2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis 2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

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Ref.; judgment) to be disciplined (kola,zw, PPPtc.AMP, Dramatic, Purpose; punished), BGT 2 Peter 2:9 oi=den ku,rioj euvsebei/j evk peirasmou/ r`u,esqai( avdi,kouj de. eivj h`me,ran kri,sewj kolazome,nouj threi/n( VUL 2 Peter 2:9 novit Dominus pios de temptatione eripere iniquos vero in diem iudicii cruciandos reservare LWB 2 Peter 2:10 And particularly [the Lord especially knows how and when to discipline] those [false teachers] who continue to conduct themselves by pursuit of their corruptible [polluted] flesh in the sphere of the lust pattern [of the old sin nature], and who continually disregard and despise legitimate church authority [pastors & teachers]. Arrogantly presumptuous, they are not afraid to malign [slander] their [pastor’s & teacher’s] reputations, KW 2 Peter 2:10 But [He knows how to reserve for the day of judgment to be punished] especially those who proceed on their way, hot inpursuit of the flesh [the totally depraved nature], in the sphere of the passionate desire of that which defiles, and who disdain authority. Presumptuous, arrogant, they do not tremble when defaming those in exalted positions. KJV 2 Peter 2:10 But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS Peter uses the superlative adverb “malista” to communicate to his readers that not only does the Lord know how and when to administer divine discipline upon reversionistic believers, but he especially, above all types of reversionists, He knows how to discipline false teachers. He particularly knows how to discipline those false teachers who continue to conduct themselves (Iterative Present tense) by pursuing their corruptible flesh in the sphere of the lust pattern of the old sin nature (Latin: carnality). The Greek word “miano” compares the lust of their flesh to human excrement. These false teachers not only teach false doctrine, but they are also engaged in abominable behavior when they leave the pulpit. Not only that, but they also totally disregard legitimate authority in the local church (Iterative Present tense) – and perhaps all other authority as well. They despise legitimate pastors and teachers because they are in the way, preventing these wolves from fleecing the sheep. Their despotes is the flesh, rather than the sovereign Lord. Some think dignities or glories refers to angels rather than humans; I don’t buy this theory. Those pastors and teachers with discernment will realize who the false teachers are and will warn their congregation – by naming them outright if necessary. I have seen this several times in my lifetime. It is a spiritual battle between good and evil; in every case I witnessed, the battle was between two Christians. I have observed three church splits and one seminary split; none of them had anything to do with unbelievers. It is a tragic thing to behold, especially the political battle within the seminary, but it is something that

occasionally occurs whether we understand it or not. It is always sin, sometimes residing in one party, sometimes in both parties to the conflict. As in Peter’s reference, there is always arrogant presumption involved. False teachers are not afraid to malign the reputations of the legitimate teachers. The progressive present means they start out whispering snide comments, but escalate their verbal attacks to the extent necessary to destroy the authority of the legitimate pastor or teacher in an effort to replace them. Sometimes the intent is to eject the legitimate pastor or teacher and enter the place of authority themselves. At other times, several false teachers under a false system called “plurality of elders” will conspire to remove a good man from office in favor of their political candidate. This usually happens when the legitimate pastor has taught something that irritated them or made some sin they harbored manifest to the other members of the congregation. I have seen a “plurality of elders” force a legitimate pastor out of office. I actually interviewed these so-called elders during the conflict using questionnaires, as an attempt to get to the bottom of the issue and hopefully to return things to normality. Unfortunately, what I found out was that every one of these “elders” knew less about the Word of God than most children in our Bible classes. Their conspiracy was successful, but the divine discipline that came afterwards was not pretty. RELEVANT OPINIONS They are sexually corrupt and they are spiritual anarchists … Both Peter and Jude intimate that these godless people are engaging in homosexual practices similar to those pursued by the Sodomites. (S. Kistemaker) The picture in this verse is of unrestrained pursuit of pleasure with no sense of guilt because of the total loss of all conscience toward authority, authority that speaks to whatever conscience the unrighteous may have left but in these extreme cases is totally lost ... They have a lack of respect for the things of God, a willingness to intrude into the church and twist the meaning of Scripture to suit their ends. They have no fear of accountability, boldly taking matters into their own hands. (W. Baker) Let us not look at this as if the Spirit of God were describing some lower strata of humanity of the distant past, from which the masses have arisen in religious or cultural attainment. Peter is not discussing either the heathen world, or the world where the light of the gospel of Christ has never penetrated. He is actually discussing what we call “the Christian world.” In the midst of this religious apostasy diabolical inventions for the destruction of mankind have been fostered. (T. Westwood) By their teaching and their way of life these wrongheaded Christians also despise authority. (D. Senior) The rulers of the church would naturally rebuke the false teachers, and these would naturally reply in unmeasured language. (C. Bigg) The false teachers are headstrong, rebellious against the will of God, and reckless of the consequences. They are contemptuous of other people, be these human or divine. They are self-willed; the sensual man always is, for in the last analysis self is all that matters to him. His hell is this, that his world contracts until the only thing he has left is the self he has corrupted. Who can say that 2 Peter is irrelevant to our generation? (M. Green) The word rendered “daring” occurs nowhere else in the NT. These daring, self-willed men despise all lordship, all

occasionally occurs whether we understand it or not. It is always sin, sometimes residing<br />

in one party, sometimes in both parties to the conflict. As in <strong>Peter</strong>’s reference, there is<br />

always arrogant presumption involved. False teachers are not afraid to malign the<br />

reputations of the legitimate teachers. The progressive present means they start out<br />

whispering snide comments, but escalate their verbal attacks to the extent necessary to<br />

destroy the authority of the legitimate pastor or teacher in an effort to replace them.<br />

Sometimes the intent is to eject the legitimate pastor or teacher and enter the place of<br />

authority themselves. At other times, several false teachers under a false system called<br />

“plurality of elders” will conspire to remove a good man from office in favor of their<br />

political candidate. This usually happens when the legitimate pastor has taught something<br />

that irritated them or made some sin they harbored manifest to the other members of the<br />

congregation. I have seen a “plurality of elders” force a legitimate pastor out of office. I<br />

actually interviewed these so-called elders during the conflict using questionnaires, as an<br />

attempt to get to the bottom of the issue and hopefully to return things to normality.<br />

Unfortunately, what I found out was that every one of these “elders” knew less about the<br />

Word of God than most children in our Bible classes. Their conspiracy was successful,<br />

but the divine discipline that came afterwards was not pretty.<br />


They are sexually corrupt and they are spiritual anarchists … Both <strong>Peter</strong> and Jude<br />

intimate that these godless people are engaging in homosexual practices similar to those<br />

pursued <strong>by</strong> the Sodomites. (S. Kistemaker) The picture in this verse is of unrestrained<br />

pursuit of pleasure with no sense of guilt because of the total loss of all conscience<br />

toward authority, authority that speaks to whatever conscience the unrighteous may have<br />

left but in these extreme cases is totally lost ... They have a lack of respect for the things<br />

of God, a willingness to intrude into the church and twist the meaning of Scripture to suit<br />

their ends. They have no fear of accountability, boldly taking matters into their own<br />

hands. (W. Baker) Let us not look at this as if the Spirit of God were describing some<br />

lower strata of humanity of the distant past, from which the masses have arisen in<br />

religious or cultural attainment. <strong>Peter</strong> is not discussing either the heathen world, or the<br />

world where the light of the gospel of Christ has never penetrated. He is actually<br />

discussing what we call “the Christian world.” In the midst of this religious apostasy<br />

diabolical inventions for the destruction of mankind have been fostered. (T. Westwood)<br />

By their teaching and their way of life these wrongheaded Christians also despise<br />

authority. (D. Senior)<br />

The rulers of the church would naturally rebuke the false teachers, and these would<br />

naturally reply in unmeasured language. (C. Bigg) The false teachers are headstrong,<br />

rebellious against the will of God, and reckless of the consequences. They are<br />

contemptuous of other people, be these human or divine. They are self-willed; the sensual<br />

man always is, for in the last analysis self is all that matters to him. His hell is this, that<br />

his world contracts until the only thing he has left is the self he has corrupted. Who can<br />

say that 2 <strong>Peter</strong> is irrelevant to our generation? (M. Green) The word rendered “daring”<br />

occurs nowhere else in the NT. These daring, self-willed men despise all lordship, all

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