Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis
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out for these false teachers and carnal believers. Those believers who are polarized in either legalism or antinomianism are enemies of the cross. Legalists are subtracting from the finished work on the cross by forcing believers to live under laws that were fulfilled by Christ Jesus. Antinomians are living lives that are in complete rebellion to the Lord. Both legalistic and antinomian believers are operating from Satan’s cosmic system and are therefore enemies of Christ. They are still believers, but they are far from Him in their daily life. They are literally everywhere in the United States, in pulpits and congregations across the country. If you are a growing believer, you are going to come across reversionistic believers. If you befriend them, they will eventually “get under your skin” and try to get you to ignore doctrine and pursue some other “fun” or lofty pursuit. They are born-again believers, but they are carnal and reversionistic; they hate God’s protocol plan for Church Age believers and they are bored with Bible doctrine. They worship themselves, another human figure, or some form of panacea that is unimportant as far as the spiritual life is concerned. These reversionistic pastors, teachers and other carnal believers are part of a “spiritual aggressor squad” that has as its primary objective, to attack your obedience to the Word of God. How do these individuals operate? Jesus Christ is alright, as long as His message doesn’t get in the way of their lifestyle. The legalistic contingency doesn’t care if you read the Bible as long as you adhere to their handful of rules and regulations that they have set up for controlling your outward behavior and altering your personality. Legalists are usually power-mongers, individuals who are completely absorbed in approbation lust. The antinomian contingency doesn’t care if you go to Bible study as long as it doesn’t get in the way of their party-time atmosphere; most antinomian believers rate social life as a higher priority than fellowship in the Word with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Because these reversionists are so dangerous, Paul weeps (Pictorial Present tense) for those Philippian believers (with a lump in his throat) that he knows will succumb to their charms and arguments. REVELANT OPINIONS One who would direct his life in accordance with the Word of God must have his life controlled by the Word of God, or he will never conform to the standards laid down in the Scriptures. That is exactly the problem the apostle is facing. It is a principle readily observed that false doctrine always begets false practice ... Whether it is the law of Moses or a set of manmade rules devised by Christians to control conduct, it is the same basic fallacy: it denies the efficacy of the cross. This is a doctrinal error that sets aside that which God has made supreme and preeminent and substitutes that which pleases men. In addition to this doctrinal error that makes them enemies of the cross of Christ, there is a practical error. These men are not only doctrinally but practically enemies of the cross of Christ, for they take man’s standards and the world’s standards and make those the standards for Christian conduct. Paul says this is a devilish doctrine and those who follow this doctrine and manifest it in false practices are enemies of the cross of Christ. In practice they are living to please themselves; their standard of conduct is not the standard of the Word of God or the standard revealed in the godliness of Jesus Christ. The standard which they have adopted for their own conduct is what

is pleasing to them. They have become enemies of the cross of Christ. (J. Pentecost) These menacing opponents are (πoλλoι) numerous. On seeing that the place of pastors is occupied by wicked and worthless persons, we shall sigh ... and feel deeply grieved for the calamity of the church. (J. Calvin) Enemies have the mental attitude sins of both (a) alienation towards those they know, and (b) hostility towards those they don't know. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.) Paul engaged in controversy, but he was no hard-faced controversialist; he taught the truth but he was not a detached, disinterested teacher; he warned about error and wept over those who held it. This is part of his example to us. (J. Stott) The menacing opponents were numerous and the particular feature emphasized is their behavior. (P. O’Brien) Apostasy is a departure from a moral and doctrinal standard. Paul established himself as the spiritual yardstick by which the apostate legalists were to be measured ... Believers must perceive the difference between the spirit of truth and the spirit of error (1 John 4:1-6). They should not be gullible and accept all preachers as genuine. Whenever Paul was in their church, he told them about the imminent invasion of heretics. (R. Gromacki) Not every Christian who fails to rebound and continues in locked-in negative volition is removed immediately from this life. God may keep a believer alive for a long time in the intensive stage of divine discipline. With great finesse God may employ these eternally saved “enemies of the cross” as agents of momentum testing in the lives of growing believers. Specifically, Christians suffering intensive divine discipline may administer the people test, the thought test, the system test, or the disaster test to spiritually adult believers. Representing many different personalities, attitudes, and styles of living, and taking many different human approaches to life, cosmic Christians who periodically receive intensive discipline serve Satan as cosmic evangelists. Satan uses these negative believers to distract positive believers from the protocol plan of God. Cosmic Christians draw other believers into the pseudo-strength and superficial attractions of the cosmic system. Besides “enemies of the cross of Christ,” other biblical terms for cosmic believers include enemies of God (James 4:4), haters of God (John 15:23), antichrists (1 John 2:18,22; 4:3; 2 John 7), hostile toward God (Rom. 8:7), men of flesh (1 Cor. 3:1-3), double-minded (James 4:8), agents of the devil (1 John 3:8), and disciples of the devil (1 John 3:10). All these phrases refer to eternally saved believers, not to unbelievers. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.) There were evidently recognized leaders in the Christian fellowship who were undoubtedly ardent admirers of the person of Christ, as revealed in His earthly life and example: yet Paul does not hesitate to mention his own tears at the fatal omission in their preaching, for they were enemies of the cross of Christ. (L. Chafer) The “many” were the large number of reversionistic believers in the first generation of the Church Age. The believer’s “walk” is his progress or lack of progress in the spiritual life. Paul constantly warned first century believers of the danger of reversionism. While these believers had accepted the grace of God in salvation, they had subsequently rejected the principle of grace epitomized by the cross and turned to legalism. Those who substitute legalism at any point in their phase two experience become “enemies of the cross,” enemies of grace, and therefore enemies of God ... “Koilia” describes the emotional pattern. Reversionists in emotional revolt become slaves to their emotions, and the proper function of the right lobe, which is thinking doctrine, is neutralized. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.)

out for these false teachers and carnal believers. Those believers who are polarized in either<br />

legalism or antinomianism are enemies of the cross. Legalists are subtracting from the finished<br />

work on the cross <strong>by</strong> forcing believers to live under laws that were fulfilled <strong>by</strong> Christ Jesus.<br />

Antinomians are living lives that are in complete rebellion to the Lord.<br />

Both legalistic and antinomian believers are operating from Satan’s cosmic system and are<br />

therefore enemies of Christ. They are still believers, but they are far from Him in their daily life.<br />

They are literally everywhere in the United States, in pulpits and congregations across the<br />

country. If you are a growing believer, you are going to come across reversionistic believers. If<br />

you befriend them, they will eventually “get under your skin” and try to get you to ignore<br />

doctrine and pursue some other “fun” or lofty pursuit. They are born-again believers, but they<br />

are carnal and reversionistic; they hate God’s protocol plan for Church Age believers and they<br />

are bored with Bible doctrine. They worship themselves, another human figure, or some form of<br />

panacea that is unimportant as far as the spiritual life is concerned. These reversionistic pastors,<br />

teachers and other carnal believers are part of a “spiritual aggressor squad” that has as its<br />

primary objective, to attack your obedience to the Word of God.<br />

How do these individuals operate? Jesus Christ is alright, as long as His message doesn’t get in<br />

the way of their lifestyle. The legalistic contingency doesn’t care if you read the Bible as long as<br />

you adhere to their handful of rules and regulations that they have set up for controlling your<br />

outward behavior and altering your personality. Legalists are usually power-mongers,<br />

individuals who are completely absorbed in approbation lust. The antinomian contingency<br />

doesn’t care if you go to Bible study as long as it doesn’t get in the way of their party-time<br />

atmosphere; most antinomian believers rate social life as a higher priority than fellowship in the<br />

Word with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Because these reversionists are so dangerous, Paul<br />

weeps (Pictorial Present tense) for those Philippian believers (with a lump in his throat) that he<br />

knows will succumb to their charms and arguments.<br />


One who would direct his life in accordance with the Word of God must have his life controlled <strong>by</strong><br />

the Word of God, or he will never conform to the standards laid down in the Scriptures. That is<br />

exactly the problem the apostle is facing. It is a principle readily observed that false doctrine always<br />

begets false practice ... Whether it is the law of Moses or a set of manmade rules devised <strong>by</strong><br />

Christians to control conduct, it is the same basic fallacy: it denies the efficacy of the cross. This is a<br />

doctrinal error that sets aside that which God has made supreme and preeminent and substitutes that<br />

which pleases men. In addition to this doctrinal error that makes them enemies of the cross of Christ,<br />

there is a practical error. These men are not only doctrinally but practically enemies of the cross of<br />

Christ, for they take man’s standards and the world’s standards and make those the standards for<br />

Christian conduct. Paul says this is a devilish doctrine and those who follow this doctrine and<br />

manifest it in false practices are enemies of the cross of Christ. In practice they are living to please<br />

themselves; their standard of conduct is not the standard of the Word of God or the standard revealed<br />

in the godliness of Jesus Christ. The standard which they have adopted for their own conduct is what

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