Does this cooling vest make me look fat, quiaff? - deviantART

Does this cooling vest make me look fat, quiaff? - deviantART

Does this cooling vest make me look fat, quiaff? - deviantART


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<strong>Does</strong> <strong>this</strong> <strong>cooling</strong> <strong>vest</strong> <strong>make</strong> <strong>me</strong> <strong>look</strong> <strong>fat</strong>, <strong>quiaff</strong>?<br />

Written by x-22<br />

Near Apollo Peak<br />

Black Earth<br />

Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone<br />

23 October 3064<br />

Smoking wrecks of Lyran tanks twisted almost beyond recognition littered the broken hills. The<br />

blazing fires and billowing black streams played tricks on Colonel Carver's sensors as he navigated<br />

his enormous 80-ton BattleMech across the battlefield. Standing firmly on its sturdy legs, the<br />

lumbering Aweso<strong>me</strong> stepped on the scattered pieces of an unlucky Vedette tank, its mangled remains<br />

flattened under the humanoid <strong>me</strong>tal giant's feet.<br />

"This smoke is impenetrable," Allan Carver muttered under his breath, careful not to share his<br />

frustration with the rest of his unit. Standing toe-to-toe with the fearso<strong>me</strong> warriors of the Clans was<br />

enough for the rookies; no need to agitate them further by stating the obvious.<br />

While he could not see a thing, so<strong>me</strong>one had evidently caught a glimpse of him. As his 'Mech<br />

stood there, blind and helpless, a woman's voice called over the comm:<br />

"Take heed, freebirth scum! This is Star Commander Eva Buhallin of the Jade Falcon Clan. I<br />

challenge the pilot of your commander's Aweso<strong>me</strong> to a duel under the rules of zellbrigen. Surprise<br />

<strong>me</strong> with a shred of dignity and skill, barbarian, and I might allow you the honour of submitting to<br />

<strong>me</strong> as bondsman!"<br />

Out of the smoke stepped the broad silhouette of a Turkina. Easily outweighing Carver's 'Mech<br />

by several tons and bristling with lasers, its pilot was no doubt itching for him to accept the<br />

challenge and bring those weapons to bear.<br />

Hardly a fair fight, Carver observed wryly. Are you that desperate for a kill, Star Commander?<br />

Switching his comm to the open channel, he left his bulky 'Mech idle as he replied. No need to give<br />

a glory-hungry Falcon any reason to throw honour out the air-lock and jump the gun.<br />

"Very well, Star Commander, I accept your challenge," he said, watching his heat monitor<br />

carefully for any spikes that might signify a sudden attack. "Though I think you've got that<br />

backwards, <strong>quiaff</strong>?" He paused, seeing if his taunt would net him a face full of lightning. "But don't<br />

worry; I'll be magnanimous in victory regardless."<br />

"You dare question my honour??" the woman's voice shrieked into his comm. "Trivial though it<br />

will be, your death shall bring <strong>me</strong> pleasure, freebirth!"<br />

"Whatever you you say, darling," Carver shrugged and sent his 'Mech lurching backwards as he

squeezed the trigger on all four of his particle projector cannons. Streaks of man-made lightning<br />

shot towards the Turkina, passing the Clan 'Mech's own salvo of energy beams. Carver could see the<br />

Falcon 'Mech's heat levels skyrocket, a split second before opposing fire scorched the thick armour<br />

of his 'Mech. Tons of <strong>me</strong>tal evaporated in a matter of mo<strong>me</strong>nts, but the stout Aweso<strong>me</strong> stood rock<br />

solid before the onslaught.<br />

I've got to get away from those pulse lasers, at least, Carver told himself. Looking for so<strong>me</strong><br />

cover, he constantly kept an eye on his recharging PPCs. The Falcon kept her quartet of of rapid-<br />

firing pulse lasers spewing out bolts of energy as she advanced relentlessly.<br />

The Turkina's biggest lasers fired again and an explosion rocked Carver's Aweso<strong>me</strong>. Oh dear, was<br />

all he managed to think. The <strong>me</strong>rciless pounding he had received from those pulse lasers had<br />

exposed his 'Mech's left arm, leaving the larger lasers free to punch through and immobilize its<br />

shoulder.<br />

Looking to clip my wings, are you? Carver growled silently, relieved to see the arm's PPC still<br />

operational. Wasting no ti<strong>me</strong>, he let his opponent have another full salvo.<br />

"I'm afraid you'll have to do a little better than that," he quipped over the comm. As he thought<br />

the Falcon did not leave up her constant barrage. And that's a good thing? he asked himself as he<br />

watched his armour <strong>me</strong>lt against the onslaught. At least her attacks were less focussed now.<br />

"Colonel, I've got a clear shot at the clanner's rear!" a young woman's voice broke in over<br />

Carver's comm.<br />

"You stay out of <strong>this</strong>, 'Duchess'," Carver warned her. Clanners did not take kindly to people<br />

interfering in their duels and the girl's lightweight Wolfhound would not stand a chance against that<br />

assault class 'Mech. Not that I wouldn't welco<strong>me</strong> the distraction, he added to himself as another<br />

salvo of laser fire rocked the cockpit. That one was a bit too close for comfort.<br />

The Aweso<strong>me</strong> was backing away at highest possible speed, but his opponent was steadily<br />

advancing to match his pace. A well-concentrated four-laser salvo spelled the end of one of his<br />

PPCs. Meanwhile, the Turkina's arsenal see<strong>me</strong>d to be intact. I must be hitting so<strong>me</strong>thing on that<br />

thing. Carver gritted his teeth, sweat pouring down his back as the heat sinks on his 'Mech struggled<br />

to counteract the massive energy spike of yet another salvo from his remaining guns. Evidently tired<br />

of indulging her opponent by remaining outside optimal range, the Falcon 'Mech picked up the pace<br />

and lurched into a run.<br />

"Now that's more like it!" Carver exclai<strong>me</strong>d, as a burnt-out agri-complex he had spotted earlier<br />

ca<strong>me</strong> into view. Slamming the throttle out of reverse, he sent his 'Mech forward, veering away from<br />

the laser-spewing 95 tons of steel and myo<strong>me</strong>r barrelling towards him. Hopefully it would buy him<br />

enough ti<strong>me</strong> to lumber behind the closest building – and if the Star Commander was in a hurry...<br />

As he took up position as close to the ferrocrete wall as possible, Carver thought he he heard a

oar behind him.<br />

"'Duchess'?" he called over the comm. "Please tell <strong>me</strong> the Falcon just stomped her angry little<br />

feet on the jump pedals?"<br />

"It's coming right towards you!" the girl screa<strong>me</strong>d back, answering him even if she was too<br />

excited to notice the question.<br />

That thing needs a few <strong>me</strong>ters of clearance to land, right? Carver wondered as he picked up the<br />

Turkina's white-hot heat signature coming in from behind. Too close and his PPCs would be<br />

useless, leaving him to just tickle his opponent with the Aweso<strong>me</strong>'s tiny backup laser while the<br />

Falcon turned around for the killing blow.<br />

Jump jets roaring, the Clan assault 'Mech ca<strong>me</strong> into sight above him. Coming down in a wide<br />

arc, it crashed heavily onto the ground, pulverizing a toppled grain silo beneath its three-toed feet.<br />

Righting her 'Mech after the thunderous landing, the Falcon took a second to locate Carver behind<br />

her. It was all the ti<strong>me</strong> he needed.<br />

Crackling bluish beams of energy shot from the beleaguered Aweso<strong>me</strong>, cutting into the<br />

vulnerable rear torso of the Turkina. As he had hoped, Carver's salvo struck straight to the bigger<br />

'Mech's power plant and sent it reeling. Staggering forward, trying to right itself, the Turkina's heat<br />

signature flashed a blinding white as heat spewed through the reactor's failing shields. The shot had<br />

not been enough to take out the reactor itself, but Carver could imagine the warning klaxons blaring<br />

in his opponent's ear as its heat level reached critical levels.<br />

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Carver breathed a sigh of relief as he saw the enemy 'Mech shut<br />

down to protect itself from its own blistering temperatures. "TacOps, give <strong>me</strong> a local intel update,"<br />

he panted into his comm. Judging from the state of his Aweso<strong>me</strong> there had better not be another<br />

eager clanner in an assault 'Mech out there.<br />

The Turkina pilot was glistening with sweat when the salvage team pulled her, half-conscious,<br />

from the cockpit of her downed 'Mech. Dressed in little more than a <strong>cooling</strong> <strong>vest</strong>, her naked limbs<br />

betrayed the powerfully built body of a warrior. As the technicians took off her neurohel<strong>me</strong>t, long<br />

dark hair fell out to fra<strong>me</strong> an angular face as fierce as her Clan's na<strong>me</strong>sake.<br />

"Good show out there, darling," Carver said. His tone was flippant, but he did <strong>me</strong>an it. "Now,<br />

what was that about dignity and skill? Oh, right: This is the part I allow you the honour of<br />

submitting to <strong>me</strong>, <strong>quiaff</strong>?"<br />

The anger in the Jade Falcon Commander's half-closed eyes could <strong>me</strong>lt ferro-fibrous plating, but<br />

it was all she could manage before she passed out.

Mercenary DropShip Implacable<br />

In orbit over Black Earth<br />

Clan Jade Falcon Occupation Zone<br />

24 October 3064<br />

Growling as much as she groaned from the thundering in her head, for<strong>me</strong>r Star Commander Eva<br />

Buhallin found herself stirring in a generously padded bunk. The rest of the room was fairly austere,<br />

but nicely decorated for a spacecraft cabin. None of that mattered as much as the dark-haired man<br />

with the chiselled jaw standing in it.<br />

"What do you want, stravag?" Eva hissed and bolted upright.<br />

"I ca<strong>me</strong> to give you <strong>this</strong>," Carver said as solemnly as he could manage while waving around<br />

three strings of pink, baby blue and pastel green yarn woven together. Fortunately, "Duchess" kept<br />

at her knitting hobby for him to scavenge it. "This is how you guys do <strong>this</strong>, right?"<br />

The Falcon's eyes narrowed: "That is not a bondcord," she said, referring to the band indicating<br />

one's indentured servitude to a <strong>me</strong>mber of the Clans. "That's a piece of... fluffy string, <strong>quiaff</strong>?"<br />

"It's an Inner Sphere bondcord," Carver lied. Despite having been in <strong>this</strong> part of space for over a<br />

decade, the Clans were not quick to pick up on the customs of "barbarians" such as himself. Or so<br />

he hoped.<br />

Eva's lips curled in disgust at the thought of being subordinate to a freeborn <strong>me</strong>rcenary: "You<br />

should have granted <strong>me</strong> an honourable death."<br />

"It's a bit late for that now, don't you think?" Carver disagreed, motioning gravely towards the<br />

brightly coloured cord.<br />

"Very well." Grudgingly, the Falcon inclined her head in acceptance. "You have bested <strong>me</strong> in<br />

passably honourable combat and I accept you as my bondholder, colonel...?"<br />

Bending forward – not without a fear of having an ear bitten off – Carver secured the flimsy yarn<br />

around Eva's wrist. "Allan Carver," he said. "Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?"<br />

The bondswoman said nothing, but obviously disagreed. Nevertheless, any fear of attack was<br />

unfounded: In keeping with Clan honour, the for<strong>me</strong>r Star Commander accepted her <strong>fat</strong>e.<br />

"Well, then... why don't you just stay here and we'll fix you up with so<strong>me</strong>thing to eat?"

Mercenary DropShip Implacable<br />

En route to Melissia<br />

Lyran Alliance<br />

1 November 3064<br />

"Then what do you suggest we do with her? We can't trust her with one of our 'Mechs,<br />

certainly?"<br />

The DropShip's little common room – very officially, and very jokingly, known as the "War<br />

Room" when <strong>me</strong>rcenary business was being discussed – was filled up as the <strong>me</strong>rcenaries discussed<br />

their latest "acquisition".<br />

A hefty woman with thick, blonde hair – for<strong>me</strong>r Lyran MechWarrior Anita Neuhafen – crossed<br />

her arms over her tight-fitting uniform. Her full lips clenched sternly, she awaited her superior's<br />

response.<br />

Colonel Carver replied to his tactical operations officer's glare with a weary <strong>look</strong>: "The Falcon's<br />

honour compels her to obey without question," he assured her. "But it would be stupid to risk it,<br />

especially while we're still fighting her fellow clanmates."<br />

"Then why do we not return her to them?" Amanda "Duchess" Engleton piped up. She might be<br />

a poor military woman and an unimpressive 'Mech pilot, but the bright-faced young woman had no<br />

problem voicing her opinions. "Surely the Falcons would be happy to trade for one of their own?"<br />

"The Clans don't care about hostages," towering Salomon Becker explained. The taciturn giant of<br />

a man had enough patience with the girl's naiveté for the whole unit. "To them, she's as good as<br />

dead."<br />

Nodding, Carver chi<strong>me</strong>d in: "Besides, bonds<strong>me</strong>n need to earn their freedom. Let her go too<br />

easily and she might just insist she stay on."<br />

Behind a beaten up VidChess table, broad-shouldered Helen Garganti – commander of the<br />

<strong>me</strong>rcenaries' armour assets – threw down her hands and groaned: "Well, that's just great. We're<br />

stuck here with a crazy clanner who might stab us in the back at any ti<strong>me</strong>, that we can't get rid off."<br />

"That's how it's going to be," Carver concluded. Looking around, he added: "Besides, she might<br />

know so<strong>me</strong>thing useful. 'Duchess', why don't you sweet talk her a bit when you... has anybody seen<br />

'Duchess'?"<br />

In her cabin, for<strong>me</strong>r Star Commander Eva Buhallin lay in her bed, staring angrily at the ceiling<br />

as she was wont to do. Only the hiss of the pneumatic door gliding open made her break off the<br />

eternal staring contest.<br />

"Hey, it's <strong>me</strong>, Amanda." The sound of the girl's voice saw Eva swing her legs over the edge of<br />

the bed and sit upright.

"Ah, is it dinner already?" The contemptuous glint in the bondswoman's eyes gave way to an<br />

eager glow. She craned her neck: "Is it... strawberry ice-cream?" she guessed. "Or pee-cha?"<br />

"It is not pizza," Amanda told her and peeked into the package: "I believe it is what the<br />

commoners call 'macaroni and cheese'. Or, if you want, I guess there is also fish au gratin and so<strong>me</strong><br />

leftover chicken."<br />

"I would like to try all of them," Eva said, licking her lips. "Can you ask Colonel Carver if I may<br />

have all of them?"<br />

"Yeah, sure..." Amanda rolled her eyes and groaned. Offloading the first batch of dinner and<br />

dessert in Eva's lap, she left to get the rest – with no intention of asking Carver about anything.<br />

Eager chewing and slurping noises <strong>me</strong>t the "Duchess" when she returned with another batch of<br />

AluFoam trays in her arms.<br />

"The food of your Inner Sphere is strange..." Eva mumbled through huge mouthfuls. "...but<br />

surprisingly pleasing, <strong>quiaff</strong>?"<br />

Amanda's mouth froze in a dissenting grimace of silent disgust as she glanced down on the<br />

heavily processed spaceship food. "Yeah... let us just say that if you ever dined at my mom's<br />

mansion, your head would explode," she said sarcastically and just in case she had forgot to<br />

<strong>me</strong>ntion it, she added: "She is a baroness, you know."<br />

The for<strong>me</strong>r Star Commander did not seem to care – or notice. Instead, she was eyeing the<br />

contents of the latest arrivals to her <strong>me</strong>al with hungry curiosity. Opening each container in turn, she<br />

see<strong>me</strong>d to be <strong>look</strong>ing for so<strong>me</strong>thing.<br />

"Fine, fine!" Amanda sighed <strong>me</strong>lodramatically. "I shall get you your stupid strawberry ice<br />

cream!"<br />

Mercenary DropShip Implacable<br />

In orbit over Melissia<br />

Lyran Alliance<br />

25 November 3064<br />

"You do not understand!" Eva blurted out, wiping chocolate pudding from her mouth and waving<br />

her spoon as if it was a sword. "You must let <strong>me</strong> fight at your side. I hear that traitor stravag Phelan<br />

Kell leads the attack on Melissia – you cannot leave <strong>me</strong> on the sideline while his dogs reap all the<br />

glory!"<br />

"I think it would be best if you sit <strong>this</strong> one out," Carver retorted. Even if the rest of the unit had<br />

trusted her, they were short on 'Mechs in working order as it was. The colonel smiled wryly to<br />

himself: I wonder how the Star Commander would like to borrow a 'Mech from the 'traitor stravag'

Phelan Kell's Wolf Clan. There certainly was no love lost there. "Why are you so eager to fight your<br />

own people, anyway?"<br />

"You stripped <strong>me</strong> of my Clan, Colonel," Eva reminded him, angrily tearing into a candy bar.<br />

Despite herself, a sound of content<strong>me</strong>nt rose from her throat as she took a big bite. Glancing away,<br />

she tried to conceal it with an indignant grunt. "If you will not allow <strong>me</strong> earn my freedom, Colonel,<br />

how can I keep my oath?" With an intense stare from those bright, green eyes, she hinted at what an<br />

unfortunate circumstance that would be for her captor.<br />

"There are other ways to prove yourself," Carver insisted, folding his arms – to ward himself<br />

from Eva's silent threat, perhaps. "Have patience: You'll get your chance to fight, but not today."<br />

Discarding the empty candy wrapper in the steadily rising pile beside her bed, Eva reached for<br />

another box of chocolate. Finding it to be full – the first box she had unwittingly emptied and<br />

discarded – her pinched expression <strong>me</strong>llowed: "As you say, Colonel," she nodded and continued to<br />

eat. "I will remain here for the ti<strong>me</strong> being."<br />

On his way to the War Room, Carver bumped into tactical operations officer Lt. Colonel<br />

Neuhafen. The <strong>fat</strong> blonde glanced past him down the hall and asked: "And how is our pet Falcon?"<br />

"Good, I think: I think I only got a single death threat <strong>this</strong> ti<strong>me</strong>."<br />

Anita feigned astonish<strong>me</strong>nt, nodding approvingly: "Wow. You don't say?" Hands on her hips, she<br />

straightened up in order to mitigate the height difference between them, her hefty gut shifting<br />

beneath her snug uniform as she did so. "And what do we do with her while you are planetside and<br />

watching Phelan Kell's ass? You aren't thinking of bringing her with you?" Knowing her<br />

commander, she eyed him cautiously: "Are you?"<br />

"I'd have her ride with 'Duchess'," Carver winked, "but we both know her fashion babble would<br />

drive our clan companion to murder. Better Eva stays in her cabin after we <strong>make</strong> planetfall, I think."<br />

"As you say," Anita nodded, having gotten the answer she was <strong>look</strong>ing for. "And <strong>look</strong>ing at our<br />

provisions budget lately, I think I know how..."<br />

Mercenary DropShip Implacable<br />

Machida<br />

Lyran Alliance<br />

5 June 3065<br />

In addition to having an eye for 'Mech tactics, Anita Neuhafen really knew how to fill out an<br />

office chair. Meeting with Colonel Carver in his quarters, she was close to spilling out of her seat<br />

and constantly shifting her weight as the armrests dug into her love handles on one side, then the<br />


"Looks like General Steiner has <strong>this</strong> thing in hand," Carver observed as he scanned the latest<br />

reports. "We still have to hold <strong>this</strong> sector, however."<br />

Anita nodded: "May I suggest we find a quiet place to rack up so<strong>me</strong> decent salvage before they<br />

realize we're still on a rather generous contract?"<br />

"I doubt these second-line stars will bring us a very <strong>fat</strong> haul." The reports indicated one or two<br />

five-'Mech units advancing on their position. "Still, it's a perfect chance for the rookies to get so<strong>me</strong><br />

proper exercise. In fact..." Tapping his chin, Carver thanked his tactical operations officer for the<br />

update and bade her leave. Giving himself a mo<strong>me</strong>nt to think, he punched in a number on his<br />

comm.<br />

"Mmm?" ca<strong>me</strong> the mumbling reply from the other end.<br />

"Eva, I have so<strong>me</strong> good news for you: We have been tasked with holding Pernic's Pass and are<br />

expecting a push from a Jade Falcon binary and could use a hand," Carver exaggerated. "There's a<br />

Hunchback waiting in the 'Mech bay for you."<br />

"Oh," was the curt reply.<br />

Carver raised an eyebrow: "I thought you'd be thrilled with the chance to spend a few weeks out<br />

in the field?"<br />

An awkward cough.<br />

"Is that an order, Colonel?" Eva said eventually.<br />

A puzzled <strong>look</strong> on his face, Carver replied with a curt "I'll be right over." Switching off the<br />

comm, he grabbed his jacket and left.<br />

Forgetting to knock, Carver stumbled in on Eva struggling with the white trousers of her<br />

uniform. As a way of welcoming her into the unit, Carver had given her an old uniform to wear<br />

around the DropShip. Now, six months later, she was apparently having so<strong>me</strong> trouble getting it over<br />

her thighs: The waistband cut into them, seeing them bulge out with new-found plumpness. Bent<br />

over, her rear ballooned impressively, its taut cheeks threatening to escape her boyshorts.<br />

Hearing the hiss of the door, Eva turned around. In her surprise, she straightened up, letting her<br />

ill-fitting trousers fall to pool at her ankles. Nearly naked, there was no hiding the growing pot belly<br />

bulging over her underwear, nor her even plumper love handles, so ample that a deep crease for<strong>me</strong>d<br />

where they <strong>me</strong>t her midriff<br />

"Colonel," the bondswoman said awkwardly and made a hasty salute. Her fierce features<br />

appeared softer, a little puffy and a plump cushion had for<strong>me</strong>d under her sharp chin.<br />

"I guess I should have knocked," Carver grinned apologetically, trying to joke away the cloud of<br />

embarrass<strong>me</strong>nt that filled the room. Opposite him, Eva tried to pretend she did not care: Nudity<br />

carried no stigma among the Clans, but so<strong>me</strong>thing else obviously did.

"You wanted to speak to <strong>me</strong>?" the bondwoman said haughtily.<br />

"Yeah..." Unable to help himself from marvelling at how soft the fearso<strong>me</strong> Clan warrior had<br />

grown, Carver realized that no part of her body had escaped being cushioned by a noticeable layer<br />

of flab. Managing to tear his eyes away, he found his voice again: "Like I said, I need your help.<br />

You wanted a chance to prove yourself, right?"<br />

"Aff," Eva nodded reluctantly. Dropping her gaze, it fell on the ball of dough jutting out over her<br />

shorts. Colour rose in her not-so-gaunt cheeks.<br />

Carver paused before continuing, letting the out-of-shape clanner squirm while he collected his<br />

thoughts. "We need you to... tell the rookies how Falcons fight," he began. Was that relief he saw in<br />

her eyes? "Your knowledge will be invaluable in the upcoming battle," he exaggerated. "Do <strong>this</strong> and<br />

you will have the first strand of your bondcord severed," he promised. Even more tantalizing, he<br />

suspected, was the second offer: "And as much strawberry ice cream as you want for as long as you<br />

remain with us."<br />

"As you command, Colonel Carver," Eva grinned broadly and licked her lips.

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