2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis 2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

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Appos.) I (Subj. Nom.; the Father) am well pleased (euvdoke,w, AAI1S, Constative),“ BGT 2 Peter 1:17 labw.n ga.r para. qeou/ patro.j timh.n kai. do,xan fwnh/j evnecqei,shj auvtw/| toia/sde u`po. th/j megaloprepou/j do,xhj\ o` ui`o,j mou o` avgaphto,j mou ou-to,j evstin eivj o]n evgw. euvdo,khsa( VUL 2 Peter 1:17 accipiens enim a Deo Patre honorem et gloriam voce delapsa ad eum huiuscemodi a magnifica gloria hic est Filius meus dilectus in quo mihi conplacui LWB 2 Peter 1:18 And we [James, John and Peter] heard this voice which came forth from heaven when we were together with Him [Jesus Christ] on the holy mountain [of transfiguration], KW 2 Peter 1:18 And this voice we heard borne along, out from heaven, when we were with Him in the holy mountain. KJV 2 Peter 1:18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount. TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS Peter continues with the concessive idea he began in the prior verse. Even though he, James, and John heard this voice (Constative Aorist tense) which came forth from heaven (Dramatic Aorist tense) when they were together with Jesus on the holy mountain during the transfiguration (Temporal Participle), they still have a more sure Word of prophesy. The Word of God is infinitely more real to Peter than his miraculous experience on the Mount of Transfiguration. The spoken or written Word of God is more reliable to him than witnessing a miracle in the presence of Jesus Christ. He will confirm this incredible statement in the next verse. RELEVANT OPINIONS This whole passage shows the deep and lasting impression which the Transfiguration made on those who were privileged to witness it. (B. Caffin) Peter, James, and John saw the power and glory of Jesus in a manifestation of His second coming glory. The scene was like a mini-kingdom: Christ in glory represents His future role as King of kings. Moses in glory represents the redeemed who died. Elijah in glory represents the redeemed who will be translated, or raptured. Peter, James, and John represent the believers who live on the earth during the kingdom. The multitudes at the foot of the mountain could represent the multitudes who will witness Christ’s second coming. (J. MacArthur) The mountain was made holy by the theophany. (C. Bigg) The apostles were there with Jesus when God appointed Him His King, and they themselves heard the divine decree. (R. Bauckham) 2 Peter 1:18 And (continuative) we heard (avkou,w, AAI1P, Constative; James, John and Peter) this (Acc. Spec.) voice (Acc. Dir. Obj.) which (Subj. Nom.) came forth (fe,rw,

APPtc.AFS, Dramatic, Attributive) from heaven (Abl. Source) when we were (eivmi, PAPtc.NMP, Pictorial, Temporal) together with Him (Dat. Assoc.; Jesus Christ) on the holy (Dat.) mountain (Loc. Place; of transfiguration), BGT 2 Peter 1:18 kai. tau,thn th.n fwnh.n h`mei/j hvkou,samen evx ouvranou/ evnecqei/san su.n auvtw/| o;ntej evn tw/| a`gi,w| o;reiÅ VUL 2 Peter 1:18 et hanc vocem nos audivimus de caelo adlatam cum essemus cum ipso in monte sancto LWB 2 Peter 1:19 We still [nevertheless] have a more reliable prophetic Word [the written Word is more reliable than experiences], concerning which [doctrinal truth] you do well by studying regularly, like a lamp which shines in a dark place [OT Scriptures give a measure of knowledge], until daylight dawns [the prophesies are fulfilled] and a morning star [Jesus Christ] arises in the mentality of your soul [full perception of the true meaning of the OT prophesies concerning Christ], KW 2 Peter 1:19 And we have the prophetic word as a surer foundation, to which you are doing well to pay attention as to a lamp which is shining in a squalid place, until day dawns and a morning star arises in your hearts; KJV 2 Peter 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts: TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS In spite of miraculous experiences, such as the voice coming from heaven giving honor and glory to Jesus Christ in Peter’s presence, we still possess a more reliable prophetic Word (Gnomic Present tense). Prophetic scriptures are identical to the Word of God. The written Word of God is more reliable (Latin: firm) than experience, even the experience of God’s voice coming out of heaven! How is that possible? The voice of God the three apostles heard said only a few words about Jesus Christ, but the Word of God in Scripture speaks thousands of words about Christ. And concerning this written Word, Peter advises us to study it regularly (Iterative Present tense). We do great honor to the Lord (Perfective Present tense) by paying such close attention to His Word. Peter compares the OT prophesies which he studied to a lamp which shines in a dark place (Pictorial Present tense). The dark place is not something evil, but rather represents a small measure of knowledge which the OT prophesies give us without NT revelation. Lenski sees in the passage a picture of the “house of heresy” in which the believers addressed were compelled to live their earthly life. When daylight dawns (Ingressive Aorist tense), however, the fulfilled prophesies give us yet another measure of knowledge. And when the morning star arises in your mind, you may have full perception of the true meaning of the OT prophesies concerning Christ. The OT prophesies were illuminated by the light of NT writings and many were fulfilled by Jesus during His 33-year earthly ministry. The OT prophesies were not “darkness,” but

APPtc.AFS, Dramatic, Attributive) from heaven (Abl. Source)<br />

when we were (eivmi, PAPtc.NMP, Pictorial, Temporal) together<br />

with Him (Dat. Assoc.; Jesus Christ) on the holy (Dat.)<br />

mountain (Loc. Place; of transfiguration),<br />

BGT 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 1:18 kai. tau,thn th.n fwnh.n h`mei/j hvkou,samen evx ouvranou/ evnecqei/san su.n<br />

auvtw/| o;ntej evn tw/| a`gi,w| o;reiÅ<br />

VUL<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 1:18 et hanc vocem nos audivimus de caelo adlatam cum essemus cum ipso in<br />

monte sancto<br />

LWB 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 1:19 We still [nevertheless] have a more reliable prophetic Word [the<br />

written Word is more reliable than experiences], concerning which [doctrinal truth]<br />

you do well <strong>by</strong> studying regularly, like a lamp which shines in a dark place [OT<br />

Scriptures give a measure of knowledge], until daylight dawns [the prophesies are<br />

fulfilled] and a morning star [Jesus Christ] arises in the mentality of your soul [full<br />

perception of the true meaning of the OT prophesies concerning Christ],<br />

KW 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 1:19 And we have the prophetic word as a surer foundation, to which you are<br />

doing well to pay attention as to a lamp which is shining in a squalid place, until day<br />

dawns and a morning star arises in your hearts;<br />

KJV 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 1:19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take<br />

heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in<br />

your hearts:<br />


In spite of miraculous experiences, such as the voice coming from heaven giving honor<br />

and glory to Jesus Christ in <strong>Peter</strong>’s presence, we still possess a more reliable prophetic<br />

Word (Gnomic Present tense). Prophetic scriptures are identical to the Word of God. The<br />

written Word of God is more reliable (Latin: firm) than experience, even the experience<br />

of God’s voice coming out of heaven! How is that possible? The voice of God the three<br />

apostles heard said only a few words about Jesus Christ, but the Word of God in<br />

Scripture speaks thousands of words about Christ. And concerning this written Word,<br />

<strong>Peter</strong> advises us to study it regularly (Iterative Present tense). We do great honor to the<br />

Lord (Perfective Present tense) <strong>by</strong> paying such close attention to His Word. <strong>Peter</strong><br />

compares the OT prophesies which he studied to a lamp which shines in a dark place<br />

(Pictorial Present tense). The dark place is not something evil, but rather represents a<br />

small measure of knowledge which the OT prophesies give us without NT revelation.<br />

Lenski sees in the passage a picture of the “house of heresy” in which the believers<br />

addressed were compelled to live their earthly life. When daylight dawns (Ingressive<br />

Aorist tense), however, the fulfilled prophesies give us yet another measure of<br />

knowledge. And when the morning star arises in your mind, you may have full<br />

perception of the true meaning of the OT prophesies concerning Christ. The OT<br />

prophesies were illuminated <strong>by</strong> the light of NT writings and many were fulfilled <strong>by</strong> Jesus<br />

during His 33-year earthly ministry. The OT prophesies were not “darkness,” but

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