2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis


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a few little proof texts that more or less clothe their teaching with a pious halo. (J. McGee) In<br />

the arrogance complex, negative volition ignores God through preoccupation with self, but in<br />

the hatred complex negative volition attacks God, the plan of God, and Bible doctrine …<br />

Each rejection of truth <strong>by</strong> believer or unbeliever intensifies negative volition until an<br />

individual has locked himself into antagonism toward God ... After the believer accepts false<br />

doctrine he has previously resisted, this “last state [entanglement with false doctrine] has<br />

become worse for him than the first [state of epignosis].” The buildup of epignosis in his<br />

soul has been demolished <strong>by</strong> his own opposition to doctrine. He literally is defeated and<br />

enslaved to counterfeit doctrine – the antithesis of John 8:32. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.)<br />

<strong>Peter</strong> is warning all his readers: entanglement leads to defeat, defeat to a state that is worse<br />

than the original paganism ... It is a pity to be worsted <strong>by</strong> the very things from which we<br />

have escaped. (R. Lenski) Such a reversal leaves the soul worse, harder and more bitter than<br />

it was before. (D. Hiebert) Epignosis means genuine and accurate knowledge, showing that<br />

he is treating of men who have not been mere professors of spiritual grace, but real<br />

possessors. (H. Alford) A servant who willfully disobeys his master is far more culpable than<br />

one who disobeys through ignorance. (M. Green) The apostle warns us here that some of<br />

those who once enjoyed the blessedness of that sacred knowledge have been entangled in sin<br />

and have fallen from grace. (B. Caffin) The pollutions of the world represent the Satanic<br />

system. (M. Unger)<br />

2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:20 For (explanatory) if (protasis, 1st class<br />

condition, and it’s true), after escaping from (avpofeu,gw,<br />

AAPtc.NMP, Constative, Temporal) the pollutions (Acc. Dir.<br />

Obj.; misdeeds) of the cosmic system (Abl. Source) <strong>by</strong> means<br />

of the full knowledge (Instr. Means; epignosis) of our (Gen.<br />

Rel.) Lord (Descr. Gen.) and (connective) Savior (Descr.<br />

Gen.) Jesus Christ (Obj. Gen.), but (adversative) becoming<br />

entangled (evmple,kw, APPtc.NMP, Ingressive, Modal; involved)<br />

again (adv.) <strong>by</strong> them (Dat. Ind. Obj.; previously rejected<br />

false doctrines), they (the false teachers and their deluded<br />

followers) are steadily being defeated (h`tta,w, PPI3P,<br />

Progressive; now overcome <strong>by</strong> false concepts), the last state<br />

(Subj. Nom.; of negative volition after having made<br />

substantial progress in the spiritual life, hatred complex<br />

of sins) has become (gi,nomai, Perf.AI3S, Consummative,<br />

Deponent) more worse (Pred. Nom.; more severe, a greater<br />

evil) for them (Dat. Disadv.) than the first (Compar. Gen.;<br />

when they barely knew doctrinal basics, arrogance complex of<br />

sins).<br />

BGT 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:20 eiv ga.r avpofugo,ntej ta. mia,smata tou/ ko,smou evn evpignw,sei tou/ kuri,ou<br />

Îh`mw/nÐ kai. swth/roj VIhsou/ Cristou/( tou,toij de. pa,lin evmplake,ntej h`ttw/ntai( ge,gonen<br />

auvtoi/j ta. e;scata cei,rona tw/n prw,twnÅ<br />

VUL 2 <strong>Peter</strong> 2:20 si enim refugientes coinquinationes mundi in cognitione Domini nostri et<br />

salvatoris Iesu Christi his rursus inpliciti superantur facta sunt eis posteriora deteriora prioribus

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