Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis
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WHO Philippians 3:20 h`mw/n ga.r to. poli,teuma evn ouvranoi/j u`pa,rcei evx ou- kai. swth/ra avpekdeco,meqa ku,rion VIhsou/n Cristo,n VUL Philippians 3:20 nostra autem conversatio in caelis est unde etiam salvatorem expectamus Dominum Iesum Christum LWB Philp. 3:21 Who shall change the form of the body [corruptible] of our humble station in life [since the fall of Adam] into conformity with the body [incorruptible] of His glory [ultimate sanctification occurs at the rapture], according to the operating power [divine omnipotence] from which He Himself is also able to bring under His ultimate authority the all things [all creatures, angelic, animate and inanimate objects in creation]. KW Philp. 3:21 Who shall transform this body of ours which has been humiliated [by the presence of indwelling sin and by death and decay], so that it will be conformed to His body of His glory, this in accordance with the operation of Him who is able to bring into subjection to Himself all things. KJV Philippians 3:21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself. TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS When the rapture occurs, all believers who are alive will be changed (Latin: reformed) from their current physical form (Predictive Future tense) that we inherited from Adam (Latin: humility) into the form (Latin: configuration) that Christ currently possesses. This bodily form is called ‘humble station” by Ralph Earle; I like that. All believers who have died physically will also be transformed from carbon elements to a resurrection body. We will finally be transformed into conformity with the body of His glory, which is the goal of ultimate sanctification. This transformation of our mortal bodies into resurrection bodies will occur through the power of His divine omnipotence, the same operating power (divine dynasphere) that He possessed while on earth. He is also able to utilize that same power (Descriptive Present tense) to bring under His ultimate authority all creatures on earth and in heaven, as well as animate and inanimate objects in creation. REVELANT OPINIONS The use of "body" is almost synonymous with the whole personality or person. (BAG) The "body of His glory" is the prototype of the believer's spiritual body ... sharing in the nature of that exalted body and partaking of its life and inherent qualities as truly and fully "alive unto God," a complete likeness to Christ ... not only the outward form, but the whole person (R.P. Martin), a body that is invariably responsive to His personality (M.J. Harris), and which can be compared to the "prototype divine dynasphere" of Jesus Christ during the hypostatic union and our "operational type divine

dynasphere" during the church age. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.) Paul uses a Greek military term for a General arranging his regiments in orderly array before himself on the battlefield or for close inspection. (K. Wuest) Jesus Christ is the present joy and the everlasting hope. His unsearchable riches of personal grace and glory are the constant ambition and ever-rising standard of the believer’s spiritual progress. (H. Moule) “Energia” represents power in effective action of which the resurrection of Christ is the supreme demonstration. Paul is making it clear that the power required to change the bodies of believers is adequately provided for in the greater assurance that He is able to subject not only the intractable elements in the believer’s make-up, but all things, the entire universe, unto Himself. (R. Martin) It is the body that is the vehicle through which God manifests Himself in His holiness and righteousness, through which God is glorified. These Christians had been led to believe that what they did didn’t matter because they had been saved. Paul says it does matter because the body has been redeemed as well as the soul, and the body must not be used as an instrument of sin. We are to “present our bodies a living sacrifice.” Because Jesus Christ is the Saviour of the body, it matters what use you make of this body. The tabernacle and the temple in the OT were considered sacred because God chose to dwell there. Our physical bodies are God’s dwelling place. They are, therefore, sacred, set apart to God. What is acceptable in the marketplace has no place in this temple ... Any practice or habit that a believer has that in any way destroys this temple is meddling with God’s property and has no place in the life of a believer. You are not your own. You are bought with a price. Therefore, glorify God in your body. As believers we have a responsibility to maintain sound physical health to the limit of our ability. This body should not be weakened by obesity or indolence or lack of exercise. That is misuse of the body. That should give an individual an entirely new attitude towards himself. We are not our own. Our bodies are not our own. They are God’s. When Paul exhorts, “stand fast in the Lord,” he is saying, “Let the Spirit of God teach you this truth that I have communicated to you – that Jesus Christ is the Savior of the body, and you are responsible to Him for its upkeep and use.” (J. Pentecost) Conformity is not simply a superficial and outward change of form, but a complete change of inward nature and quality. Paul referred to his continuous conformity to Christ’s death that took place in the day-to-day events of his life ... His resurrection is the guarantee of their resurrection, and His resurrected body is the prototype and paradigm of theirs. So in place of earthly bodies characterized by frailty, physical decay, weakness, and mortality, believers will have bodies that are suitable to the life of heaven, and thus imperishable, spiritual, glorious, and powerful. Once he experiences a resurrection transformation, man will know perennial rejuvenation, since he will have a perfect vehicle for God’s deathless Spirit, a body that is invariably responsive to his transformed personality. (P. O’Brien) The bodies of believers alive at the time of the rapture of the church will be glorified. The bodies of believers who die before Christ’s coming and the rapture will be raised from the dead and be made immortal and incorruptible. Believers are promised new bodies not subject to disease or death. The limitations of this temporal, earthly body will also be eliminated in the new body that is suited for eternity. The resurrection change will happen because God decreed that it will occur. (R. Gromacki)

WHO<br />

<strong>Philippians</strong> 3:20 h`mw/n ga.r to. poli,teuma evn ouvranoi/j u`pa,rcei evx ou- kai. swth/ra<br />

avpekdeco,meqa ku,rion VIhsou/n Cristo,n<br />

VUL<br />

<strong>Philippians</strong> 3:20 nostra autem conversatio in caelis est unde etiam salvatorem expectamus<br />

Dominum Iesum Christum<br />

LWB Philp. 3:21 Who shall change the form of the body [corruptible] of our humble station<br />

in life [since the fall of Adam] into conformity with the body [incorruptible] of His glory<br />

[ultimate sanctification occurs at the rapture], according to the operating power [divine<br />

omnipotence] from which He Himself is also able to bring under His ultimate authority the<br />

all things [all creatures, angelic, animate and inanimate objects in creation].<br />

KW Philp. 3:21 Who shall transform this body of ours which has been humiliated [<strong>by</strong> the<br />

presence of indwelling sin and <strong>by</strong> death and decay], so that it will be conformed to His body of<br />

His glory, this in accordance with the operation of Him who is able to bring into subjection to<br />

Himself all things.<br />

KJV <strong>Philippians</strong> 3:21 Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his<br />

glorious body, according to the working where<strong>by</strong> he is able even to subdue all things unto<br />

himself.<br />


When the rapture occurs, all believers who are alive will be changed (Latin: reformed) from their<br />

current physical form (Predictive Future tense) that we inherited from Adam (Latin: humility)<br />

into the form (Latin: configuration) that Christ currently possesses. This bodily form is called<br />

‘humble station” <strong>by</strong> Ralph Earle; I like that. All believers who have died physically will also be<br />

transformed from carbon elements to a resurrection body. We will finally be transformed into<br />

conformity with the body of His glory, which is the goal of ultimate sanctification. This<br />

transformation of our mortal bodies into resurrection bodies will occur through the power of His<br />

divine omnipotence, the same operating power (divine dynasphere) that He possessed while on<br />

earth. He is also able to utilize that same power (Descriptive Present tense) to bring under His<br />

ultimate authority all creatures on earth and in heaven, as well as animate and inanimate objects<br />

in creation.<br />


The use of "body" is almost synonymous with the whole personality or person. (BAG) The "body of<br />

His glory" is the prototype of the believer's spiritual body ... sharing in the nature of that exalted<br />

body and partaking of its life and inherent qualities as truly and fully "alive unto God," a complete<br />

likeness to Christ ... not only the outward form, but the whole person (R.P. Martin), a body that is<br />

invariably responsive to His personality (M.J. Harris), and which can be compared to the "prototype<br />

divine dynasphere" of Jesus Christ during the hypostatic union and our "operational type divine

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