cuentos de barro - DSpace Universidad Don Bosco

cuentos de barro - DSpace Universidad Don Bosco cuentos de barro - DSpace Universidad Don Bosco
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* * * Se quedó allí mientras se curaba. Había pasado una goma feya, que le bajó con chaparro. Con la sobada130 que le dio en la pierna, bajó la hinchazón. Podía apenas dar pasitos, renqueando y quejándose. Pasaba todo el día tirada boca arriba en la cama, descalza su blancura y triste el negror de sus ojos que le sonreiban agradecidos. Se dormía, se dormía..., y él la veiya desde el taburete131 , medio envuelta en el perraje, con el pelo en la cara, acuchuyada toda ella, dándole el redondo de su cuerpo con un abandono que le hacía temblar y herver. Cuando estaba projunda, él se acercaba y se inclinaba. Guelía ansina como una jlor de no sé qué, con un perjume que mareya y que da jiebre. Pero Polo sabía, en su sencilla nobleza de irnorante, que nuay que conjundir la caridá... —Usté, ¿dióndés? * * * —¿Yo?..., de la capital... —¿Por qué la embolaron y larronjaron?... 62 * * * She stayed at his house while she healed. She had a horrible hangover that she tried to cure with more moonshine, the hair of the dog that bit her. The swelling came down after he massaged 132 her leg. At first, she could only take small steps, limping and moaning. Most of the day she spent on her back in bed, with her pale barefeet exposed, and the sad blackness of her eyes smiled thankfully. She slept, and slept... From his taboret 133 he watched her, half covered with colorful patchwork blankets, her hair covering her face, curled up in a ball, giving her body the curves that had abandoned her. She shivered and boiled. When she was deep asleep, he risked coming closer and bent down. She smelled like an unfamiliar flower, like a perfume that makes you dizzy and that causes fevers. But Polo knew, in the humble nobility of an ignorant peasant, that charity should not be confused with... “Where you from?” * * * “Me? From the city...” “Why did them people get you drunk and threw you out of the car?” 130. Una “sobada” incluye primeramente un ritual espiritual con ruda, alcohol y alcanfor, después hay un masaje para reparar la lesión. 131. Francés tabouret: asiento de madera sin respaldo. 132. Rubbing the patient using rue, alcohol and camphor to scare away evil spirits, and possibly fix the injury. 133. From French: a low stool in the shape of a drum.

—Por bandidos que son. Les pegué en la cara y les di de patadas y entonces me aventaron los malditos... Polo quería decir algo, quería sacar ajuera el ñudo que se le bía hecho en la garganta; pero no salía: era como una espina de pescado y no salía más que por los ojos. Ella lo miraba sonriente. Para animarlo, le dijo: —¿Qué no me mira que soy «brusca»? Él no comprendió aquel término urbano. ¡Ah, si lo hubiera dicho con P, qué feliz habría sido! —¡Qué brusca va ser usté!... Ella respetó aquello que creyó ser una ilusión de pureza. Él sin duda la tomaba por niña. * * * Se separaron en el crucero de los caminos. Allá en el plán. Se miraron fijo un rato, mientras cantaban los pijuyos134 Ella le cogió las manos y se las besó, se le atrinquetió en el pecho, y ligerito, le dio un beso en la cara y se alejó renquiando. 63 “Because they’re evil. I slapped them in the face and kicked them, and then those assholes threw me out...” Polo wanted to say something, he wanted to expell the knot that had formed in his throat, but it wouldn’t come out. It was like a fish bone, and it did not come out other than through his eyes. Smiling she looked at him, and to cheer him up she said: “Don’t you see I am a floozy?” He did not understand that big city term. Oh, but had she said the W word, he would have been happy. “You ain’t no floozy!” She respected what seemed to be his illusion of purity. He, no doubt, was mistaking her for a virgin. * * * They parted over there at the crossroads, in the plains. They looked at each other for a moment while the Groove-billed Anis bird sang. 135 She grabbed his hands and kissed them. She hugged him and quickly gave him a kiss on his face and hobbled away limping. 134. También conocido como garrapatero o pijuy. Probablemente del chorti “tzikbu’ur” 135. This bird gets its name “pijuy” or “pijuyo” in Spanish because its whistle sounds like “pí-huey.” Wikipedia: “The Groove-billed Ani, Crotophaga sulcirostris, is an odd-looking tropical bird in the cuckoo family with a long tail and a large, curved beak. It is a resident species throughout most of its range, from southern Texas and central Mexico through Central America, to northern Colombia and Venezuela, and coastal Ecuador and Peru. It only retreats from the northern limits of its range in Texas and northern Mexico during winter.”

* * *<br />

Se quedó allí mientras se curaba. Había<br />

pasado una goma feya, que le bajó con<br />

chaparro. Con la sobada130 que le dio en la<br />

pierna, bajó la hinchazón. Podía apenas<br />

dar pasitos, renqueando y quejándose.<br />

Pasaba todo el día tirada boca arriba en<br />

la cama, <strong>de</strong>scalza su blancura y triste<br />

el negror <strong>de</strong> sus ojos que le sonreiban<br />

agra<strong>de</strong>cidos. Se dormía, se dormía..., y<br />

él la veiya <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> el taburete131 , medio<br />

envuelta en el perraje, con el pelo en<br />

la cara, acuchuyada toda ella, dándole<br />

el redondo <strong>de</strong> su cuerpo con un<br />

abandono que le hacía temblar y herver.<br />

Cuando estaba projunda, él se acercaba<br />

y se inclinaba. Guelía ansina como una<br />

jlor <strong>de</strong> no sé qué, con un perjume que<br />

mareya y que da jiebre. Pero Polo sabía,<br />

en su sencilla nobleza <strong>de</strong> irnorante, que<br />

nuay que conjundir la caridá...<br />

—Usté, ¿dióndés?<br />

* * *<br />

—¿Yo?..., <strong>de</strong> la capital...<br />

—¿Por qué la embolaron y<br />

larronjaron?...<br />

62<br />

* * *<br />

She stayed at his house while she<br />

healed. She had a horrible hangover<br />

that she tried to cure with more<br />

moonshine, the hair of the dog that bit<br />

her. The swelling came down after he<br />

massaged 132 her leg. At first, she could<br />

only take small steps, limping and<br />

moaning. Most of the day she spent on<br />

her back in bed, with her pale barefeet<br />

exposed, and the sad blackness of<br />

her eyes smiled thankfully. She slept,<br />

and slept... From his taboret 133 he<br />

watched her, half covered with colorful<br />

patchwork blankets, her hair covering<br />

her face, curled up in a ball, giving her<br />

body the curves that had abandoned<br />

her. She shivered and boiled. When<br />

she was <strong>de</strong>ep asleep, he risked coming<br />

closer and bent down. She smelled like<br />

an unfamiliar flower, like a perfume that<br />

makes you dizzy and that causes fevers.<br />

But Polo knew, in the humble nobility<br />

of an ignorant peasant, that charity<br />

should not be confused with...<br />

“Where you from?”<br />

* * *<br />

“Me? From the city...”<br />

“Why did them people get you drunk<br />

and threw you out of the car?”<br />

130. Una “sobada” incluye primeramente un ritual espiritual con ruda, alcohol y alcanfor, <strong>de</strong>spués hay un<br />

masaje para reparar la lesión.<br />

131. Francés tabouret: asiento <strong>de</strong> ma<strong>de</strong>ra sin respaldo.<br />

132. Rubbing the patient using rue, alcohol and camphor to scare away evil spirits, and possibly fix the<br />

injury.<br />

133. From French: a low stool in the shape of a drum.

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