Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis
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have this fellowship with the Lord. REVELANT OPINIONS Knowledge lays a stable foundation for the Christian character, preventing it from evaporating into a mere unreasoning emotionalism. This conception is prominent in Paul's writings and is based on the O.T. idea of the knowledge of God. To know God is to revere Him, to be godly, for to know Him is to understand the revelation He has given of Himself. To know Christ is to have the key which will unlock all the secrets of existence viewed from the standpoint of religion. To recognize this is to understand doctrinal teaching ... knowledge is the necessary prerequisite of intimate communion with Christ. (W.R. Nicoll) παραλαμβαvω plainly refers to the definite Christian teaching Paul had set himself to give them. The word is used regularly of "receiving truth" from a teacher. (W.R. Nicoll) There was a necessarily close connection between the word the apostle preached and the life he lived. He not only instructed the Philippians and passed on to them the authoritative, apostolic tradition; he also provided them with the right sort of model to imitate. They had before their very eyes a pattern of what it was like to be a true Christian. (P. O’Brien) There is a polysyndeton in this passage - the use of a particle repeatedly (in this case και) in longer enumerations which lend rhetorical emphasis. It produces the impression of extensiveness and abundance by means of an exhausting summary. (Blass, Debrunner, Funk) Paul was assiduous in inculcating these doctrines. Hypocrites, on the other hand, insisted upon nothing but ceremonies. It is a dishonorable thing to abandon holy instruction. (J. Calvin) Paul dares to point to his life as an illustration of this high thinking. The pastor is the interpreter of the spiritual life and should be an example of it. (A.T. Robertson) The shift in mood from the Indicative requires subordination ... subordination separates all subordinate clauses from independent clauses no matter which comes first. (W.G. MacDonald) Using this principle of textual transcription, I have also "separated" the Imperatival clause from the other Indicative clauses as a separate sentence. It is connected to the second half of the verse as a protasis to an apodosis. (LWB) The imperative “let your mind dwell” or think stresses the idea of a constant thought process. Believers must strengthen daily the moral integrity of their thought life. (R. Gromacki) Many examples can be used to show that men today, because they have abandoned the authority of the Word of God, are reappraising the standards set by people who recognized and yielded to that authority. Men’s minds are subject to satanic control. An unceasing, unremitting, unrelenting battle goes on day after day and hour after hour for the control of the mind of the child of God. If one is to keep from following the counsel of the ungodly, from standing in the way of sinners, and from sitting in the seat of the scoffer, his mind must be occupied with the Word of God. The greatest area of sin in the believer’s life is not the area of actions but the area of thought. There is a whole classification of sins that we would have to call sins of the mind. Those sins are more real to the child of God than such sins as adultery and murder and theft. That is a testimony to the fact that there is a warfare going on. Satan is attacking the mind. (J. Pentecost) Philp. 4:9 These things (Nom. Appos.; Bible doctrines and their fruits in your life) which (ellipsis) you have both

(connective) learned (manqa,nw, AAI2P, Constative; γvωσισ from your right pastor-teacher) and (continuative) accepted (paralamba,nw, AAI2P, Culminative; επιγvωσισ in the right lobe), both (connective) heard (avkou,w, AAI2P, Constative) and (continuative) understood (o`ra,w, AAI2P, Culminative; "perceptive perspective") by means of me (Instr. Means; by my teaching). Keep on executing (pra,ssw, PAImp.2P, Iterative, Command; performing, accomplishing, putting into action; training your brain to run on automatic pilot like a day laborer who habitually performs a manual function) these things (Acc. Appos.; application of Bible doctrine), and (continuative) the God (Subj. Nom.) of spiritual prosperity (Descr. Gen.) shall Himself be (eivmi, FMI3S, Gnomic, Potential Ind.; if the proper conditions of supergrace are met) with you (Gen. Accompaniment; referring to supergrace believers who have met the conditions). WHO Philippians 4:9 a] kai. evma,qete kai. parela,bete kai. hvkou,sate kai. ei;dete evn evmoi, tau/ta pra,ssete\ kai. o` qeo.j th/j eivrh,nhj e;stai meq u`mw/n VUL Philippians 4:9 quae et didicistis et accepistis et audistis et vidistis in me haec agite et Deus pacis erit vobiscum LWB Philp. 4:10 Now I have received great inner happiness in the Lord, because now your thinking of me has blossomed once again [referring to their 2 nd monetary contribution]. Indeed, you had been thinking about it [it wasn’t impulsive giving], but you yourselves [rather than through Epaphroditus] had no opportunity [to show me personally]. KW Philp. 4:10 But I rejoice in the Lord greatly that already once more you let your concern for my welfare blossom into activity again, in which matter you were all along thoughtful, but you never had an opportunity. KJV Philippians 4:10 But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity. TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS Paul just received another monetary contribution from the Philippian believers through their courier, Epaphroditus. The fact that they were still thinking about him (Durative Present tense) gave him great inner happiness (Constative Aorist tense). Their thoughts and prayers would have been enough, but the Philippians had sent much needed funds to support Paul in prison again (Constative Aorist tense). He thought they might have forgotten him, since he had been out of touch with them for so long, but their gift made him realize that they had not only grown spiritually since their last meeting, but they had never stopped caring about his welfare. The Greek word “anathallo” means to revive, which implies they had given him financial support on

have this fellowship with the Lord.<br />


Knowledge lays a stable foundation for the Christian character, preventing it from evaporating into a<br />

mere unreasoning emotionalism. This conception is prominent in Paul's writings and is based on the<br />

O.T. idea of the knowledge of God. To know God is to revere Him, to be godly, for to know Him is<br />

to understand the revelation He has given of Himself. To know Christ is to have the key which will<br />

unlock all the secrets of existence viewed from the standpoint of religion. To recognize this is to<br />

understand doctrinal teaching ... knowledge is the necessary prerequisite of intimate communion<br />

with Christ. (W.R. Nicoll) παραλαμβαvω plainly refers to the definite Christian teaching Paul had<br />

set himself to give them. The word is used regularly of "receiving truth" from a teacher. (W.R.<br />

Nicoll) There was a necessarily close connection between the word the apostle preached and the life<br />

he lived. He not only instructed the <strong>Philippians</strong> and passed on to them the authoritative, apostolic<br />

tradition; he also provided them with the right sort of model to imitate. They had before their very<br />

eyes a pattern of what it was like to be a true Christian. (P. O’Brien)<br />

There is a polysyndeton in this passage - the use of a particle repeatedly (in this case και) in longer<br />

enumerations which lend rhetorical emphasis. It produces the impression of extensiveness and<br />

abundance <strong>by</strong> means of an exhausting summary. (Blass, Debrunner, Funk) Paul was assiduous in<br />

inculcating these doctrines. Hypocrites, on the other hand, insisted upon nothing but ceremonies. It<br />

is a dishonorable thing to abandon holy instruction. (J. Calvin) Paul dares to point to his life as an<br />

illustration of this high thinking. The pastor is the interpreter of the spiritual life and should be an<br />

example of it. (A.T. Robertson) The shift in mood from the Indicative requires subordination ...<br />

subordination separates all subordinate clauses from independent clauses no matter which comes<br />

first. (W.G. MacDonald) Using this principle of textual transcription, I have also "separated" the<br />

Imperatival clause from the other Indicative clauses as a separate sentence. It is connected to the<br />

second half of the verse as a protasis to an apodosis. (LWB)<br />

The imperative “let your mind dwell” or think stresses the idea of a constant thought process.<br />

Believers must strengthen daily the moral integrity of their thought life. (R. Gromacki) Many<br />

examples can be used to show that men today, because they have abandoned the authority of the<br />

Word of God, are reappraising the standards set <strong>by</strong> people who recognized and yielded to that<br />

authority. Men’s minds are subject to satanic control. An unceasing, unremitting, unrelenting battle<br />

goes on day after day and hour after hour for the control of the mind of the child of God. If one is to<br />

keep from following the counsel of the ungodly, from standing in the way of sinners, and from<br />

sitting in the seat of the scoffer, his mind must be occupied with the Word of God. The greatest area<br />

of sin in the believer’s life is not the area of actions but the area of thought. There is a whole<br />

classification of sins that we would have to call sins of the mind. Those sins are more real to the<br />

child of God than such sins as adultery and murder and theft. That is a testimony to the fact that<br />

there is a warfare going on. Satan is attacking the mind. (J. Pentecost)<br />

Philp. 4:9 These things (Nom. Appos.; Bible doctrines and<br />

their fruits in your life) which (ellipsis) you have both

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