2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis


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compared to the light of the NT, they are like darkness. The morning star is, of course, a<br />

reference to Christ. The kardia, or right lobe of the soul, is where epignosis doctrine is<br />

stored. Some of the false teachers taught that the idea of the Second Coming was a<br />

subjective experience in the heart rather than an objective historical experience, an<br />

obvious heresy that arose from an allegorical confusion of eschatology.<br />


In the preceding section <strong>Peter</strong> focused on the spoken word of God the Father. In this<br />

verse he concentrates on the written Word of prophecy, namely, the OT Scriptures ...<br />

<strong>Peter</strong> urges his readers to pay close attention to the context of this prophetic word. (S.<br />

Kistemaker) God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet, and a light unto our path; the word of<br />

prophecy guides us to Christ ... The world is a dark dreary place; we could not find the<br />

strait path and narrow way that leads unto life without the guiding light of the holy Word<br />

of God. The heart is a dark place, gloomy, dry, and squalid, when it is illumined <strong>by</strong> the<br />

Holy Spirit of God. (B. Caffin) The way to possess Christ is <strong>by</strong> giving heed to the Divine<br />

Word. Scripture is the revelation of Christ. He is not to be found in nature, though He is<br />

there, and gleams of His glory appear therein on every side; but they are only gleams, not<br />

Himself … We cannot know Christ till we come to Scripture. To “give heed” to Scripture<br />

is to obey and trust Him who is revealed therein. But before we can trust ourselves to<br />

Scripture, we must have reasonable evidence that it is trustworthy. (C. New) “Prophecy”<br />

seems in fact to be interchangeable with the term “Scripture.” (Fornberg)<br />

Our inner transformation, deepened continually <strong>by</strong> the Spirit as we study the Scriptures,<br />

will be completed on the great day when we shall see Him as He is, and be made like<br />

Him. (M. Green) <strong>Peter</strong> knew a sounder basis for faith than that of signs and wonders. He<br />

had seen our Lord Jesus Christ receive honor and glory from God the Father in the holy<br />

mount; he had been dazzled and carried out of himself <strong>by</strong> visions and voices from<br />

heaven; but, nevertheless, even when his memory and heart are throbbing with<br />

recollections of that sublime scene, he says, “we have something surer still in the<br />

prophetic word …” It was not the miracles of Christ <strong>by</strong> which he came to know Jesus,<br />

but the word of Christ as interpreted <strong>by</strong> the spirit of Christ. (M. Vincent) The newly<br />

converted still walk in a murky light, and are to progress in study of the Scriptures until<br />

they arrive at the light of day, where mature knowledge of Christ (or illumination <strong>by</strong> the<br />

indwelling Spirit) has imparted to them Christian truth in its fullness ... The whole course<br />

of our lives ought to be governed <strong>by</strong> the Word of God. (M. Green) The equivalence of<br />

prophecy and Scripture came about because in the current Jewish understanding all<br />

inspired Scripture was prophecy. (R. Bauckham)<br />

The reference seems to be to the second coming of Christ as the Morning Star of the<br />

eternal day to come. (R. Earle) In an exhortation <strong>Peter</strong> told how to derive meaning from<br />

God’s Word – pay attention to it. As a Light, God’s written Word has validity and<br />

authority. In today’s experience-oriented societies many people, including some<br />

Christians, seek to determine or assess truth <strong>by</strong> the particular way God has worked in<br />

their own lives. But for <strong>Peter</strong> the splendor of his experience (with Christ at His<br />

transfiguration) faded as he spoke of the surety of the written revelation of the prophets.

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