Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis
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other ministers in your area and see if there is a better fit. If you have recently moved to a new geographical location and you are looking for a church, make sure the pastor you will be studying under is more knowledgeable and mature than you are. If he is not, you may retrogress under his ministry. If you live in a small town and there doesn’t seem to be any resources to carry you to the next stage in your spiritual life, you should pray for a door to open up. Perhaps the Lord will direct you to a non-resident pastor or teacher who teaches by tape, CD, book or some other modern means of communication. In the secular world of education, you do not graduate from college and then go back to your 1 st grade teacher for instruction. This is the same principle in play here. Paul is directing us to a pastor who is walking (living) the same type of spiritual life he has been describing – the same one that he, Timothy, and Epaphroditus have been living. They are true examples (Latin: forms) of how a pastor and teacher should live and operate in the church. REVELANT OPINIONS To any who might object that the standard of conduct was not clear, Paul replies with words which set before his readers a living pattern of behavior by which they may shape their lives. This is his own example, and the example of those whose lives were based on his. For Christianity the pattern of ethical teaching is embodied not in a written code of precepts and maxims covering every possible contingency of life, but in a life – pre-eminently the life of the Lord Jesus, and secondarily in the lives of His earliest and closest followers. That is the NT counterpart to the Hebrew term for practical conduct … For us today, access to that pattern is possible through the opened Bible in which we read of the life which was the light of men, and the renewing Spirit who enables us to apply gospel teaching to our modern situations. (R. Martin) He is urging them to press on indeterminately, aiming to finish the race and win the prize. They are to progress beyond the point they have already reached and advance in the right direction ... Paul keeps pursuing his long-cherished ambition of perfectly laying hold of Christ, and he wants the Philippians to do the same. He is thus an example in his orientation and attitude, as well as in his behavior. (P. O’Brien) The Spirit has prompted the Apostle to make an exhortation to believers to be followers of himself. This appeal was warranted because his doctrine was revealed to him from Christ, and was in fact, therefore, the very teachings of Christ; and because his own attitude toward Judaism and his own experience was a living illustration of the power of a life in grace. The epistles of Paul are an uncompromising protest against the intrusion of law, or any phase of law, into the reign of grace. (L. Chafer) We should not regard Paul as presumptuous. There was no NT at this time to be a guide for Christian conduct. The apostle knew, moreover, that ultimately Christian standards of behavior must be embodied in life rather than code. So it was as much his duty to live a pure Christian life for others to follow, as it was to preach the pure gospel for them to believe. Then those who saw the example faithfully given had the responsibility of living by it themselves. (F. Foulkes) Watch and follow; fix your eyes as on an archery target. (Plato) Observe the change of metaphor; hitherto the

Christian life has been compared to a race; now he speaks of walking; literally, walking about, moving hither and thither in the daily path of life. (B. Caffin) Philp. 3:17 You yourselves try to become (gi,nomai, PMI2P, Tendential, Command, Deponent) co-imitators (Pred. Nom.; following my example, pattern, mould) of me (Obj. Gen.; unremitting self-discipline), brethren (Voc. Address), and (continuative) keep your eyes open (skope,w, PAImp.2P, Iterative, Command; notice, look out for, have respect for) for those (Acc. Dir. Obj.; pastors; geographical location not an issue; as you grow spiritually, you may periodically have to look for a new ‘right’ pastor-teacher) who are conducting themselves (peripate,w, PAPtc.APM, Descriptive, Substantival; walking, living, advancing) in this same manner (Adv. Manner; accordingly because you can only grow to the point of your pastor's own level of maturity), just as (comparative & correlative) you have (e;cw, PAI2P, Durative/Aoristic) us (Acc. Dir. Obj.; referring to Paul, Timothy and Epaphroditus) as an example (Acc. Appos.; pattern, mold), WHO Philippians 3:17 Summimhtai, mou gi,nesqe avdelfoi, kai. skopei/te tou.j ou[twj peripatou/ntaj kaqw.j e;cete tu,pon h`ma/j VUL Philippians 3:17 imitatores mei estote fratres et observate eos qui ita ambulant sicut habetis formam nos LWB Philp. 3:18 For many [reversionistic pastors] are walking about concerning whom I have told you about many times [repeated warnings], and even now I am telling you again [hammering it home] while weeping vehemently, they [cosmic pastors, teachers, and other believers] are personal enemies of the cross of Christ [hostile toward the grace of God], KW Philp. 3:18 For many are going about, concerning whom I often have been telling you, but now also tell you weeping, the enemies [they are] of the Cross of Christ, KJV Philippians 3:18 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS Paul issues a warning to the Philippian believers (Iterative Present tense) that he has given them on many occasions before: beware of reversionistic believers. In this case, he is primarily warning them to steer clear of reversionistic pastors and teachers, but we can safely apply his warning to other believers in the same status quo. There are many believers, pastors and teachers included, who are walking about (Static Present tense) in Christian circles, but who are in actuality enemies of the cross of Jesus Christ. Paul is warning us all, for the Nth time, to watch

Christian life has been compared to a race; now he speaks of walking; literally, walking about,<br />

moving hither and thither in the daily path of life. (B. Caffin)<br />

Philp. 3:17 You yourselves try to become (gi,nomai, PMI2P,<br />

Tendential, Command, Deponent) co-imitators (Pred. Nom.;<br />

following my example, pattern, mould) of me (Obj. Gen.;<br />

unremitting self-discipline), brethren (Voc. Address), and<br />

(continuative) keep your eyes open (skope,w, PAImp.2P,<br />

Iterative, Command; notice, look out for, have respect for)<br />

for those (Acc. Dir. Obj.; pastors; geographical location not<br />

an issue; as you grow spiritually, you may periodically have<br />

to look for a new ‘right’ pastor-teacher) who are conducting<br />

themselves (peripate,w, PAPtc.APM, Descriptive, Substantival;<br />

walking, living, advancing) in this same manner (Adv. Manner;<br />

accordingly because you can only grow to the point of your<br />

pastor's own level of maturity), just as (comparative &<br />

correlative) you have (e;cw, PAI2P, Durative/Aoristic) us (Acc.<br />

Dir. Obj.; referring to Paul, Timothy and Epaphroditus) as an<br />

example (Acc. Appos.; pattern, mold),<br />

WHO<br />

<strong>Philippians</strong> 3:17 Summimhtai, mou gi,nesqe avdelfoi, kai. skopei/te tou.j ou[twj peripatou/ntaj<br />

kaqw.j e;cete tu,pon h`ma/j<br />

VUL<br />

<strong>Philippians</strong> 3:17 imitatores mei estote fratres et observate eos qui ita ambulant sicut habetis<br />

formam nos<br />

LWB Philp. 3:18 For many [reversionistic pastors] are walking about concerning whom I<br />

have told you about many times [repeated warnings], and even now I am telling you again<br />

[hammering it home] while weeping vehemently, they [cosmic pastors, teachers, and other<br />

believers] are personal enemies of the cross of Christ [hostile toward the grace of God],<br />

KW Philp. 3:18 For many are going about, concerning whom I often have been telling you, but<br />

now also tell you weeping, the enemies [they are] of the Cross of Christ,<br />

KJV <strong>Philippians</strong> 3:18 (For many walk, of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even<br />

weeping, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ:<br />


Paul issues a warning to the Philippian believers (Iterative Present tense) that he has given them<br />

on many occasions before: beware of reversionistic believers. In this case, he is primarily<br />

warning them to steer clear of reversionistic pastors and teachers, but we can safely apply his<br />

warning to other believers in the same status quo. There are many believers, pastors and teachers<br />

included, who are walking about (Static Present tense) in Christian circles, but who are in<br />

actuality enemies of the cross of Jesus Christ. Paul is warning us all, for the Nth time, to watch

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