2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis


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people through false prophecy for money. This is another way of saying he loved to<br />

engage in whatever his sin nature deemed interesting at the time (Latin: iniquity). The<br />

path the false teachers followed was not a new one; it has been followed many times<br />

throughout history.<br />


Bosor is an otherwise unattested form of the name of Balaam’s father Beor, and is probably a<br />

play on the Hebrew word basar, flesh. (D. Watson) Materialism lust and power lust had<br />

overwhelmed Balaam. Maybe there was some way he could extricate himself and still come<br />

out ahead. He had an idea: If the Jews could be lured into fornicating with the women of<br />

Midian, they would bring on their own cursing. Balaam’s advice was followed. As a result,<br />

twenty-four thousand Israelites succumbed to the temptation. They came under the sin unto<br />

death and perished. As for Balaam, in bringing about the curse in an indirect manner, he<br />

placed himself in direct line for punishment. When God’s judgment struck the Midianites,<br />

Balaam was slain with the sword ... Reversionism can induce neurotic, psychotic, or<br />

psychopathic behavior. Balaam epitomizes the mental chaos produced <strong>by</strong> reversionism. The<br />

reversionistic believers who forsake the straight road have swerved away from the Christian<br />

life. They are no longer taking in doctrine on a daily basis or advancing toward the high<br />

ground of the supergrace life ... With feet firmly planted in delusion they followed the<br />

demented path of Balaam. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.) The phrase the straight way is an idiom that<br />

points to the path the children of God must walk in accordance with His Word. By<br />

implication, <strong>Peter</strong> indicates that the heretics at one time pursued the straight way but<br />

subsequently left it. They now wander in darkness. (S. Kistemaker)<br />

Who is enticed and deluded <strong>by</strong> this beguiling individual? The unstable person who rejects<br />

Bible doctrine and functions on feelings and emotions. The heart or right lobe of the<br />

reversionist is being “trained” for hedonism and avarice through emotional revolt. When his<br />

soul rejects authority and establishment, he becomes insatiable in his desire for pleasure and<br />

embarks on a frantic seach for happiness ... Monetary reversionism is well documented in<br />

Scripture (Eccl. 5:10-6:2, Acts 5:1-10, 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:15 and Jude 11. The error or deceit of<br />

Balaam in Jude 11 describes three areas of delusion regarding money: 1) that money is a<br />

means to happiness, 2) that money brings security, and 3) that money can buy anything.<br />

Apart from doctrine resident in the soul, there can only be superficial and fleeting happiness<br />

in possessing money, or any other detail of life. Security is provided through logistical grace<br />

and the supergrace or ultrasupergrace life, not through the accumulation of wealth. No<br />

amount of money can purchase salvation, peace, stability, or love. The principle of monetary<br />

reversionism is found in 1 Timothy 6:3-5. All forms of reversionism are characterized <strong>by</strong> the<br />

neglect or rejection of Bible doctrine. Paul therefore begins his discourse on monetary<br />

reversionism <strong>by</strong> stating the great fundamental issue of the spiritual life: Sound doctrine is the<br />

lifeblood of spiritual growth; false doctrine is the poison that stunts the growing process.<br />

(R.B. Thieme, Jr.)<br />

In the historical setting of Balaam and the people of Moab, he observes the sexual<br />

immorality of the Moabites, who in alliance with Balaam tried to seduce the Israelites. Next,<br />

<strong>Peter</strong> is aware of Balaam’s interest in personal honor and material gain at the expense of

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