAC, Part IX, may be used by an<br />

AFf S unit, where appropriate, to pass information to an aircraft,<br />


24. Unless part-time availability Is deemed adequate to meet the<br />

operational requirem<strong>en</strong>ts, AFZS should be made available on a 24-hour basis. If<br />

aerodrome control service is provided on a part-time bash, e,g. during daylight<br />

hours, consideration may be gfv<strong>en</strong> to providfng AFIS outside those hours.<br />


25. AFIS should be provided from a locatlon which <strong>en</strong>sures the best<br />

possible view of the aerodrome, the surrounding area and, Pn particular, the<br />

manoeuvring area, e.g. a control tower, or a room facing the aerodrome and at<br />

least the approach <strong>en</strong>ds 05 the runway, with large, unobstructed windows.<br />

26. The equipm<strong>en</strong>t in the AFIS unit should, ta the ext<strong>en</strong>t possible, be<br />

similar to the equipm<strong>en</strong>t required for the aerodrome control tower at: an<br />

aerodrome with low traffic d<strong>en</strong>sity,<br />


27. AFIS should be provided by suitably qualified and trained personnel,<br />

duly authorized by the appropriate ATS authority.<br />

28, Age, knowledge, experf<strong>en</strong>ce and skill required from AFIS personnel<br />

should be determined by the appropriate ATS authority. However, the following<br />

may be used as a g<strong>en</strong>eral guide:<br />

a) &. Not less than 18 years of age;<br />

b) Knowledge. Demonstrated knowledge of:<br />

- the language or languages nationally designated for use in air<br />

tmff ic services and abilfty to speak such language or<br />

languages without acc<strong>en</strong>t or impedim<strong>en</strong>t which would adversely<br />

affect radfocommunlcatton;

lCAO Circular 2 11-AM / 128 7<br />

- rules of the atr and air traffic procedures pertin<strong>en</strong>t to<br />

aerodrome operations;<br />

- procedures and practices pertaining to flight information<br />

service and alerting service ;<br />

- terms used in the aeronautical mobile service, procedure words<br />

and phrases, the spelling alphabet;<br />

- communication codes and abbreviations used;<br />

- radfotelcphony phraseologies and operating procedures; ,<br />

- the g<strong>en</strong>eral air traffic services and airspace organization<br />

within the State;<br />

- local aerodrome rules;<br />

- characteristics of local traffic;<br />

- local terrain and promin<strong>en</strong>t landmarks;<br />

- .local sir navigatfon facilities;<br />

- procedures for co-ordi,nation betwe<strong>en</strong> the AFIS un?t and the<br />

associated PIC or ACC;<br />

- pertin<strong>en</strong>t data regarding meteorologfcal reports and effect of<br />

significant local weather characteristics; and<br />

- local procedures for alerting of emere<strong>en</strong>cy servfces. .<br />

c) Experi<strong>en</strong>ce, Satisfactory:<br />

- completibn of an approved training course; and<br />

- service under a qualified' APE officer for not less than two<br />

months.<br />

d) - Skill. Demonstrated compet<strong>en</strong>cy In:<br />

- the manipulation and operation of typical transmit/receiver<br />

equipm<strong>en</strong>t and controls, including ancillary facilities, and<br />

radio direction-finding apparatus In use;<br />

- the visual inspection and daily operational check of the radfo<br />

equipm<strong>en</strong>t in use;<br />

- the transmiss ton of telephony messages, including correct<br />

microphone technique, <strong>en</strong>unciation and speech qua1 icy; and<br />

- the reception of telephony messages and the ability to relay<br />

messages correctly,

8 <strong>ICAO</strong> Circular <strong>211</strong>-AN1128<br />


29. Visual ground signals listed in Annex 2, App<strong>en</strong>dix A, 4.2 may be<br />

display& by an AFZS unit as specified by the approprfare ATS authority.<br />


30. Except wh<strong>en</strong> other arrangem<strong>en</strong>ts have be<strong>en</strong> made by the appropriate ATS<br />

authority, flight plans may be submitted, or closed by a report, to the AFIS<br />

unit at the aerodrome. The service provided by the AFIS unft in this case would<br />

be comparable to the service provfded by an ATS reportLng office.<br />



3 1. As prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority, APIS units should<br />

<strong>en</strong>sure that the relevant PIC and/or ACC is informed regarding departures and<br />

arrivals at the AFIS aerodrome. Unless otherwise provided, informat ion to be<br />

made available should comprise the id<strong>en</strong>tification of aircraft, the departure or<br />

destination aerodrome, the take-off or landing time, the expected time of<br />

communicat ions transfer and, where necessary, request for <strong>en</strong>-route clearance.<br />

3 2. The relevant FIC or ACC should <strong>en</strong>sure+that an AFIS unit is informed<br />

regarding aircraft proceeding to the AFIS aerodrome, The information to be<br />

provfded should consist of relevant items of the curr<strong>en</strong>t Slight plan, the<br />

estimated time of arrival and the expected the of communications transfer.<br />


33. Alerting servfce should be provided in accordance with the<br />

provisions of Annex 11, Chapter 5.<br />

34. Wh<strong>en</strong> operating on or in the vicinity 05 an aerodrome where AFLS is<br />

provided, pilots must, on the basls of the information recefved from the AFZS<br />

unit combined with their o m knowledge and observations, decide on the course of<br />

action to be tak<strong>en</strong> to <strong>en</strong>sure separation from other aircraft, ground vehicles and<br />


<strong>ICAO</strong> Circular <strong>211</strong>-AN/i28 9<br />

35. It is ess<strong>en</strong>tial that pllots establish and mafnt$in two-way<br />

radiocommunication with the AFIS unit and that they report thelr positions,<br />

levels and all st<strong>en</strong>if icant manoeuvres and int<strong>en</strong>tions to the AFIS unit, since the<br />

ef f fcl<strong>en</strong>cy of the AFIS is dep<strong>en</strong>d<strong>en</strong>t on the infarmat Lon received.<br />


36. Information regarding the avallabiliry of AFfS and related<br />

procedures should be included in the relevant parts of the aeronautical<br />

information publication (AIP) in the same manner as in the case of aerodromes<br />

provided with air traffic control servlee, The information should include the<br />

following:<br />

a) id<strong>en</strong>tification of the aerodrome;<br />

b) location and id<strong>en</strong>tification of the AFLS unlt;<br />

c) hours of operatton of the AFIS unit;<br />

d) lateral and vertical limits of the flight information zone<br />

CFIZ);<br />

.e) language(s1 used;<br />

£1 detailed description of the services pravided, including<br />

alerting serv.ice and, if .applicable, dLrection-ffndfng sew-ice;<br />

g) special procedures for .application by pllo ta;<br />

h ) any .orhe r pet tlnea t +in f o.rrna t ion.

The following sirrnrrrary grves rlte sfatus, and also<br />

descfibes in g<strong>en</strong>eru! rerrrts the conr<strong>en</strong>ts oJ {he various<br />

series of ~echnir-al public~tions issued by t h Infer- ~<br />

notional Civil Aviation Orgo~~ization. 11 does trof<br />

inclucle specializd puBlica?ions rho! do nor full specifically<br />

wirhin one of flte series, suchh us the AeronauticaI<br />

Chart Catalogue or rhe Meteorological Tables for<br />

International Air Navigation.<br />

International Standards and Rrcummtnded -Prautires<br />

are adopted by the Council in accordance with'<br />

Articles 54, 37 and 90 of the Conv<strong>en</strong>tion on International<br />

Civil Aviatiori and arc designared, Tor<br />

conv<strong>en</strong>i<strong>en</strong>ce, as Annexes to the Conv<strong>en</strong>tion. The<br />

uniform application by Contracting States of the sprci.<br />

Fications contained in the Internarional Standards is<br />

recognized as necessary for the safety or regularity or<br />

i r ternar ~ ional air navigation while the uniform npplication<br />

of the specifications in the Recomm<strong>en</strong>ded<br />

Prac~ices is regarded as desirable iu the interest of<br />

safety, regularity or effici<strong>en</strong>cy of inrernationat air<br />

navigation. Kno~ledge of any dirfer<strong>en</strong>ccs betwe<strong>en</strong> the<br />

national regularEons or practices of a State and those<br />

establkhed by an tnternaticnal Standard is ess<strong>en</strong>tial to<br />

the sarety or regularity or international air navigation.<br />

In the ev<strong>en</strong>t or non-compliance with an Inttrna~ional<br />

Standard, a State has, in fact, an obligation, under<br />

Article 38 of the Conv<strong>en</strong>tion, to notify the Council of<br />

any differ<strong>en</strong>ces. Knowledge of differ<strong>en</strong>ces from<br />

Recomm<strong>en</strong>ded Practices may also be important for the<br />

safety of air navigation and, although the Conv<strong>en</strong>tion<br />

does not impose any obligation with regard thereto, the<br />

Council has invited Contracting States to notify such<br />

differ<strong>en</strong>ces in addition to those relating to International<br />

Standards.<br />

Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) are<br />

approved by the Council for world-wide application.<br />

They contain, lor the most part, operating procedures<br />

<strong>ICAO</strong> TECHNICAL PUBLlCATTONS<br />

reg;lrded as not yet having at rained a suffici<strong>en</strong>t degree<br />

of maturity for adoption as International Standards and<br />

Recomm<strong>en</strong>ded Practices, as well as material of a more<br />

perman<strong>en</strong>t character nhich is considered too detailed<br />

I'or incorporation in an Annex, or is susceptible to<br />

frcqu<strong>en</strong>r am<strong>en</strong>dm<strong>en</strong>t, for which the processes of the<br />

Conv<strong>en</strong>tion would be too cumbersome.<br />

Regional Supplem<strong>en</strong>tary Procedures (SUPPS) have a<br />

status similar to that of PANS in !hat they are amroved<br />

by the Council, but only for application in the respective<br />

regions. They are prepared in consolidated form, since<br />

certain of the procedures apply to overlapping regions<br />

or are common to two or more regions.<br />

The following puhlicotions ore prepured by authoriry<br />

of rhe Secrerary G<strong>en</strong>eral in nccordance with the<br />

princrples esad pdicies approved by f hp Council.<br />

Technical Manuals provide guidance and infor-<br />

mation in amplification or the international Standards,<br />

Recomm<strong>en</strong>ded Practices and PANS, the irnplem<strong>en</strong>-<br />

tarion aT which they are designed to facilitate.<br />

Air Navigation Plans detail requirem<strong>en</strong>ts Tar facili-<br />

ties and services for internarional air navigation in the<br />

respective <strong>ICAO</strong> Air Navigation Regions. They are<br />

prepared on the authority of the Secretary G<strong>en</strong>eral on<br />

the basis of recomm<strong>en</strong>dations of regional air navigation<br />

meetings and of the Council action thereon. The plans<br />

are am<strong>en</strong>ded periodically to reflec? changes in require-<br />

m<strong>en</strong>ts and in the status of implem<strong>en</strong>tation of the<br />

recomm<strong>en</strong>ded facilities and services.<br />

<strong>ICAO</strong> Circulars make available specialized infor-<br />

mation of interest to Contracting States. This includes<br />

studies on technical subjects.

PRICE: U.S.$2.00<br />

(or equival<strong>en</strong>t in ofher curr<strong>en</strong>cies)<br />

@ <strong>ICAO</strong> 1W&<br />

9188, EIPlI1600<br />

Order No. CIR2T1<br />

Printed in <strong>ICAO</strong>

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