2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis 2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

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very existence. (T. Westwood) They destroy themselves by their denial of Christ, they draw others to follow them and decry orthodox Christianity, and they will seek to make financial gain from genuine believers by their false teaching. (D. Wheaton) “Truth is for ever on the scaffold, Wrong for ever on the throne.” The masses have turned their backs upon the Gospel and we find ourselves a comparatively small remnant facing such a world. (D. Lloyd-Jones) The false teachers are those standing in the succession of the false prophets with their destructive heresies and false words. (D. Watson) Peter informs us that Satan will try his best to pervert the precious knowledge of the truth to render it ineffective. Pure doctrine is the only truth that will produce converts and spiritual growth. There is hardly an epistle of Paul that does not deal with false doctrine, and Peter is devoting the greater part of his second epistle to that problem as well. (W. Baker) It should be pointed out that emphasis on the apostasy of the church came to the fore at the rise of the prophetic conferences as an antidote to the false optimism of postmillennialism. Clarification is needful at this point: dispensationalism does not teach that the entire church in any century is apostate. It does teach that the last days of the church age will witness a great apostasy from the ranks of the church, and that is abundantly attested by Scripture. (C. Feinberg) Today we are confronted by precisely the same condition. Look at the multiplicity of advice being offered, look at the theories being propagated, look at all the solutions that are being offered, and all the clever people that are writing and telling us what ought to be done. (D. Lloyd-Jones) Unfortunately, many Christians will eagerly adopt the teachings and the lifestyle of these heretics. Instead of shunning their evil practices, gullible Christians follow their shameful ways. (S. Kistemaker) The shameful or immoral way of the teachers probably refers to their antinomian tendencies resulting from the false conclusion that since God’s grace is unlimited they are free to sin all they want. (R. Mounce) They do not care for the souls of men; they want their money. Their words are fair, but they do not spring out of strong conviction; they are carefully thought out, cunningly devised to attract attention and to ensnare men. And so they make a gain of their followers. (B. Caffin) The way of Truth will be reviled because of a lack of integrity in its members. (D. Senior) These “many” are many backsliders who follow out the moral implications of the antinomian’s teaching. (J. Kelly) It is sadly true that no doctrine, however senseless and monstrous, which under the guise of a religious faith ministering to the sensual appetites of men, will ever want followers. (D. Hiebert) There is nothing so pathetic as the belief that because we are living in the 21 st century we are in a different world from the world inhabited by our forefathers. (D. Lloyd-Jones) 2 Peter 2:2 And (continuative) many (Subj. Nom.; converts to reversionism) will follow (evxakolouqe,w, FAI3P, Predictive) their (Poss. Gen.; the false teachers) insolence (Dat. Disadv.; licentiousness, debauchery), by means of whom (Acc. Gen. Ref.) the way (Subj. Nom.; teaching of Christianity., protocol plan of God) of truth (Adv. Gen. Ref.) shall be

maligned (blasfhme,w, FPI3S, Predictive; reviled, spoken irreverently of). BGT 2 Peter 2:2 kai. polloi. evxakolouqh,sousin auvtw/n tai/j avselgei,aij diV ou]j h` o`do.j th/j avlhqei,aj blasfhmhqh,setai( VUL 2 Peter 2:2 et multi sequentur eorum luxurias per quos via veritatis blasphemabitur LWB 2 Peter 2:3 And in the sphere of a frantic search for happiness [insatiableness], with fabricated teachings, they will exploit you, whose divine discipline [judicial sentence] will not be delayed for long; indeed, their ruin [loss of everything worth living for] is not sleeping [it’s already in motion]. KW 2 Peter 2:3 And in the sphere of covetousness, with fabricated words they will exploit you, for whom from ancient times their judgment has not been idle [i.e., it is being prepared], and their destruction is not sleeping. KJV 2 Peter 2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS Like all reversionists, the false teachers are living a frantic life in search for happiness - anywhere they can get it. Scar tissue of the soul has become their way of life. No matter what they turn to, it soon sours and disappoints. The only answer for the misery in their soul is Bible doctrine, but that’s the last thing they are interested in. They are busy false teachers though; they fabricate false teachings and continually support them in order to “fleece the sheep.” They will be quite successful in exploiting naïve believers (Predictive Future tense). They will develop a knack for making a quick killing like a deceitful, traveling salesman (trade for profit). However, they won’t get away with these practices forever. Their divine discipline will not be delayed for long (Gnomic Present tense). God sees everything they do, and though it might appear to them and to others that they are getting away with their arrogant behavior (Latin: avarice), in reality their ruin is already in motion (Progressive Present tense). God’s disciplinary actions are not sleeping (Latin: dormant); His timing is perfect no matter what we think. If His discipline includes the loss of everything worth living for, then the worst state of mind to be in when that happens is to temporarily possess everything you ever dreamed of. First it affects your lack of capacity for life; the benefits you pursued for so long make you indifferent or miserable instead of happy. Then He might take them away from you altogether, either one-by-one over time or through a sudden tragedy. RELEVANT OPINIONS Like false prophets, the false teachers do not speak with divine authority, as the prefix pseudo implies. Rather, they proclaim a false message of peace and security against the true prophetic (and apostolic) message of judgment. Also like the false prophets, the false

very existence. (T. Westwood) They destroy themselves <strong>by</strong> their denial of Christ, they<br />

draw others to follow them and decry orthodox Christianity, and they will seek to make<br />

financial gain from genuine believers <strong>by</strong> their false teaching. (D. Wheaton) “Truth is for<br />

ever on the scaffold, Wrong for ever on the throne.” The masses have turned their backs<br />

upon the Gospel and we find ourselves a comparatively small remnant facing such a<br />

world. (D. Lloyd-Jones)<br />

The false teachers are those standing in the succession of the false prophets with their<br />

destructive heresies and false words. (D. Watson) <strong>Peter</strong> informs us that Satan will try his<br />

best to pervert the precious knowledge of the truth to render it ineffective. Pure doctrine<br />

is the only truth that will produce converts and spiritual growth. There is hardly an epistle<br />

of Paul that does not deal with false doctrine, and <strong>Peter</strong> is devoting the greater part of his<br />

second epistle to that problem as well. (W. Baker) It should be pointed out that emphasis<br />

on the apostasy of the church came to the fore at the rise of the prophetic conferences as<br />

an antidote to the false optimism of postmillennialism. Clarification is needful at this<br />

point: dispensationalism does not teach that the entire church in any century is apostate.<br />

It does teach that the last days of the church age will witness a great apostasy from the<br />

ranks of the church, and that is abundantly attested <strong>by</strong> Scripture. (C. Feinberg) Today we<br />

are confronted <strong>by</strong> precisely the same condition. Look at the multiplicity of advice being<br />

offered, look at the theories being propagated, look at all the solutions that are being<br />

offered, and all the clever people that are writing and telling us what ought to be done.<br />

(D. Lloyd-Jones)<br />

Unfortunately, many Christians will eagerly adopt the teachings and the lifestyle of these<br />

heretics. Instead of shunning their evil practices, gullible Christians follow their shameful<br />

ways. (S. Kistemaker) The shameful or immoral way of the teachers probably refers to<br />

their antinomian tendencies resulting from the false conclusion that since God’s grace is<br />

unlimited they are free to sin all they want. (R. Mounce) They do not care for the souls of<br />

men; they want their money. Their words are fair, but they do not spring out of strong<br />

conviction; they are carefully thought out, cunningly devised to attract attention and to<br />

ensnare men. And so they make a gain of their followers. (B. Caffin) The way of Truth<br />

will be reviled because of a lack of integrity in its members. (D. Senior) These “many”<br />

are many backsliders who follow out the moral implications of the antinomian’s<br />

teaching. (J. Kelly) It is sadly true that no doctrine, however senseless and monstrous,<br />

which under the guise of a religious faith ministering to the sensual appetites of men, will<br />

ever want followers. (D. Hiebert) There is nothing so pathetic as the belief that because<br />

we are living in the 21 st century we are in a different world from the world inhabited <strong>by</strong><br />

our forefathers. (D. Lloyd-Jones)<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:2 And (continuative) many (Subj. Nom.; converts to<br />

reversionism) will follow (evxakolouqe,w, FAI3P, Predictive)<br />

their (Poss. Gen.; the false teachers) insolence (Dat.<br />

Disadv.; licentiousness, debauchery), <strong>by</strong> means of whom (Acc.<br />

Gen. Ref.) the way (Subj. Nom.; teaching of Christianity.,<br />

protocol plan of God) of truth (Adv. Gen. Ref.) shall be

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