Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis
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KJV Philippians 2:18 For the same cause also do ye joy, and rejoice with me. TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS Many Philippian believers have listened faithfully to Paul’s teaching and have reached supergrace A and supergrace B status in the spiritual life. These individuals who have been consistently positive towards the Word should keep on having inner happiness (Iterative Present tense) just like Paul does. Paul isn’t the only believer who is growing in grace and in the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. All those who are following his teaching should be growing just like he is, and therefore should (Imperative of Obligation) be full of inner happiness. The protocol plan of God for the Church Age believer is the same for the Philippians as it is for Paul and it is for us today. Paul even adds a compliment to himself! Since the Philippian believers have been steadily growing and maturing spiritually, this is a sign that Paul has been doing a great job teaching them. So not only should Paul as their teacher be congratulating them for their progress, but they should also be congratulating him for his superb job as their teacher. It is a reciprocal relationship where everyone has the opportunity to come out a winner. And each side of the relationship, both teacher and student, have an obligation to congratulate each other for a job well done. This builds esprit de corps. Paul boasted about them in verse 16 and congratulated them in verse 17. He sacrificed himself in verse 17 and congratulated himself in verse 18. He used cognate forms of “kairo” in verses 17-18 to illustrate this pattern. REVELANT OPINIONS The physical presence of Paul with the church is not possible because of his confinement, although in his optimistic moments he looks forward to reunion with the Philippians. (R.P. Martin) Paul is about to set forth in 19-30 his apostolic parousia or travelogue. (P. O’Brien) Philp. 2:18 Now (temporal) for this (Acc. Spec.) same reason (Acc. Purpose; those of you who have been listening to doctrine have reached SGA or SGB), you yourselves (Subj. Nom.; a specific group of individuals who are growing along with Paul) should also (adjunctive) keep on having inner happiness (cai,rw, PAImp.2P, Iterative, Progressive, Obligation; joy); in fact (emphatic), you ought to congratulate (sugcai,rw, PAImp.2P, Static, Obligation) me (Dat. Adv.; for teaching you so well that you are maturing spiritually). WHO Philippians 2:18 to. de. auvto. kai. u`mei/j cai,rete kai. sugcai,rete, moi VUL Philippians 2:18 id ipsum autem et vos gaudete et congratulamini mihi LWB Philp. 2:19 Now I expect by the authority [divine permission] of Jesus to send Timothy to you as soon as possible, so that I may also have tranquility of soul when I come to know

things concerning you [your status quo], KW Philp. 2:19 But I am hoping in the Lord Jesus quickly to send Timothy to you, in order that I also may be of good cheer, having come to know of your circumstances. KJV Philippians 2:19 But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timotheus shortly unto you, that I also may be of good comfort, when I know your state. TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS Paul anticipates (Tendential Present tense) that Jesus will allow him to send (Infinitive of Intended Results) Timothy to Philippi as soon as possible. He forsees or expects this will be an acceptable plan to Jesus, but understands that all his ideas and plans must first receive divine permission. The Greek word “kurios” could mean “Lord” as it usually does when connected to the words “Jesus Christ.” But it is more than possible that its meaning here is not a title, but rather a word emphasizing His authority and lordship over events in time. It is quite possible that Jesus has other plans for Timothy at this time, but Paul is rather confident that he will receive divine permission to send Timothy on this journey. The adjunctive use of “kago” indicates the reciprocal relationship between Paul and the Philippians. They are hearing about his circumstances by means of this epistle, which should give them some relief, courage and happiness. Paul wants Timothy to visit them and bring back a report on their status quo (Futuristic Present tense), so in turn he might possess the same tranquility of soul (Potential Indicative mood) that they have about him. The “things concerning you” is an idiom for “your status quo.” When Paul comes to know (Ingressive Aorist tense) the status of the Philippians, and finds that everything is in order and they are more relaxed about his circumstances, then (Temporal Participle) he will be encouraged and more at ease. REVELANT OPINIONS This is the beginning of Paul's travel-log or itinerary. (F.F. Bruce) Timothy was close to Paul and dear to his heart. If Paul ever needed Timothy, it was while he was there in Rome under house arrest. Yet he was willing to sacrifice Timothy’s companionship so that others could be helped. He wanted to be sure they were growing spiritually. His genuine interest in them continued. (R. Lightner) Philp. 2:19 Now (temporal) I expect (evlpi,zw, PAI1S, Tendential; anticipate, forsee) by the authority (Instr. Means; lordship, divine permission) of Jesus (Poss. Gen.) to send (pe,mpw, AAInf., Constative, Intended Result) Timothy (Acc. Dir. Obj.) to you (Dat. Adv.) as soon as possible (Adverb of Time; without delay, hastily), so that (result) I may also (adjunctive; reciprocal relationship) have tranquility of soul (euvyuce,w, PASubj.1S, Futuristic, Potential, Indefinite future clause; courage, gladness) when I come to know (ginw,skw, AAPtc.NSM, Ingressive,

things concerning you [your status quo],<br />

KW Philp. 2:19 But I am hoping in the Lord Jesus quickly to send Timothy to you, in order that I<br />

also may be of good cheer, having come to know of your circumstances.<br />

KJV <strong>Philippians</strong> 2:19 But I trust in the Lord Jesus to send Timotheus shortly unto you, that I also<br />

may be of good comfort, when I know your state.<br />


Paul anticipates (Tendential Present tense) that Jesus will allow him to send (Infinitive of Intended<br />

Results) Timothy to Philippi as soon as possible. He forsees or expects this will be an acceptable<br />

plan to Jesus, but understands that all his ideas and plans must first receive divine permission. The<br />

Greek word “kurios” could mean “Lord” as it usually does when connected to the words “Jesus<br />

Christ.” But it is more than possible that its meaning here is not a title, but rather a word<br />

emphasizing His authority and lordship over events in time. It is quite possible that Jesus has other<br />

plans for Timothy at this time, but Paul is rather confident that he will receive divine permission to<br />

send Timothy on this journey.<br />

The adjunctive use of “kago” indicates the reciprocal relationship between Paul and the <strong>Philippians</strong>.<br />

They are hearing about his circumstances <strong>by</strong> means of this epistle, which should give them some<br />

relief, courage and happiness. Paul wants Timothy to visit them and bring back a report on their<br />

status quo (Futuristic Present tense), so in turn he might possess the same tranquility of soul<br />

(Potential Indicative mood) that they have about him. The “things concerning you” is an idiom for<br />

“your status quo.” When Paul comes to know (Ingressive Aorist tense) the status of the <strong>Philippians</strong>,<br />

and finds that everything is in order and they are more relaxed about his circumstances, then<br />

(Temporal Participle) he will be encouraged and more at ease.<br />


This is the beginning of Paul's travel-log or itinerary. (F.F. Bruce) Timothy was close to Paul and<br />

dear to his heart. If Paul ever needed Timothy, it was while he was there in Rome under house arrest.<br />

Yet he was willing to sacrifice Timothy’s companionship so that others could be helped. He wanted<br />

to be sure they were growing spiritually. His genuine interest in them continued. (R. Lightner)<br />

Philp. 2:19 Now (temporal) I expect (evlpi,zw, PAI1S, Tendential;<br />

anticipate, forsee) <strong>by</strong> the authority (Instr. Means; lordship,<br />

divine permission) of Jesus (Poss. Gen.) to send (pe,mpw, AAInf.,<br />

Constative, Intended Result) Timothy (Acc. Dir. Obj.) to you (Dat.<br />

Adv.) as soon as possible (Adverb of Time; without delay,<br />

hastily), so that (result) I may also (adjunctive; reciprocal<br />

relationship) have tranquility of soul (euvyuce,w, PASubj.1S,<br />

Futuristic, Potential, Indefinite future clause; courage,<br />

gladness) when I come to know (ginw,skw, AAPtc.NSM, Ingressive,

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