Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis


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[perfect integrity & scale of values in thought] and without offense [outer conduct that does not<br />

betray the inner integrity] unto the day of Christ [the rapture],<br />

Philp. 1:11 Being filled to the point of overflowing [a full harvest] with the fruit [SG2 & SG3<br />

blessings] of righteousness [profound spiritual progress], the fruit which is from Jesus Christ for the<br />

glory [inner revelation] and praise [outer expression] of God.<br />

Philp. 1:12 Now brethren, after mature consideration I want you all to comprehend that my extreme<br />

circumstances [imprisonments & lawsuits] have come upon me on numerous occasions for the<br />

advance of the good news,<br />

Philp. 1:13 With the result that my imprisonments due to Christ have been made well known [<strong>by</strong><br />

public notice & gossip] throughout the entire Praetorian Guard and to all the rest [SPQR: citizens of<br />

Rome].<br />

Philp. 1:14 In fact, the majority of the brethren, because of my imprisonments in the Lord, have<br />

become confident and are continuing to be confident [due to doctrine in their soul] to have courage<br />

beyond measure to communicate the Word [both gospel and doctrine] without fear.<br />

Philp. 1:15 On the one hand [with false motivation], some people [reversionists] are proclaiming<br />

Christ even because of envy [pride, ambition] and strife [rivalry, contention], but on the other hand,<br />

others [with true motivation] even because of goodwill.<br />

Philp. 1:16 On the one hand, certain people [with true motivation] out of virtue love have known and<br />

continue to know that I myself am destined for the defense [apologetics] of the good news;<br />

Philp. 1:17 On the other hand, certain people [with false motivation] out of selfish ambition are<br />

proclaiming Christ, not with pure motives [they have the ulterior motive of devisive self-promotion],<br />

thinking within themselves [supposing] that they might apply mental pressure [psychological stress]<br />

to my bonds [add further torment to Paul while he is in prison].<br />

Philp. 1:18 What then is my conclusion? Only that in every way, whether with falsely alleged<br />

motives [pretext] or with true motives, Christ is being proclaimed. As a matter of fact, I am<br />

maintaining inner happiness during this [proclamation of Christ with false motivation]; and<br />

furthermore, I plan to continue maintaining this inner happiness in the future.<br />

Philp. 1:19 Indeed, I know that this event [the proclamation of Christ] shall lead to my deliverance<br />

[release from prison] through your prayers and monetary support motivated <strong>by</strong> the Spirit of Jesus<br />

Christ.<br />

Philp. 1:20 According to my earnest expectation [intense concentration] and confidence [in<br />

doctrine], so that I shall be disgraced in nothing [at the Judgment Seat of Christ], but with all<br />

courage [fearlessness in supergrace A], as always [looking forward to ultra-supergrace], even now at

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