2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis 2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

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VUL 2 Peter 2:13 percipientes mercedem iniustitiae voluptatem existimantes diei delicias coinquinationes et maculae deliciis affluentes in conviviis suis luxuriantes vobiscum LWB 2 Peter 2:14 Having eyes full of adultery [sexual arrogance] and insatiable sin, enticing weak [frustrated and unstable] souls [those who have gone negative towards Bible doctrine], having a mentality of the soul which has been thoroughly exercised [trained reflexes] towards covetousness [greed and avarice], children of a curse [reversionism], KW 2 Peter 2:14 Having eyes full of an adulteress and which are unable to cease from sin, catching unstable souls with bait, having a heart completely exercised in covetousness, children of a curse. KJV 2 Peter 2:14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children: TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS Peter continues with his description of the false teachers. They have eyes which are full of adultery and other insatiable sins (Attributive Participle). As antinomians, they operate in sexual arrogance; they are completely under the control of their unstable sin natures. They are restless and uncontrollable, always looking for the next adrenalin rush. They don’t like being alone, so they are always in the process (Modal Participle) of enticing weak, frustrated and unstable souls (like themselves) to get involved in something they shouldn’t be involved in as Christians. They are negative to doctrine, so naturally other reversionistic believers who are negative to doctrine tend to socialize with them. Because they are negative, the mentality of their soul (right lobes) is full of sinful thought patterns. They are in desperate need of post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation, but don’t seek it. They have been thoroughly exercised away from authority, discipline and Bible study towards greed, avarice and covetousness. The Greek word “gumnazo,” from which we get our word gymnastics, means their mind has been trained to be interested in all the wrong things. Their priorities are a complete mess; their scale of values is twisted. Their mental reflexes do not automatically seek fellowship with God in the Word, but rather any form of entertainment or dissipation that presents itself. They are children of the curse of reversionism. They spend their days looking for stimulating personalities (human celebrityship) and funsville. They practice anarchy through activism, pursuing the latest cause that is ultimately anti-biblical and therefore anti-God. They have rejected God’s plan for their life because they prefer stimuli from the lust pattern of their old sin nature. RELEVANT OPINIONS The reversionist delights in the hedonistic lifestyle of the false teacher. He lives it up with the false teacher while following him down the path of destruction. God castigates these teachers

as “stains” on the church and “blemishes” on society. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.) The false teachers are always looking for someone with whom to commit adultery ... Their desire for sin is insatiable ... preying on the vulnerable among them ... Whereas the victims of the false teachers are unsteady, the false teachers themselves are thoroughly trained and dedicated in greed and know how to exploit that unsteadiness. (D. Watson) Peter portrays these teachers as adulterers who because of their lustful looking at women never stop sinning. In the eyes of these men, a woman is not a person but a tool designed to fulfill their sexual craving. (S. Kistemaker) Unstable speaks of a person who is not anchored securely, or who is not solidly on a foundation, here, doctrinally and experientially. (K. Wuest) The figurative phrase “eyes full of adultery” does not represent the overt practice of adultery, but the principle of adultery – a seductive manner that enhances the appeal of the false teacher. While the apostate preacher is undeniably attractive, his unrestrained sin nature spawns lasciviousness. He is undisciplined and self-seeking, a manifestation that he is antiestablishment, antigospel, antigrace, and antidoctrine. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.) These teachers try to ensnare men and women, especially those Christians who are unstable in their faith, into sexual sins. They look for church members who have neglected to put on the armor of God (Eph. 6:13) and who have not heeded Peter’s admonition to be “firmly established in the truth” (1:12). They are persons who, because of instability, distort the Scriptures (3:16) and thus become an easy prey for the devil and his henchmen. (S. Kistemaker) They had practiced it so long that their very heart was trained in the habitual pursuit of gain by all unrighteous means. (B. Caffin) Every woman they see, because of these teachers’ unbridled lust for sex, is a candidate for sexual sin so far as they are concerned, and their minds rarely depart from such lust ... Ultimately they have it in their minds to become leaders in the church and to be supported by the people they dominate. (W. Baker) Peter makes another shrewd psychological observation. Lascivious thoughts, if dwelt upon and acted upon, become dominant. It becomes impossible for them to look at any woman without reflecting on her likely sexual performance, and on the possibilities of persuading her to gratify their lusts ... These men had schooled themselves in the desire for forbidden things. (M. Green) By the metaphor of baiting he reminds the faithful to beware of their hidden and deceitful arts; for he compares their impostures to hooks which may catch the unwary to their destruction … And he intimates at the same time, that they have no excuse who suffer themselves to be baited or allured by such flatteries. (J. Calvin) The author may be relying on a well-known maxim that a shameless man does not have korai, (pupils) or “maidens” – a pun – in his eyes, but “harlots.” (D. Watson) The false teachers desired to turn church gatherings into times of dissipation. They are, Peter says, “never at rest from sin.” (F. Gaebelein) In these last days there will be an abundance of false teachers pleading for support. They are gifted and experienced when it comes to deceiving people and getting their money. It is important that God’s people be established in the truth, that they know how to detect when the Scriptures are being twisted and the people exploited. I thank God for the agencies that help to expose “religious rackets,” but there is still the need for spiritual discernment and a growing knowledge of the Word of God. (W. Wiersbe) It portrays the false teachers as fishing for the unstable. (D. Watson)

VUL 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:13 percipientes mercedem iniustitiae voluptatem existimantes diei delicias<br />

coinquinationes et maculae deliciis affluentes in conviviis suis luxuriantes vobiscum<br />

LWB 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:14 Having eyes full of adultery [sexual arrogance] and insatiable sin,<br />

enticing weak [frustrated and unstable] souls [those who have gone negative<br />

towards Bible doctrine], having a mentality of the soul which has been thoroughly<br />

exercised [trained reflexes] towards covetousness [greed and avarice], children of a<br />

curse [reversionism],<br />

KW 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:14 Having eyes full of an adulteress and which are unable to cease from sin,<br />

catching unstable souls with bait, having a heart completely exercised in covetousness,<br />

children of a curse.<br />

KJV 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:14 Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable<br />

souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children:<br />


<strong>Peter</strong> continues with his description of the false teachers. They have eyes which are full<br />

of adultery and other insatiable sins (Attributive Participle). As antinomians, they operate<br />

in sexual arrogance; they are completely under the control of their unstable sin natures.<br />

They are restless and uncontrollable, always looking for the next adrenalin rush. They<br />

don’t like being alone, so they are always in the process (Modal Participle) of enticing<br />

weak, frustrated and unstable souls (like themselves) to get involved in something they<br />

shouldn’t be involved in as Christians. They are negative to doctrine, so naturally other<br />

reversionistic believers who are negative to doctrine tend to socialize with them. Because<br />

they are negative, the mentality of their soul (right lobes) is full of sinful thought<br />

patterns. They are in desperate need of post-salvation epistemological rehabilitation, but<br />

don’t seek it.<br />

They have been thoroughly exercised away from authority, discipline and Bible study<br />

towards greed, avarice and covetousness. The Greek word “gumnazo,” from which we<br />

get our word gymnastics, means their mind has been trained to be interested in all the<br />

wrong things. Their priorities are a complete mess; their scale of values is twisted. Their<br />

mental reflexes do not automatically seek fellowship with God in the Word, but rather<br />

any form of entertainment or dissipation that presents itself. They are children of the<br />

curse of reversionism. They spend their days looking for stimulating personalities<br />

(human celebrityship) and funsville. They practice anarchy through activism, pursuing<br />

the latest cause that is ultimately anti-biblical and therefore anti-God. They have rejected<br />

God’s plan for their life because they prefer stimuli from the lust pattern of their old sin<br />

nature.<br />


The reversionist delights in the hedonistic lifestyle of the false teacher. He lives it up with the<br />

false teacher while following him down the path of destruction. God castigates these teachers

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