2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis 2 Peter - Verse-by-Verse Biblical Exegesis

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(Subj. Nom.) has been defeated (h`tta,w, Perf.PI3S, Consummative; overcome, succumbed to heresy and a sinful lifestyle), by this same one (false teacher), he has been brought into slavery (doulo,w, Perf.PI3S, Consummative). BGT 2 Peter 2:19 evleuqeri,an auvtoi/j evpaggello,menoi( auvtoi. dou/loi u`pa,rcontej th/j fqora/j\ w-| ga,r tij h[tthtai( tou,tw| dedou,lwtaiÅ VUL 2 Peter 2:19 libertatem illis promittentes cum ipsi servi sint corruptionis a quo enim quis superatus est huius et servus est LWB 2 Peter 2:20 For if, after escaping from the pollutions of the cosmic system by means of the full knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but becoming entangled again by them [previously rejected false doctrines], they are [now] steadily being defeated [overcome by false concepts], the last state [succumbing to false doctrine after having made substantial momentum in the spiritual life] has become more worse for them [more difficult to turn back, more severe divine discipline] than the first [when they barely knew doctrinal basics]. KW 2 Peter 2:20 For if, having escaped the pollutions of the world by an experiential knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in these moreover again being entangled, they have been overcome with the result that they are in a state of subjugation, the last things have become to them worse than the first ones; KJV 2 Peter 2:20 For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. TRANSLATION HIGHLIGHTS Who is Peter talking about in this verse? There are three main options: 1) the false teachers, 2) new converts with little no doctrinal resources, 3) reversionists who have already embraced the heresy and lifestyle of the false teachers. I believe this is a reference to both the false teachers and their reversionistic followers. I eliminate the new converts from the list of possibilities because in verse 18 they “barely escape.” In this passage, the candidates did escape from the pollutions of the cosmic system at one time (Temporal Participle), but now they are becoming entangled again in the false doctrines they previously rejected but are now accepting (Ingressive Aorist tense). Another reason why I reject the new converts is that Peter uses the word epignosis again, which means the candidates he is referring to had a full knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Recent converts to Christianity do not have a full knowledge of Jesus Christ. This is a warning for those believers (Yes, they are believers because epignosis knowledge of Christ makes them so) who think that because they have attained spiritual self-esteem, spiritual autonomy, or spiritual maturity, that they can rest on their laurels and no longer need to engage in the inculcation, metabolization and application of Bible doctrine. In other words, they think they have arrived at the pinnacle and there are “no

worries.” But these are precisely the believers that Satan attacks the most! In chess terms, new converts are like pawns to Satan; believers in spiritual self-esteem are like knights, those in spiritual autonomy are like bishops and rooks, while spiritually mature believers are like kings and queens. The prize for defeating a superior foe is worth the extra effort. Of course, they aren’t overcome all at once. The progressive present tense means the false teachings and the lewd lifestyle have to be embraced gradually by the misguided believer. In this warning, the believer who once lived in the divine system has now succumbed to life in the cosmic system. When he lived in the divine system, he learned doctrine on a regular basis, acknowledged his sins to God, and was regularly filled with the Spirit. When he sinned it was generally because something in the arrogance complex of sins caused him to trip up temporarily. As he was growing, the doctrinal structure in the mentality of his soul offered some protection from cosmic influence. Now, however, he has become much worse than before (Consummative Perfect tense). His sins are becoming more regular and he lives in them for longer duration before acknowledging them to God – if he gets around to confessing them at all. In other words, the believer who once had a stable spiritual life falls into reversionism from a greater height and will receive more severe divine discipline. RELEVANT OPINIONS I am persuaded that in view of the flow of the entire chapter the subject is the false teachers ... Here in verse 20, he is describing the heretics who at one time forsook their world and its corruption. There can be little doubt that the false teachers had once been orthodox Christians. In the past, these people were members of the church and they became acquainted with the teachings of the Christian faith ... Did the false teachers at one time know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? The answer is yes. For example, when Jesus commissioned His disciples two by two, He sent out Judas and another disciple. They went out and preached that people should repent. They drove out many demons and anointed many sick people with oil and healed them (Mark 6:12-13). Obvoiusly, Judas knew Jesus; in the name of Jesus he preached and performed miracles. Yet Judas betrayed his Master. (S. Kistemaker) The knowledge (epignosis) of Christ is said to have enabled the Christian to escape the defilements of the world. The audience is also exhorted to know certain doctrine. Peter affirms that the promises of Christ enable the Christian to escape worldly corruption. (D. Watson) Satan had them once; now he has them again; he will not let them go. They once knew the way of righteousness, but alas, that knowledge, now lost, only serves to deepen their guilt and to harden their heart all the more. For sin against light is more deadly far than the sin of ignorance; and, the greater the light, the deeper is the sin of those who love darkness rather than light. (B. Caffin) By naming the pollutions of the world, he shows that we roll in filth and are wholly polluted, until we renounce the world. (J. Calvin) Only a believer with a human spirit, can metabolize pneumatikos, spiritual information, that becomes epignosis doctrine. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.) They do not use the Word of God except for

worries.” But these are precisely the believers that Satan attacks the most! In chess terms,<br />

new converts are like pawns to Satan; believers in spiritual self-esteem are like knights,<br />

those in spiritual autonomy are like bishops and rooks, while spiritually mature believers<br />

are like kings and queens. The prize for defeating a superior foe is worth the extra effort.<br />

Of course, they aren’t overcome all at once. The progressive present tense means the<br />

false teachings and the lewd lifestyle have to be embraced gradually <strong>by</strong> the misguided<br />

believer.<br />

In this warning, the believer who once lived in the divine system has now succumbed to<br />

life in the cosmic system. When he lived in the divine system, he learned doctrine on a<br />

regular basis, acknowledged his sins to God, and was regularly filled with the Spirit.<br />

When he sinned it was generally because something in the arrogance complex of sins<br />

caused him to trip up temporarily. As he was growing, the doctrinal structure in the<br />

mentality of his soul offered some protection from cosmic influence. Now, however, he<br />

has become much worse than before (Consummative Perfect tense). His sins are<br />

becoming more regular and he lives in them for longer duration before acknowledging<br />

them to God – if he gets around to confessing them at all. In other words, the believer<br />

who once had a stable spiritual life falls into reversionism from a greater height and will<br />

receive more severe divine discipline.<br />


I am persuaded that in view of the flow of the entire chapter the subject is the false teachers<br />

... Here in verse 20, he is describing the heretics who at one time forsook their world and its<br />

corruption. There can be little doubt that the false teachers had once been orthodox<br />

Christians. In the past, these people were members of the church and they became<br />

acquainted with the teachings of the Christian faith ... Did the false teachers at one time<br />

know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior? The answer is yes. For example, when Jesus<br />

commissioned His disciples two <strong>by</strong> two, He sent out Judas and another disciple. They went<br />

out and preached that people should repent. They drove out many demons and anointed<br />

many sick people with oil and healed them (Mark 6:12-13). Obvoiusly, Judas knew Jesus; in<br />

the name of Jesus he preached and performed miracles. Yet Judas betrayed his Master. (S.<br />

Kistemaker)<br />

The knowledge (epignosis) of Christ is said to have enabled the Christian to escape the<br />

defilements of the world. The audience is also exhorted to know certain doctrine. <strong>Peter</strong><br />

affirms that the promises of Christ enable the Christian to escape worldly corruption. (D.<br />

Watson) Satan had them once; now he has them again; he will not let them go. They once<br />

knew the way of righteousness, but alas, that knowledge, now lost, only serves to deepen<br />

their guilt and to harden their heart all the more. For sin against light is more deadly far than<br />

the sin of ignorance; and, the greater the light, the deeper is the sin of those who love<br />

darkness rather than light. (B. Caffin) By naming the pollutions of the world, he shows that<br />

we roll in filth and are wholly polluted, until we renounce the world. (J. Calvin)<br />

Only a believer with a human spirit, can metabolize pneumatikos, spiritual information, that<br />

becomes epignosis doctrine. (R.B. Thieme, Jr.) They do not use the Word of God except for

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