Perfect Girl - Weebly

Perfect Girl - Weebly Perfect Girl - Weebly
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ODESSA, LIKE MOST SMALL TOWNS, LOVES A PARADE. IT’S hilarious, when you think about it. The same people we’ve known all our lives march down the Main Street we see every day, past the houses everyone lives in. Most people are in the parade so there aren’t a lot of watchers and wavers. Which is why Mom and I have always stood on the sidelines. For Mr. Arthur. So he had someone to march for. 182

This year, three weeks after Mr. Arthur’s memorial, after school is out and summer has begun, the Peach Blossom Parade is back on. It’s the way he would have wanted it. Mr. Perwit was elected the new Grand Marshal of the Peach Blossom Parade. Well, not elected in the true definition of the word. He volunteered and nobody said no. The day before the parade, Mr. Sheeak and Kyle tied orange ribbons around the Dutch elms along Main Street. Walter Maynard and other kids from the Liberty High School Marching Band shined up their instruments. Mr. Galloway distributed sprigs of peach blossoms for the onlookers to wave. And Mrs. Fannerife baked chocolate chip cookies to sell. She had intended to bake miniature peach cobblers, she said, but she overslept. Around ten in the morning, on parade day, Mom, Aunt Marty, and I join the whole town—and much of Middletown—at the firehouse. Chief Rankin stands at the huge stove making pancakes for twenty-five cents each. The smell of vanilla and melted butter fills the air. I see her right away. Jenna. Dressed in a light orange skirt and white T-shirt, she looks like tangerine sorbet and whipped cream. She looks . . . perfect. “Fresh peach nectar!” Mrs. Latanza has set up a card table near the entrance and sells juice for a buck a cup. A cardboard sign taped to the table reads, ALL PROCEEDS BEN­ EFIT THE ODESSA HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION. While Aunt 183


hilarious, when you think about it. The same people we’ve<br />

known all our lives march down the Main Street we see<br />

every day, past the houses everyone lives in. Most people are<br />

in the parade so there aren’t a lot of watchers and wavers.<br />

Which is why Mom and I have always stood on the sidelines.<br />

For Mr. Arthur. So he had someone to march for.<br />


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