2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis 2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

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yet been put into practice, and the fact that it is repeated gives the Holy Spirit an opportunity to make it experiential in the life of the believer. (K. Wuest) The Bible has its view of the whole of life and the ultimate destiny of man. It tells us that God has a great plan and purpose for this world, and God is carrying out that plan and purpose. There is the great teaching in biblical prophecy. The teaching is this, that as long as sin remains, there will be trouble, and that eventually there will be a final cataclysmic event. There is no superficial optimism in the Bible. It talks about wars and rumours of wars, but it tells us that the Son of God who has already conquered death and sin and the grave, will return again finally to cleanse the world, and that all the forces that are inimical to God will be finally routed. There is a glorious crowning day coming, there is a final exodus to look forward to, there is an ultimate apocalypse. (D. Lloyd-Jones) 2 Peter 1:13 Indeed (affirmative), I consider it (h`ge,omai, PMI1S, Static, Deponent) my duty (Adv. Acc.; responsibility, privilege), as long as (Acc. Extent of Time) I am (eivmi, PAI1S, Durative) in this (Dat. Spec.) tent (Loc. Sph.; dwelling place, idiom: alive in this body), to keep on stirring up your (Acc. Adv.) mind (diegei,rw, PAInf., Iterative, Inf. as Dir. Obj. Of Verb; arousing) by means of remembrance (Instr. Means), BGT 2 Peter 1:13 di,kaion de. h`gou/mai( evfV o[son eivmi. evn tou,tw| tw/| skhnw,mati( diegei,rein u`ma/j evn u`pomnh,sei( VUL 2 Peter 1:13 iustum autem arbitror quamdiu sum in hoc tabernaculo suscitare vos in commonitione LWB 2 Peter 1:14 Knowing that it is imminent, the laying aside of my tent [physical death], even as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me [prophesied Peter’s violent death]. KW 2 Peter 1:14 Knowing that very soon there is the putting off of my tent, even as also our Lord Jesus Christ gave me to understand. KJV 2 Peter 1:14 Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus Christ hath shewed me. TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS Peter has no reticence about repeating important doctrines that his readers need to hear, especially because he knows (Intensive Perfect tense) without a doubt (Latin: certainty) that his physical death is imminent. The “laying aside of my tent” is a euphemism for the soul shedding the body at the moment of physical death. He knows he is near death because the Lord Jesus Christ told him it was going to happen without warning. He prophesied Peter’s imminent, violent death. There was no question that things would be different if Peter went home and resumed his fishing business. There was no hint that Peter could avoid the timing and circumstances of his death. There was no “alternate

eality” that Peter could choose by his own volition. God was in control of every aspect of his life: the moment of his birth, the moment of his death, and everything else in between. RELEVANT OPINIONS His death was near at hand. (B. Caffin) As Peter was writing his second epistle, he knew that he would soon die and be present face to face with the Lord. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.) When his end comes, there will be no time for anything; it will be swift … Peter was now an old man; the Lord said that when he became old, somebody would tie a rope around his body and hale him to his death; so executioners did with their victims. (R. Lenski) Tradition holds that Peter was crucified upside down. (R. Mounce) Death, for the Christian, is not the end but the beginning. To cling to our chains in fear of what lies beyond is to dishonor God. It is an astounding lack of faith. Our exodus is a glorious beginning, not a tragic ending. (R. Mounce) As a metaphor it conveys the image of the body as a temporary dwelling-place for the soul, folded-up and abandoned when the soul leaves it at death. (R. Bauckham) The purpose of the testament letter is to serve as a reminder of proper doctrine during the remainder of the author’s life and in the future when his voice is silent. (D. Watson) 2 Peter 1:14 Knowing (oi=da, Perf.APtc.NMS, Intensive, Circumstantial) that (introductory) it is (eivmi, PAI3S, Gnomic) imminent (Pred. Nom.; shortly, quickly), the laying aside of (Pred. Nom.; put off) my (Poss. Gen.) tent (Obj. Gen.; dwelling), even (ascensive) as (comparative) our (Gen. Rel.) Lord Jesus Christ (Subj. Nom.) made clear (dhlo,w, AAI3S, Constative; informed, prophesied) to me (Dat. Ind. Obj.). BGT 2 Peter 1:14 eivdw.j o[ti tacinh, evstin h` avpo,qesij tou/ skhnw,mato,j mou kaqw.j kai. o` ku,rioj h`mw/n VIhsou/j Cristo.j evdh,lwse,n moi( VUL 2 Peter 1:14 certus quod velox est depositio tabernaculi mei secundum quod et Dominus noster Iesus Christus significavit mihi LWB 2 Peter 1:15 Indeed, I will also make every effort for you to have it [Bible doctrine at your disposal] after my departure, to recall these things [doctrinal principles] for the purpose of continual application [in daily life]. KW 2 Peter 1:15 Indeed, I will do my best also that on each occasion when you have need after my departure you will be able to call these things to remembrance, KJV 2 Peter 1:15 Moreover I will endeavour that ye may be able after my decease to have these things always in remembrance. TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS

yet been put into practice, and the fact that it is repeated gives the Holy Spirit an<br />

opportunity to make it experiential in the life of the believer. (K. Wuest)<br />

The Bible has its view of the whole of life and the ultimate destiny of man. It tells us that<br />

God has a great plan and purpose for this world, and God is carrying out that plan and<br />

purpose. There is the great teaching in biblical prophecy. The teaching is this, that as<br />

long as sin remains, there will be trouble, and that eventually there will be a final<br />

cataclysmic event. There is no superficial optimism in the Bible. It talks about wars and<br />

rumours of wars, but it tells us that the Son of God who has already conquered death and<br />

sin and the grave, will return again finally to cleanse the world, and that all the forces that<br />

are inimical to God will be finally routed. There is a glorious crowning day coming, there<br />

is a final exodus to look forward to, there is an ultimate apocalypse. (D. Lloyd-Jones)<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 1:13 Indeed (affirmative), I consider it (h`ge,omai,<br />

PMI1S, Static, Deponent) my duty (Adv. Acc.; responsibility,<br />

privilege), as long as (Acc. Extent of Time) I am (eivmi,<br />

PAI1S, Durative) in this (Dat. Spec.) tent (Loc. Sph.;<br />

dwelling place, idiom: alive in this body), to keep on<br />

stirring up your (Acc. Adv.) mind (diegei,rw, PAInf.,<br />

Iterative, Inf. as Dir. Obj. Of Verb; arousing) <strong>by</strong> means of<br />

remembrance (Instr. Means),<br />

BGT<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 1:13 di,kaion de. h`gou/mai( evfV o[son eivmi. evn tou,tw| tw/| skhnw,mati( diegei,rein<br />

u`ma/j evn u`pomnh,sei(<br />

VUL<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 1:13 iustum autem arbitror quamdiu sum in hoc tabernaculo suscitare vos in<br />

commonitione<br />

LWB 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 1:14 Knowing that it is imminent, the laying aside of my tent [physical<br />

death], even as our Lord Jesus Christ made clear to me [prophesied <strong>Peter</strong>’s violent<br />

death].<br />

KW 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 1:14 Knowing that very soon there is the putting off of my tent, even as also<br />

our Lord Jesus Christ gave me to understand.<br />

KJV<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 1:14 Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle, even as our Lord Jesus<br />

Christ hath shewed me.<br />


<strong>Peter</strong> has no reticence about repeating important doctrines that his readers need to hear,<br />

especially because he knows (Intensive Perfect tense) without a doubt (Latin: certainty)<br />

that his physical death is imminent. The “laying aside of my tent” is a euphemism for the<br />

soul shedding the body at the moment of physical death. He knows he is near death<br />

because the Lord Jesus Christ told him it was going to happen without warning. He<br />

prophesied <strong>Peter</strong>’s imminent, violent death. There was no question that things would be<br />

different if <strong>Peter</strong> went home and resumed his fishing business. There was no hint that<br />

<strong>Peter</strong> could avoid the timing and circumstances of his death. There was no “alternate

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