2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis


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“Out of water and amidst water” seems most naturally understood as a summary of Genesis<br />

1:2-10. (D. Hiebert)<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:5 Indeed (affirmative), because they (the<br />

scoffers) continually desire (qe,lw, PAPtc.AMP, Durative,<br />

Causal) it (Acc. Dir. Obj.; continued unchanging history<br />

with no prospect of future evaluation), this (Subj. Nom.)<br />

escapes their attention (lanqa,nw, PAI3S, Gnomic; is hidden):<br />

that (introductory) long ago (Adv. Time), <strong>by</strong> the Word<br />

(Instr. Means) of God (Abl. Source; Jesus Christ), the<br />

heavens (Subj. Nom.; atmosphere) came into existence (eivmi,<br />

Imperf.AI3P, Dramatic) and (connective) the earth (Subj.<br />

Nom.), existing as (suni,sthmi, Perf.APtc.NFS, Descriptive,<br />

Modal; came forth) part water (Partitive Abl.), also<br />

(adjunctive) <strong>by</strong> means of water (Abl. Means),<br />

BGT 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:5 Lanqa,nei ga.r auvtou.j tou/to qe,lontaj o[ti ouvranoi. h=san e;kpalai kai. gh/<br />

evx u[datoj kai. diV u[datoj sunestw/sa tw/| tou/ qeou/ lo,gw|(<br />

VUL<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:5 latet enim eos hoc volentes quod caeli erant prius et terra de aqua et per aquam<br />

consistens Dei verbo<br />

LWB 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:6 Through which the world at that time, having been deluged <strong>by</strong><br />

water, was ruined [waste & wild].<br />

KW<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:6 Through which the ordered world of that time, having been deluged <strong>by</strong><br />

water, was ruined.<br />

KJV 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 3:6 Where<strong>by</strong> the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:<br />


The world during the time of tohu wa bohu, waste and wild, was completely flooded<br />

(Latin: inundated) <strong>by</strong> water (Dramatic Aorist tense). Due to Satan’s fall just prior to<br />

Genesis 1:2, the creation was ruined and despoiled (Dramatic Aorist tense). There was<br />

gloom, a supernatural darkness, and a complete absence of life due to God’s judgment.<br />

What <strong>Peter</strong> is portraying is a creation that started out perfect, was judged and entered a<br />

state of waste and wild, and was then refashioned again into what we live in today. So the<br />

wish <strong>by</strong> the scoffers that all things will continue on earth in status quo has already been<br />

proven wrong <strong>by</strong> the very creation they walk on and breathe in every day. There is no<br />

need to introduce the Noahic flood in this account; the time at hand is still pre-Adamic.<br />

The use of the word “kosmos” is no proof that human inhabitants were present, since<br />

kosmos has a number of meanings that have nothing to do with humans, e.g., order,<br />

creation, system, universe.<br />


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