Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis
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two whole years preaching the gospel without interruption, though preaching it in bonds. It will appear strange that so long an interval was allowed to elapse before the trial came on. But while the defendant had no power to hasten the tardy course of justice, the accusers were interested in delaying it. (J. Lightfoot) Philp. 1:7 In so far as (causal; since) it is (PAI3S, eivmi, Perfective) right (Acc. Dir. Obj.; just, accurate, natural) for me (Dat. Adv.) to hold this (immediate demonstrative pronoun) correct opinion (PAInf., frone,w, Gnomic, Conceived Result; clear objective thinking, "entertain these thoughts about you") concerning all (Gen. Measure; how many) of you (Adv. Gen. Ref.), because (with an untranslated article) I have (PAI1S, e;cw , Durative) you all (Acc. Dir. Obj., Paul's favorite congregation) in the mentality of my (Gen. Poss.) soul (Loc. Sph.; right lobe, heart, spiritual rapport), while (connective enclitic particle) in my imprisonments (Loc. Place, plural “bonds” denotes prison) and (connective) in the defense (Loc. Sph.; legal plea of Not Guilty) and (connective) the (reject the use of the Granville Sharp Rule) confirmation (presentation of the gospel and doctrines of Christianity in court) of the good news (Obj. Gen.; presenting doctrines in general before Nero, not just the Gospel), all of you (Acc. Spec.) being (PAPtc.APM, eivmi, Descriptive, Attributive) my (Gen. Rel.) partners (Complementary Acc.) during this (demonstrative) practical application (Attributive Adv.; reality, truth) of grace (Adv. Gen. of Time; sharing in Paul's accomplishments). WHO Philippians 1:7 kaqw,j evstin di,kaion evmoi. tou/to fronei/n u`pe.r pa,ntwn u`mw/n dia. to. e;cein me evn th/| kardi,a| u`ma/j e;n te toi/j desmoi/j mou kai. evn th/| avpologi,a| kai. bebaiw,sei tou/ euvaggeli,ou sugkoinwnou,j mou th/j ca,ritoj pa,ntaj u`ma/j o;ntaj VUL Philippians 1:7 sicut est mihi iustum hoc sentire pro omnibus vobis eo quod habeam in corde vos et in vinculis meis et in defensione et confirmatione evangelii socios gaudii mei omnes vos esse LWB Philp. 1:8 For God is my witness as to how I long after all of you [I miss you] with the emotions [fragrant memories] characterized by Christ Jesus. KW Philp. 1:8 For my witness is God, how I long after all of you with the tenderheartedness of Christ Jesus. KJV Philippians 1:8 For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus Christ. TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS

Remember when I said Paul was thinking about the Philippian believers with clear objective thinking and not emotions? That was how he sized up their spiritual status and the application of the doctrine of grace giving. Now he actually swears before God as his witness that he truly misses their company (Dramatic Present tense). He has fragrant memories of the time he spent with them, teaching them doctrine, fellowshipping in the Word of God (true social life). He shows us how his emotions follow the results of his objective thinking. That is how the mind of Christ operates, and that is how our minds should operate. Our affections or favorable emotions should follow objective thinking, just like they do in the thoughts of Christ Jesus. REVELANT OPINIONS Experience has proved again and again that emotions (such as sorrow, joy, pity, love, hatred, anger, etc.) do, indeed, affect the internal organs. The word “splagna” - which literally refers to heart, liver, lungs - by way of metonymy, begins to indicate the spiritual center of the emotions. (W. Hendriksen) The viscera were regarded as the seat of emotional life, both of God and of man. (R. P. Martin) Here Paul calls God to witness that he longs for the Philippians with nothing less than the love of Christ Jesus Himself. (P. O’Brien) I believe that 90% of all the divisions between true believers in this world would disappear entirely if Christians would learn to pray specifically and constantly for one another. (J. Boice) Philp. 1:8 For (explanatory) God (Subj. Nom.) is (ellipsis) my (Gen. Rel.) witness (Nom. Apposition, "I'm telling the truth, I swear to God") as to how (subordinate) I long after (PAI1S, evpipoqe,w, Dramatic) all of you (Acc. Dir. Obj.; I miss you) with (in the sphere of) the emotions (Loc. Sph. or State/Condition; fragrant memories in the right lobe; pertaining to the affections) characterized by (of) Christ Jesus (Poss. Gen. or Abl. Source). WHO Philippians 1:8 ma,rtuj ga,r mou o` qeo,j w`j evpipoqw/ pa,ntaj u`ma/j evn spla,gcnoij Cristou/ VIhsou/ VUL Philippians 1:8 testis enim mihi est Deus quomodo cupiam omnes vos in visceribus Christi Iesu LWB Philp. 1:9 In fact, I myself repeatedly [by intercession] pray this: That your virtue love might be extremely rich and abundant [supergrace A], still more [supergrace B], even to a greater degree [Ultra-supergrace], by means of full knowledge [a soul saturated with Bible doctrine] and all spiritual discernment [Christian common sense & wisdom], KW Philp. 1:9 And this is the constant purport of my definite petitions, namely, that your love [divine and self-sacrificial in its nature as ministered to you by the Holy Spirit] yet more and more might overflow, but at the same time be kept within the guiding limitations of an accurate

two whole years preaching the gospel without interruption, though preaching it in bonds. It will<br />

appear strange that so long an interval was allowed to elapse before the trial came on. But while the<br />

defendant had no power to hasten the tardy course of justice, the accusers were interested in delaying<br />

it. (J. Lightfoot)<br />

Philp. 1:7 In so far as (causal; since) it is (PAI3S, eivmi,<br />

Perfective) right (Acc. Dir. Obj.; just, accurate, natural)<br />

for me (Dat. Adv.) to hold this (immediate demonstrative<br />

pronoun) correct opinion (PAInf., frone,w, Gnomic, Conceived<br />

Result; clear objective thinking, "entertain these thoughts<br />

about you") concerning all (Gen. Measure; how many) of you<br />

(Adv. Gen. Ref.), because (with an untranslated article) I<br />

have (PAI1S, e;cw , Durative) you all (Acc. Dir. Obj., Paul's<br />

favorite congregation) in the mentality of my (Gen. Poss.)<br />

soul (Loc. Sph.; right lobe, heart, spiritual rapport), while<br />

(connective enclitic particle) in my imprisonments (Loc.<br />

Place, plural “bonds” denotes prison) and (connective) in the<br />

defense (Loc. Sph.; legal plea of Not Guilty) and<br />

(connective) the (reject the use of the Granville Sharp Rule)<br />

confirmation (presentation of the gospel and doctrines of<br />

Christianity in court) of the good news (Obj. Gen.;<br />

presenting doctrines in general before Nero, not just the<br />

Gospel), all of you (Acc. Spec.) being (PAPtc.APM, eivmi,<br />

Descriptive, Attributive) my (Gen. Rel.) partners<br />

(Complementary Acc.) during this (demonstrative) practical<br />

application (Attributive Adv.; reality, truth) of grace (Adv.<br />

Gen. of Time; sharing in Paul's accomplishments).<br />

WHO <strong>Philippians</strong> 1:7 kaqw,j evstin di,kaion evmoi. tou/to fronei/n u`pe.r pa,ntwn u`mw/n dia. to. e;cein<br />

me evn th/| kardi,a| u`ma/j e;n te toi/j desmoi/j mou kai. evn th/| avpologi,a| kai. bebaiw,sei tou/<br />

euvaggeli,ou sugkoinwnou,j mou th/j ca,ritoj pa,ntaj u`ma/j o;ntaj<br />

VUL <strong>Philippians</strong> 1:7 sicut est mihi iustum hoc sentire pro omnibus vobis eo quod habeam in<br />

corde vos et in vinculis meis et in defensione et confirmatione evangelii socios gaudii mei omnes<br />

vos esse<br />

LWB Philp. 1:8 For God is my witness as to how I long after all of you [I miss you] with the<br />

emotions [fragrant memories] characterized <strong>by</strong> Christ Jesus.<br />

KW<br />

Philp. 1:8 For my witness is God, how I long after all of you with the tenderheartedness of<br />

Christ Jesus.<br />

KJV <strong>Philippians</strong> 1:8 For God is my record, how greatly I long after you all in the bowels of Jesus<br />

Christ.<br />


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