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38 ACTIONTARGET.COM P O R TA B L E TRAPS Q A quAlITy porTAble bulleT TrAp wIll sTop rounds u sAfely, And Is eAsIer And CHeAper To repAIr THAn THe MATCH wAll ITself sHould porTAble bulleT TrAps be used InsIde MATCH or Any oTHer Type of sHooTHouse? Let’s look at the benefit and the practical applications of portable bullet traps. Every round fired in your MATCH facility must be safely stopped, and every round will cause wear on the plywood or rubber skin. The use of small portable bullet traps will reduce or eliminate wear on the MATCH walls, thereby reducing major maintenance and downtime. A quality portable bullet trap will stop rounds safely, and is easier and cheaper to repair than the MATCH wall itself. Because the use of portable bullet traps can reduce maintenance costs by at least 75%, the investment is a wise decision. There is a common misconception that a target must be placed directly on the face of a portable bullet trap. This is not the case. Traps can be strategically located so they do not inhibit the training task, yet still collect the majority of the bullets. For example, if the training task calls for a target to appear in a doorway, you could place the bullet trap in line with the target, but all the way across the room. It would still serve its purpose. The MATCH walls would contain the few rounds that may not hit the trap, but the wear would be focused on the trap and the wear on the MATCH walls would still be greatly reduced. If 70 to 80 percent of the rounds are captured in the trap, the remainder of the rounds will be widely dispersed and cause little wear. 1. And 2. porTAble TrAps wITH exposed MeTAl, u CAbels, or oTHer MeCHAnIsMs CAn CreATe elevATed rIsk of rICoCHeT or dAMAge. 3. A round blew THrougH THe sIde of THIs porTAble TrAp u beCAuse InferIor sTeel wAs used 4. A round enTered THIs wAll sIdewAys AfTer pAssIng u rIgHT THrougH A poorly buIlT porTAble TrAp p 1. noT ACTIon TArgeT p 2. noT ACTIon TArgeT p 3. noT ACTIon TArgeT p 4. noT ACTIon TArgeT

porTAble TrAps ConTInued Another misconception is that if you put an additional band of steel in the wall you don’t need bullet traps. This is essentially like saying if you put bigger tires on your car you don’t need windshield wipers. The one has nothing to do with the other. More steel in the wall does create a thicker barrier, but that doesn’t change the fact that servicing portable bullet traps is still significantly less expensive than servicing the walls themselves. It is important to remember that MATCH does not need bullet traps at all to safely and consistently stop bullets. From top to bottom, MATCH is 100% balistically secure. The only issue here is one of maintenance and life cycle costs. p beCAuse THe use of porTAble bulleT TrAps CAn reduCe MAInTenAnCe CosTs by AT leAsT 75%, THe InvesT- MenT Is A wIse deCIsIon. To function safely and effectively, portable bullet traps must not only have an armor steel back, but armor steel around all 4 sides as well. Designs that do not incorporate steel sides should be strictly avoided as bullet splatter eating through wooden sides creates an obvious hazard. All Action Target portable bullet traps have steel sides and are made of throughhardened 500 Brinell steel for maximum safety and durability. p If 70 To 80 perCenT of THe rounds Are CApTured In THe TrAp, THe reMAInder wIll be wIdely dIspersed And CAuse lITTle weAr. 888.377.8033 39


P O R TA B L E<br />

TRAPS<br />

Q<br />

A quAlITy porTAble bulleT TrAp wIll sTop rounds u<br />

sAfely, And Is eAsIer And CHeAper To repAIr THAn THe<br />

MATCH wAll ITself<br />

sHould porTAble bulleT TrAps be<br />

used InsIde MATCH or Any oTHer<br />

Type of sHooTHouse?<br />

Let’s look at the benefit and the practical applications of<br />

portable bullet traps. Every round fired in your MATCH facility<br />

must be safely stopped, and every round will cause wear on<br />

the plywood or rubber skin. The use of small portable bullet<br />

traps will reduce or eliminate wear on the MATCH walls, thereby<br />

reducing major maintenance and downtime. A quality portable<br />

bullet trap will stop rounds safely, and is easier and cheaper to<br />

repair than the MATCH wall itself. Because the use of portable<br />

bullet traps can reduce maintenance costs by at least 75%, the<br />

investment is a wise decision.<br />

There is a common misconception that a target must be placed<br />

directly on the face of a portable bullet trap. This is not the case.<br />

Traps can be strategically located so they do not inhibit the<br />

training task, yet still collect the majority of the bullets. For<br />

example, if the training task calls for a target to appear in a<br />

doorway, you could place the bullet trap in line with the target,<br />

but all the way across the room. It would still serve its purpose.<br />

The MATCH walls would contain the few rounds that may not<br />

hit the trap, but the wear would be focused on the trap and the<br />

wear on the MATCH walls would still be greatly reduced. If 70<br />

to 80 percent of the rounds are captured in the trap, the<br />

remainder of the rounds will be widely dispersed and cause<br />

little wear.<br />

1. And 2. porTAble TrAps wITH exposed MeTAl, u<br />

CAbels, or oTHer MeCHAnIsMs CAn CreATe<br />

elevATed rIsk of rICoCHeT or dAMAge.<br />

3. A round blew THrougH THe sIde of THIs porTAble TrAp u<br />

beCAuse InferIor sTeel wAs used<br />

4. A round enTered THIs wAll sIdewAys AfTer pAssIng u<br />

rIgHT THrougH A poorly buIlT porTAble TrAp<br />

p 1. noT ACTIon TArgeT<br />

p 2. noT ACTIon TArgeT<br />

p 3. noT ACTIon TArgeT<br />

p 4. noT ACTIon TArgeT

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