2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis 2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

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for (prosdoka,w, PAPtc.NMP, Durative, Causal) these things (Acc. Dir. Obj.; signs of the coming of the day of the Lord), be diligent (spouda,zw, AAImp.2P, Ingressive, Command; by doctrinal inculcation) to be found (eu`ri,skw, APInf., Culminative, Result) by Him (Dat. Agency) spotless (Pred. Nom.; supergrace A status) and (connective) blameless (Pred. Nom.; supergrace B status), in prosperity (Loc. Sph.; ultrasupergrace status). BGT 2 Peter 3:14 Dio,( avgaphtoi,( tau/ta prosdokw/ntej spouda,sate a;spiloi kai. avmw,mhtoi auvtw/| eu`reqh/nai evn eivrh,nh| VUL 2 Peter 3:14 propter quod carissimi haec expectantes satis agite inmaculati et inviolati ei inveniri in pace LWB 2 Peter 3:15 Moreover, keep on regarding the longsuffering [patient endurance] of our Lord as deliverance [an opportunity for reversion recovery], just as our beloved brother Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom given to him, KW 2 Peter 3:15 And the long-suffering of our Lord, consider it as salvation, just as our beloved brother Paul according to the wisdom given to him, wrote to you, KJV 2 Peter 3:15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS In addition to your aspirations to be found by the Lord upon His return in a state of spiritual maturity, keep on regarding His longsuffering and patient endurance towards you (Imperative of Command) as an opportunity for temporal deliverance. This means if you are one of those believers who finds himself in reversionism, use the Lord’s patience as an opportunity to acknowledge your sins and recover from reversionism. As long as you are alive and He has not returned, you still have the possibility of recovering and resuming your spiritual life. Don’t waste this golden opportunity! And now that Peter is about to close this epistle, he calls on the authority of another apostle who has taught the same doctrines: their beloved brother, Paul. He wrote to them earlier (Epistolary Aorist tense) on similar topics according to the wisdom given to him (Constative Aorist tense) by God. Peter is confident that Paul would “second his motion” on these warnings and commands. RELEVANT OPINIONS God’s patience results in granting His people a period of extended grace … In the parable of Luke 15:11-32, the father did not go to that distant land where his son herded pigs for a Gentile farmer. If he had gone there and invited his son to come home, he would have had no guarantee of receiving an affirmative reply. Instead, the father waited patiently for the son to come to his senses, to confess his sins to God, to come home of his own accord, and to be reconciled. The patience of the waiting father was amply rewarded. (S. Kistemaker) It is a

most serious thing not to fulfill God’s purposes for us, and for this reason the apostle warns those who have been saved but who have not progressed to maturity or are retrogressing. (J. Pentecost) Paul obviously had the gift of wisdom, which enabled him to intuitively know and understand the great elective purposes of God. (R. Baxter) He mentions Paul as one who had an uncommon measure of wisdom given unto him. He was a person of eminent knowledge in the mysteries of the gospel, and did neither in that nor any other qualification come behind any of all the other apostles. (M Henry) 2 Peter 3:15 Moreover (continuative; in addition), keep on regarding (h`ge,omai, PMImp.2P, Iterative, Command, Deponent; considering) the longsuffering (Acc. Dir. Obj.; patient endurance) of our (Gen. Rel.) Lord (Poss. Gen.) as deliverance (Pred. Acc., apposition; temporal, not eternal), just as (comparative) our (Gen. Rel.) beloved (Descr. Nom.) brother (Descr. Nom.) Paul (Subj. Nom.) wrote (gra,fw, AAI3S, Epistolary) to you (Dat. Adv.) according to the wisdom (Acc. Gen. Ref.) given (di,dwmi, APPtc.AFS, Constative, Modal) to him (Dat. Ind. Obj.), BGT 2 Peter 3:15 kai. th.n tou/ kuri,ou h`mw/n makroqumi,an swthri,an h`gei/sqe( kaqw.j kai. o` avgaphto.j h`mw/n avdelfo.j Pau/loj kata. th.n doqei/san auvtw/| sofi,an e;grayen u`mi/n( VUL 2 Peter 3:15 et Domini nostri longanimitatem salutem arbitramini sicut et carissimus frater noster Paulus secundum datam sibi sapientiam scripsit vobis LWB 2 Peter 3:16 As also in all the other epistles, speaking in them concerning these things [eschatological doctrines Peter just covered], in which [Pauline epistles] are certain hard to understand things [advanced doctrines], which ignorant [untrained] and unstable [emotionally weak] ones [believers without an edification complex of the soul] distort [twist from their proper meaning], in the same manner as the other Scriptures [Paul’s epistles counted as part of the official canon], to their own personal spiritual ruin. KW 2 Peter 3:16 As also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these things, in which letters are certain things difficult of being understood which those who are unlearned and lacking stability distort [from their proper meaning] as also the rest of the scriptures to their own destruction. KJV 2 Peter 3:16 As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction. TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS Paul wrote at least one letter to the same audience Peter is addressing in this epistle. But he also wrote (Customary Present tense) about these same doctrinal concepts in all of his other epistles. “These things” refer to the eschatological doctrines Peter has just covered and is confirming by comparison to Paul’s epistles. Peter admits that Paul’s epistles have

for (prosdoka,w, PAPtc.NMP, Durative, Causal) these things<br />

(Acc. Dir. Obj.; signs of the coming of the day of the<br />

Lord), be diligent (spouda,zw, AAImp.2P, Ingressive, Command;<br />

<strong>by</strong> doctrinal inculcation) to be found (eu`ri,skw, APInf.,<br />

Culminative, Result) <strong>by</strong> Him (Dat. Agency) spotless (Pred.<br />

Nom.; supergrace A status) and (connective) blameless (Pred.<br />

Nom.; supergrace B status), in prosperity (Loc. Sph.; ultrasupergrace<br />

status).<br />

BGT 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:14 Dio,( avgaphtoi,( tau/ta prosdokw/ntej spouda,sate a;spiloi kai. avmw,mhtoi<br />

auvtw/| eu`reqh/nai evn eivrh,nh|<br />

VUL<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:14 propter quod carissimi haec expectantes satis agite inmaculati et inviolati ei<br />

inveniri in pace<br />

LWB 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:15 Moreover, keep on regarding the longsuffering [patient<br />

endurance] of our Lord as deliverance [an opportunity for reversion recovery], just<br />

as our beloved brother Paul wrote to you according to the wisdom given to him,<br />

KW 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:15 And the long-suffering of our Lord, consider it as salvation, just as our<br />

beloved brother Paul according to the wisdom given to him, wrote to you,<br />

KJV 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved<br />

brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;<br />


In addition to your aspirations to be found <strong>by</strong> the Lord upon His return in a state of<br />

spiritual maturity, keep on regarding His longsuffering and patient endurance towards<br />

you (Imperative of Command) as an opportunity for temporal deliverance. This means if<br />

you are one of those believers who finds himself in reversionism, use the Lord’s patience<br />

as an opportunity to acknowledge your sins and recover from reversionism. As long as<br />

you are alive and He has not returned, you still have the possibility of recovering and<br />

resuming your spiritual life. Don’t waste this golden opportunity! And now that <strong>Peter</strong> is<br />

about to close this epistle, he calls on the authority of another apostle who has taught the<br />

same doctrines: their beloved brother, Paul. He wrote to them earlier (Epistolary Aorist<br />

tense) on similar topics according to the wisdom given to him (Constative Aorist tense)<br />

<strong>by</strong> God. <strong>Peter</strong> is confident that Paul would “second his motion” on these warnings and<br />

commands.<br />


God’s patience results in granting His people a period of extended grace … In the parable of<br />

Luke 15:11-32, the father did not go to that distant land where his son herded pigs for a<br />

Gentile farmer. If he had gone there and invited his son to come home, he would have had no<br />

guarantee of receiving an affirmative reply. Instead, the father waited patiently for the son to<br />

come to his senses, to confess his sins to God, to come home of his own accord, and to be<br />

reconciled. The patience of the waiting father was amply rewarded. (S. Kistemaker) It is a

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