2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis 2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

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BGT 2 Peter 3:10 {Hxei de. h`me,ra kuri,ou w`j kle,pthj( evn h-| oi` ouvranoi. r`oizhdo.n pareleu,sontai stoicei/a de. kausou,mena luqh,setai kai. gh/ kai. ta. evn auvth/| e;rga eu`reqh,setaiÅ VUL 2 Peter 3:10 adveniet autem dies Domini ut fur in qua caeli magno impetu transient elementa vero calore solventur LWB 2 Peter 3:11 Since all these things are in the process of being destroyed in this manner, what sort of person should you become? In the sphere of a holy [spiritual] manner of life [function inside the divine system] and godliness [residence inside the divine system], KW 2 Peter 3:11 All these things in this manner being in process of dissolution, what exotic persons is it necessary in the nature of the case for you to be in the sphere of holy behaviors and pieties, KJV 2 Peter 3:11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness, TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS Since all the material elements of the earth and the rest of the universe is in the process of being destroyed (Progressive Present tense) by dramatic means (Latin: dissolved), what sort of person should we be trying to be? Should we be living like the false teachers, like there is no tomorrow and no evaluation of our life on earth? Should we be cowering in fear waiting for the approach of the day of the Lord? Peter tells us in one simple phrase what the quality of believer we should be endeavoring to become. The answer to his question is “in the sphere of a holy manner of life and godliness.” Godliness (Latin: piety) is a reference to the filling of the Spirit, also known as residence inside the divine system. It is a Yes or No proposition at any given time; you are either in the divine system or in the cosmic system, filled with the Spirit or not. A holy (Latin: sanctified) manner of life is continued function inside the divine system. This includes your thoughts, words and behavior as a growing, maturing believer (Latin: conversation). This is what we should be striving for, not a life of depravity according to the lust pattern of our old sin nature. This is what the false teachers and their reversionistic followers were doing, and Peter was trying to “snap them out of it” by the use of eschatological doctrine. Usually the order is residence first and function second; you have to enter your spiritual house (royal palace) first, before you can live in it dayby-day. Peter emphasizes function first, and residence second, because it is the words and behavior of the false teachers that are disrupting the local assemblies. If you are a reversionist, you should be worried about the coming evaluation at the Judgment Seat of Christ. You stand to lose everything but your naked resurrection body. RELEVANT OPINIONS

The verb ought indicates that a divine obligation rests upon the readers; they are to be holy in all that they do. Peter exhorts them to live in the sphere of God’s holiness. (S. Kistemaker) Disbelief in the Lord’s return all too often produces indifferentism in behavior, as it had with these errorists. There is an indissoluble link between conduct and conviction. (M. Green) “In holy conduct” refers to Christian separation and sanctification – apart from the world, apart toward God. (K. Gangel) Experiential sanctification is called “godliness” in 1 Tim. 3:16, 4:7- 8 and 2 Peter 1:3, 3:11. True godliness runs far deeper than the shallow legalisms that so many Christians practice. Genuine godliness is abiding in the sphere of Christ’s love … an integrated sphere of divine power … entered into by the filling of the Holy Spirit. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.) Holiness entails separation from evil and dedication to God; godliness relates to piety and worship. (F. Gaebelein) There are two extremes in ministry that we must avoid. One is the attitude that we are “locked into” God’s sovereign plan in such a way that nothing we do will make any difference. The other extreme is to think that God cannot get anything done unless we do it. While God’s sovereign decrees must never become an excuse for laziness, neither must our plans and activities try to take their place ... Man’s ministry cooperates with God’s program so that promised events can take place. God who ordains the end also ordains the means to the end, and we are a part of that means. (W. Wiersbe) One may take it to mean that the process of dissolution has already started, that the seed of destruction inherent in the very nature of creation is already at work in creation. (D. Hiebert) 2 Peter 3:11 Since all (Gen. Measure) these things (Gen. Absolute) are in the process of being destroyed (lu,w, PPPtc.GNP, Progressive, Causal) in this manner (Adv. Manner), what sort of person (Qualitative Acc.) should (dei/, PAI3S, Descriptive, Interrogative Ind.) you (Subj. Acc.) become (u`pa,rcw, PAInf., Pictorial, Result)? In the sphere of a holy (Instr. Manner; spiritual, set apart unto God) manner of life (Loc. Sph.; modus vivendi, behavior) and (connective) godliness (Loc. Sph.; consistently filled with the Spirit), BGT 2 Peter 3:11 Tou,twn ou[twj pa,ntwn luome,nwn potapou.j dei/ u`pa,rcein Îu`ma/jÐ evn a`gi,aij avnastrofai/j kai. euvsebei,aij( VUL 2 Peter 3:11 cum haec igitur omnia dissolvenda sint quales oportet esse vos in sanctis conversationibus et pietatibus LWB 2 Peter 3:12 Keep on looking for and urging on with anticipation the coming of the day of God, during which time the heavens [earth’s atmosphere and the rest of the universe], being on fire, will be destroyed [some type of fission], and the elements [air, water, earth, fire], being consumed by heat, will be melted [some type of fusion].

The verb ought indicates that a divine obligation rests upon the readers; they are to be holy in<br />

all that they do. <strong>Peter</strong> exhorts them to live in the sphere of God’s holiness. (S. Kistemaker)<br />

Disbelief in the Lord’s return all too often produces indifferentism in behavior, as it had with<br />

these errorists. There is an indissoluble link between conduct and conviction. (M. Green) “In<br />

holy conduct” refers to Christian separation and sanctification – apart from the world, apart<br />

toward God. (K. Gangel) Experiential sanctification is called “godliness” in 1 Tim. 3:16, 4:7-<br />

8 and 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 1:3, 3:11. True godliness runs far deeper than the shallow legalisms that so<br />

many Christians practice. Genuine godliness is abiding in the sphere of Christ’s love … an<br />

integrated sphere of divine power … entered into <strong>by</strong> the filling of the Holy Spirit. (R.B.<br />

Thieme, Jr.)<br />

Holiness entails separation from evil and dedication to God; godliness relates to piety and<br />

worship. (F. Gaebelein) There are two extremes in ministry that we must avoid. One is the<br />

attitude that we are “locked into” God’s sovereign plan in such a way that nothing we do will<br />

make any difference. The other extreme is to think that God cannot get anything done unless<br />

we do it. While God’s sovereign decrees must never become an excuse for laziness, neither<br />

must our plans and activities try to take their place ... Man’s ministry cooperates with God’s<br />

program so that promised events can take place. God who ordains the end also ordains the<br />

means to the end, and we are a part of that means. (W. Wiersbe) One may take it to mean<br />

that the process of dissolution has already started, that the seed of destruction inherent in the<br />

very nature of creation is already at work in creation. (D. Hiebert)<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:11 Since all (Gen. Measure) these things (Gen.<br />

Absolute) are in the process of being destroyed (lu,w,<br />

PPPtc.GNP, Progressive, Causal) in this manner (Adv.<br />

Manner), what sort of person (Qualitative Acc.) should (dei/,<br />

PAI3S, Descriptive, Interrogative Ind.) you (Subj. Acc.)<br />

become (u`pa,rcw, PAInf., Pictorial, Result)? In the sphere of<br />

a holy (Instr. Manner; spiritual, set apart unto God) manner<br />

of life (Loc. Sph.; modus vivendi, behavior) and<br />

(connective) godliness (Loc. Sph.; consistently filled with<br />

the Spirit),<br />

BGT 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:11 Tou,twn ou[twj pa,ntwn luome,nwn potapou.j dei/ u`pa,rcein Îu`ma/jÐ evn<br />

a`gi,aij avnastrofai/j kai. euvsebei,aij(<br />

VUL<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:11 cum haec igitur omnia dissolvenda sint quales oportet esse vos in sanctis<br />

conversationibus et pietatibus<br />

LWB 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:12 Keep on looking for and urging on with anticipation the coming<br />

of the day of God, during which time the heavens [earth’s atmosphere and the rest<br />

of the universe], being on fire, will be destroyed [some type of fission], and the<br />

elements [air, water, earth, fire], being consumed <strong>by</strong> heat, will be melted [some type<br />

of fusion].

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