Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis Philippians - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis
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or in the pursuit of fame. Our energies are to be saved by being lifted above self to God, especially by being connected with Christ, laid as a willing tribute at His feet, concentrated on His glory, steadily rendered to Him, embued with His unselfish, philanthropic spirit. (R. Finlayson) Philp. 2:13 Since (explanatory) it is (eivmi, PAI3S, Static) God (Pred. Nom.; the Holy Spirit) Who continues to work (evnerge,w, PAPtc.NSM, Durative, Substantival, Articular) in you (Loc. Sph.; the power to realize it inwardly), both (adjunctive) to will (qe,lw, PAInf., Iterative, Adverbial of Purpose; motivation, resolve, desire) and (connective) to do (evnerge,w, PAInf., Iterative, Adverbial of Intended Result; execution, function) with a view to the (His) good pleasure (Gen. Adv., Objective; delight in ultra-supergrace). WHO Philippians 2:13 qeo.j ga,r evstin o` evnergw/n evn u`mi/n kai. to. qe,lein kai. to. evnergei/n u`pe.r th/j euvdoki,aj VUL Philippians 2:13 Deus est enim qui operatur in vobis et velle et perficere pro bona voluntate LWB Philp. 2:14 Keep doing all things without complaining [to God] or arguing [with men], KW Philp. 2:14 All things be constantly doing without discontented and secret mutterings and grumblings, and without discussions which carry an undertone of suspicion or doubt, KJV Philippians 2:14 Do all things without murmurings and disputings: TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS I cannot think of a better command from Paul (Imperative mood) following the last passage of Scripture, especially the second part about “arguing.” Paul commands us to keep on executing the spiritual life (Iterative Present tense) without complaining to God or arguing with men. Both of these attendant circumstances undermine our spiritual walk. Whining and bitching about our lot in life (Latin: murmuring) is a form of rebellion against God and it moves us farther away from Him experientially. Disputing and debating on inconsequential doctrines and practices in the church (Gk: dialog) with other men moves us farther away from them. Both of these negative practices are sin and destroy our fellowship with the Lord and our social life with fellow believers. It’s one thing to give a reason for the things you believe and do in the Christian life; it’s another thing to continually argue and debate about them. Calvinists and Arminians alike should take this command seriously! REVELANT OPINIONS Suffering for blessing in no-man's land (trials, tests) is often the cause for grumbling. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.) Do all things, do your duty in every branch of it, without murmurings Do it, and do not find fault with it. Mind your work, and do not quarrel with it. God’s commands were given to be obeyed, not

to be disputed. This greatly adorns our profession, and shows we serve a good Master, whose service is freedom and whose work is its own reward. (M. Henry) When we loosen our tongue and fall into the sin of murmuring and complaining, we give unbelievers the excuse they are looking for to reject what we say and the testimony of our lives for Christ. Keep your foot out of your mouth and keep your mouth shut. (J. Pentecost) Murmuring is here meant against God. It may arise from our experience of a disagreeable lot or from dark providences, or from an unthankful spirit. Such an attitude of mind seems to imply a too slender trust in the resources of Divine goodness and wisdom. (T. Croskery) When adversity comes, people have a tendency to blame others or God for their difficulties rather than faulting themselves or rejoicing in tribulation ... Both attitudes (grumbling & murmuring) reveal a spirit of carnality. They constitute rebellion against what God wants people to do, when He wants them to do it, where it should be done, and why it should occur. (R. Gromacki) Philp. 2:14 Keep doing (poie,w, PAImp.2P, Iterative, Command; executing) all things (Acc. Dir. Obj.; the exhortation to embody it outwardly) without (adverb) complaining (Gen. Attendant Circumstances; whining, bitching, murmuring - onomatopoetic word; Godward emphasis) or (connective) arguing (Gen. Attendant Circumstances; which undermines authority; manward emphasis), WHO Philippians 2:14 pa,nta poiei/te cwri.j goggusmw/n kai. dialogismw/n VUL Philippians 2:14 omnia autem facite sine murmurationibus et haesitationibus LWB Philp. 2:15 In order that you yourselves might become blameless in all respects [not involved in the arrogance complex of sins] and innocent as far as evil is concerned [not involved in the hatred complex of sins], students of God [always learning], blameless [impeccable thoughts and behavior] in the midst of a crooked [unscrupulous] and perverse [depraved] generation, among whom [not in isolation] you yourselves may shine as lights [providing historical impact] in the world [Satan’s cosmic system], KW Philp. 2:15 To the end that you may become those who are deserving of no censure, free from fault or defect, and guileless in their simplicity, God’s children without blemish, in the midst of a perverse and distorted generation among whom you appear as luminaries in the world, KJV Philippians 2:15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS If we are able to make progress in the spiritual life without complaining to God and arguing with men, we will be well on our way to fulfilling the purpose we were all created for – attaining

to be disputed. This greatly adorns our profession, and shows we serve a good Master, whose service<br />

is freedom and whose work is its own reward. (M. Henry) When we loosen our tongue and fall into<br />

the sin of murmuring and complaining, we give unbelievers the excuse they are looking for to reject<br />

what we say and the testimony of our lives for Christ. Keep your foot out of your mouth and keep<br />

your mouth shut. (J. Pentecost)<br />

Murmuring is here meant against God. It may arise from our experience of a disagreeable lot or from<br />

dark providences, or from an unthankful spirit. Such an attitude of mind seems to imply a too slender<br />

trust in the resources of Divine goodness and wisdom. (T. Croskery) When adversity comes, people<br />

have a tendency to blame others or God for their difficulties rather than faulting themselves or<br />

rejoicing in tribulation ... Both attitudes (grumbling & murmuring) reveal a spirit of carnality. They<br />

constitute rebellion against what God wants people to do, when He wants them to do it, where it<br />

should be done, and why it should occur. (R. Gromacki)<br />

Philp. 2:14 Keep doing (poie,w, PAImp.2P, Iterative, Command;<br />

executing) all things (Acc. Dir. Obj.; the exhortation to<br />

embody it outwardly) without (adverb) complaining (Gen.<br />

Attendant Circumstances; whining, bitching, murmuring -<br />

onomatopoetic word; Godward emphasis) or (connective) arguing<br />

(Gen. Attendant Circumstances; which undermines authority;<br />

manward emphasis),<br />

WHO <strong>Philippians</strong> 2:14 pa,nta poiei/te cwri.j goggusmw/n kai. dialogismw/n<br />

VUL <strong>Philippians</strong> 2:14 omnia autem facite sine murmurationibus et haesitationibus<br />

LWB Philp. 2:15 In order that you yourselves might become blameless in all respects [not<br />

involved in the arrogance complex of sins] and innocent as far as evil is concerned [not<br />

involved in the hatred complex of sins], students of God [always learning], blameless<br />

[impeccable thoughts and behavior] in the midst of a crooked [unscrupulous] and perverse<br />

[depraved] generation, among whom [not in isolation] you yourselves may shine as lights<br />

[providing historical impact] in the world [Satan’s cosmic system],<br />

KW Philp. 2:15 To the end that you may become those who are deserving of no censure, free<br />

from fault or defect, and guileless in their simplicity, God’s children without blemish, in the<br />

midst of a perverse and distorted generation among whom you appear as luminaries in the world,<br />

KJV <strong>Philippians</strong> 2:15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke,<br />

in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;<br />


If we are able to make progress in the spiritual life without complaining to God and arguing with<br />

men, we will be well on our way to fulfilling the purpose we were all created for – attaining

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