2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis 2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

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2 Peter 2:11 Whereas (subordinating) angels (Subj. Nom.; elect), being (eivmi, PAPtc.NMP, Descriptive, Attributive) greater in (Pred. Nom., comparative) inherent might (Loc. Sph.) and (connective) power (Loc. Sph.; superior to mankind in creation), do not (neg. adv.) utter (fe,rw, PAI3P, Gnomic; dare to bring, pronounce) a maligning (Noncompl. Acc.; defaming, slandering) condemnation (Acc. Dir. Obj.; accusation, judgment) against them (Gen. Disadv.; legitimate pastors and teachers) in the presence of the Lord (Gen. Assoc.). BGT 2 Peter 2:11 o[pou a;ggeloi ivscu,i? kai. duna,mei mei,zonej o;ntej ouv fe,rousin katV auvtw/n para. kuri,ou bla,sfhmon kri,sinÅ VUL 2 Peter 2:11 ubi angeli fortitudine et virtute cum sint maiores non portant adversum se execrabile iudicium LWB 2 Peter 2:12 But these [false teachers], as irrational animals [without common sense], born uncontrollable creatures [ruled by their old sin natures] to be captured [arrested] and destroyed [capital punishment as due process of law], maligning things which they do not understand, shall be ruined [sin unto death] by means of their own corruption, KW 2 Peter 2:12 But these, as irrational creatures, having been born as creatures of instinct, [destined] for capture and destruction, uttering blasphemies in the sphere of those things concerning which they are ignorant, shall in their [acts of] destroying surely be destroyed, KJV 2 Peter 2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS These false teachers are nothing more than irrational beasts, totally without common sense. They were born as creatures under the control of their old sin natures. They have physical life, but little or no intellectual life. More than likely they will end up captured and arrested for criminal behavior of some kind, or executed by capital punishment under the due process of law. They make it a habit (Iterative Present tense) to malign things (doctrines) which they do not understand (Gnomic Present tense). They twist Scripture, slander legitimate pastors, and lead naïve members of local churches into lewd behavior and various types of criminal activities. They will push their willfulness and rebellion to the limit, eventually being destroyed (Predictive Future tense) by means of their own corruption. The habitual demonstration of the depths of their depravity will cause them to die the sin unto death. RELEVANT OPINIONS

Three times in as many verses Peter mentions the slander and blasphemy of these teachers. He notes that they sin in self-willed ignorance, while they parade as teachers of religion ... They live by instinct and because of their spiritual ignorance (Ps. 49:12) they will soon perish. A generally accepted interpretation of commentators is that these false teachers meet a sudden and violent death, much the same as animals that are hunted and killed by men. (S. Kistemaker) He condemns their loose manners and the obscene wickedness of their whole life; and then he says that they were audacious and peverse, so that by their scurrilous garrulity they insinuated themselves into the favor of many. He especially compares them to those brute animals, which seem to have come to existence to be ensnared, and to be driven to their own ruin by their own instinct; as though he had said, that being indeed by no allurements, they of themselves hasten to throw themselves into the snares of Satan and of death. (J. Calvin) “Destruction” is a play on words using transplacement, stating a jus talionis: the false teachers will suffer wrong in recompense for the wrong they have done. (D. Watson) The manuscripts vary between apatais, deceivings,and agapais, love-feasts. It is possible that a paronomasia may be intentional. Peter will not use the honorable name for the banquets which these men disgrace by their excesses. He calls them apatais, not agapais – deceits, not love-feasts. There is no love in the hearts of these men. Their love-feasts are hypocrisies, deceits. These men are enticing souls to ruin. (B. Caffin) They pour abuse on the way of Christian restraint, which they do not, in any case, understand ... They will even be corrupted by their corrupt living; it will be the end of them. (M. Green) The picture is one of loud ignoramuses posing as professional experts. (A. Robertson) They are sure to receive, as the wages of their wrongdoing, divine punishment. (S. Case) “Like unreasoning animals” that live by instinct, false teachers live by the impulses of their sin natures. Consequently, they are divorced from reality and any perception of truth. Just as rapid animals must be destroyed, so these false teachers must be removed. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.) Their presumption is only matched by their ignorance. (D. Hiebert) 2 Peter 2:12 But (contrast) these (Subj. Nom.; false teachers), as (comparative) irrational (Descr. Nom.; absurd, illogical) animals (Nom. Appos.; without common sense), born (genna,w, Perf.PPtc.NNP, Descriptive, Circumstantial) uncontrollable creatures (Pred. Nom.; ruled by their old sin natures rather than by rational thought, without moral restraints) to be (purpose) captured (Adv. Acc.; under arrest for criminality) and (connective) destroyed (Adv. Acc.; capital punishment as due process of law), maligning (blasfhme,w, PAPtc.NMP, Iterative, Modal; slandering, speaking evil of) things (ellipsis) which (Prep. Dat.) they do not understand (avgnoe,w, PAI3P, Gnomic; are ignorant of), shall be ruined (fqei,rw, FPI3P, Predictive; destroyed, sin unto death) by means of their own (Poss. Gen.) corruption (Instr. Means; depravity), BGT 2 Peter 2:12 Ou-toi de. w`j a;loga zw/|a gegennhme,na fusika. eivj a[lwsin kai. fqora.n evn oi-j avgnoou/sin blasfhmou/ntej( evn th/| fqora/| auvtw/n kai. fqarh,sontai

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:11 Whereas (subordinating) angels (Subj. Nom.;<br />

elect), being (eivmi, PAPtc.NMP, Descriptive, Attributive)<br />

greater in (Pred. Nom., comparative) inherent might (Loc.<br />

Sph.) and (connective) power (Loc. Sph.; superior to mankind<br />

in creation), do not (neg. adv.) utter (fe,rw, PAI3P, Gnomic;<br />

dare to bring, pronounce) a maligning (Noncompl. Acc.;<br />

defaming, slandering) condemnation (Acc. Dir. Obj.;<br />

accusation, judgment) against them (Gen. Disadv.; legitimate<br />

pastors and teachers) in the presence of the Lord (Gen.<br />

Assoc.).<br />

BGT 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:11 o[pou a;ggeloi ivscu,i? kai. duna,mei mei,zonej o;ntej ouv fe,rousin katV auvtw/n<br />

para. kuri,ou bla,sfhmon kri,sinÅ<br />

VUL<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:11 ubi angeli fortitudine et virtute cum sint maiores non portant adversum se<br />

execrabile iudicium<br />

LWB 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:12 But these [false teachers], as irrational animals [without common<br />

sense], born uncontrollable creatures [ruled <strong>by</strong> their old sin natures] to be captured<br />

[arrested] and destroyed [capital punishment as due process of law], maligning<br />

things which they do not understand, shall be ruined [sin unto death] <strong>by</strong> means of<br />

their own corruption,<br />

KW 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:12 But these, as irrational creatures, having been born as creatures of<br />

instinct, [destined] for capture and destruction, uttering blasphemies in the sphere of<br />

those things concerning which they are ignorant, shall in their [acts of] destroying surely<br />

be destroyed,<br />

KJV 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:12 But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil<br />

of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;<br />


These false teachers are nothing more than irrational beasts, totally without common<br />

sense. They were born as creatures under the control of their old sin natures. They have<br />

physical life, but little or no intellectual life. More than likely they will end up captured<br />

and arrested for criminal behavior of some kind, or executed <strong>by</strong> capital punishment under<br />

the due process of law. They make it a habit (Iterative Present tense) to malign things<br />

(doctrines) which they do not understand (Gnomic Present tense). They twist Scripture,<br />

slander legitimate pastors, and lead naïve members of local churches into lewd behavior<br />

and various types of criminal activities. They will push their willfulness and rebellion to<br />

the limit, eventually being destroyed (Predictive Future tense) <strong>by</strong> means of their own<br />

corruption. The habitual demonstration of the depths of their depravity will cause them to<br />

die the sin unto death.<br />


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