36B Syllabus SP10

36B Syllabus SP10

36B Syllabus SP10


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MUSIC <strong>36B</strong>, SPRING 2010<br />

Tuesdays, 6:40 – 9:50 pm<br />

Instructor Information: Daniel Cole,<br />

Contact: Office V214, phone: 626-585-3171, email: dccole@pasadena.edu<br />

Office Hours: Mondays: 1:25 – 4:45, Tuesdays: 5:45 – 6:40, Wednesdays: 1:25-2:45<br />

Required texts: There is no required text for this class. Readings will be assigned<br />

throughout the semester.<br />

Required website: pcc.blackboard.com<br />

Username:<br />

FIRST INITIAL, MIDDLE INITIAL (use an X if you have no middle initial),<br />

LAST INITIAL, then the last four digits of your student ID number<br />

Password:<br />


Important Policies:<br />

1. Assignments are due at the beginning of the next class after they are<br />

assigned<br />

2. Late assignments are eligible for 90% credit if submitted the following<br />

week.<br />

3. Assignments more than a week late will not be accepted.<br />

4. The final and midterm exams will not be given early or late unless in<br />

the case of extreme circumstances. Please check the final exam<br />

schedule early and plan accordingly.<br />

Student Learning Outcomes:<br />

1. Apply various jazz scales to related chords in a composition.<br />

2. Identify and construct polychords.<br />

3. Analyze and apply reharmonization techniques to an existing composition.<br />

4. Arrange a piece of music using voicing techniques for four parts including<br />

close & open voicings.<br />

5. Rearrange a melody using techniques of melodic and rhythmic variation.<br />

Grading :<br />

1. Midterm examination. 10 %<br />

2. Projects will be assigned that require you to demonstrate<br />

command of the skills / concepts covered in class. Late<br />

assignments will lose 10 points per class meeting . 30%<br />

total<br />

3. Style Presentation 10%<br />

4. Listening Quizzes. 15%<br />

5. Final Exam. 15%<br />

6. Portfolio 10%<br />

7. Preparation / Participation. 10%

Schedule of Topics: Subject to Change<br />

1. Intro / Preamble:<br />

a. Review Jazz Standard:<br />

i. Form<br />

ii. Melody<br />

iii. Harmony<br />

iv. Voiceleading<br />

b. Schenker Revisited<br />

c. How Standard Jazz Harmony Moves<br />

d. ASSIGNMENT: Project 1: Harmony - Analysis / Composition<br />

2. Standard Jazz Melody<br />

a. DUE: Project 1: Harmony, due at the beginning of class<br />

b. Diatonic Melodies<br />

c. Motivic Development<br />

d. Melodic Permutations<br />

e. Bebop Melodies<br />

f. Bebop Form – Dizzy Gillespie<br />

g. Contrafacts<br />

h. Sketches<br />

i. ASSIGNMENT: Project 2: Melody Part 1 - Analysis / Composition<br />

/ Sketch Extraction. One Standard, One Bebop Contrafact<br />

3. Advanced Chord / Scale Relationships<br />

a. DUE: Project 2: Melody, due at the beginning of class<br />

b. Pentatonic<br />

c. Upper Structures<br />

d. Diminished<br />

e. Whole Tone<br />

f. Melodic Minor<br />

g. Triad Pairs<br />

h. ASSIGNMENT: Project 3: Melody Part 2 - Analysis / Composition.<br />

i. Ongoing Assignment: Sketches DUE EVERY WEEK<br />


4. Common Progressions / Substitutions<br />

a. DUE: Project 3: Melody Part 2, due at the beginning of class<br />

b. Blues<br />

c. Rhythm Changes<br />

d. Tritone Subs<br />

e. 2 – 5 collusion<br />

f. Backdoor Turnarounds<br />

g. Bird Blues<br />

h. Eternal Triangle<br />

i. The Cycle<br />

j. Sonny Stitt

k. ASSIGNMENT: Project 4: Blues / Rhythm Changes – Analysis /<br />

Composition<br />

5. Arranging Basics<br />

a. DUE: Project 4: Blues / Rhythm Changes, due at the beginning of<br />

class<br />

b. Arranging – Instrumental Considerations<br />

c. Resolution Tendencies<br />

d. Guide Tones<br />

e. 3 part Writing<br />

f. 4 part Writing<br />

g. Open / Closed Voicings<br />

h. Inversions<br />

i. Drop 2, Drop 2 and 4<br />

j. ASSIGNMENT: Project 5: Arrangement One<br />

6. Arranging Contd.<br />

a. DUE: Project 5: Arrangement 1, due at the beginning of class<br />

b. Play arrangements<br />

c. ASSIGNMENT: Project 6: Arrangement 2<br />

d. Ongoing Assignment: Sketches<br />

7. Review For Midterm<br />

a. DUE: Project 6: Arrangement 2, due at the beginning of class<br />

b. Review For Midterm<br />


9. Advanced Harmony<br />

a. Dominant Permutations / Triadic Relationships<br />

b. Polychords<br />

c. Bitonality<br />

d. Wayne Shorter<br />

e. Reharmonization<br />

f. ASSIGNMENT: Project 7: Reharmonization<br />

10. Advanced Harmony Contd<br />

a. DUE: Project 7: Reharmonization, due at the beginning of class<br />

b. Steely Dan<br />

c. ASSIGNMENT: Project 8: Advanced Harmony<br />

11. Groove-Based Composition<br />

a. DUE: Project 8: Advanced Harmony, due at the beginning of class<br />

b. Funky Jazz<br />

c. Bass Lines<br />

d. Rhythm<br />

e. Hemiola<br />

f. Cross Rhythms<br />

g. ASSIGNMENT: Project 9: Groove-Based Composition<br />

h. ASSIGNMENT: Project 10: Final Project<br />

12. Style<br />

a. DUE: Project 9: Groove-Based Composition, due at the beginning<br />

of class

. Discuss / Workshop Final Projects<br />

c. Discuss Style Presentations<br />

13. DUE: Style Presentations,<br />

a. Workshop Final Projects<br />

14. Final Projects / Review For Final Exam<br />

a. Workshop Final Projects<br />

b. Review for Final<br />

15. Final Projects DUE: Project 10: Final Project, due at the beginning of<br />

class<br />

“My concepts show that the art of music is much simpler than present-day teachings would have it appear. However, the<br />

fact that simplicity does not lie on the surface makes it no less simple. Every surface, seen for itself alone, is of necessity<br />

confusing and always complex.”<br />

“It is the sad lot of theory in general that so often it is occupied with itself rather than with following art in a spirit of<br />

sympathy.” -Heinrich Schenker

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