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examination of the muzzle prints no two prints are identical.<br />

Therefore, muzzle printing as a means of identification could<br />

be used for the carabao identification. As previously reported<br />

in cattle and buffalo, the muzzle pattern does not change<br />

with age.<br />

Keywords: muzzle prints, Philippine carabao, Bubalus<br />

bubalis, Philippine-Murrah crossbred<br />

* Undergraduate thesis, College of Veterinary Medicine,<br />

University of the Philippines Los Baños, 1999.<br />

A-78<br />

<strong>THE</strong> ANATOMY OF <strong>THE</strong> BONES, TENDONS AND<br />



<strong>PHILIPPINE</strong> <strong>WATER</strong> <strong>BUFFALO</strong> (Bubalus bubalis L.)*<br />

V. D. Viernes Jr., Assistant Professor, College of Veterinary Science and<br />

Medicine, Central Luzon State University, Muñoz, Nueva Ecija<br />

The bones, tendons and ligaments of the metacarpophalangeal<br />

and metatarso-phalangeal regions of the<br />

Philippine water buffalo were described. The shape,<br />

relationship and measurement (length and weight) of the<br />

metacarpus, metatarsus, phalanges and sesamoid bones<br />

were determined. The attachment of the individual tendon<br />

and ligaments were also characterized and compared with<br />

the existing data in cattle. The bones of the metacarpophalangeal<br />

region was composed of one large metacarpal<br />

bone (Mc3 and Mc4), one small metacarpal bone (Mc5),<br />

two chief digits (III and IV) with three phalanges each, two<br />

dewclaws (digit II and V) with one or two phalanges each,<br />

four proximal sesamois and two distal sesamoids or<br />

navicular bones. The bones of the metatarso-phalangeal is<br />

composed of two metatarsal bones (large metatarsus and<br />

small metatarsus), four digits (principal and accessory)<br />

with two to three phalanges each, four proximal sesamoids<br />

and two distal sesamoids or navicular bone. There were<br />

three extensor tendons in the forelimb; lateral and medial<br />

branch of the common digital extensor and the lateral digital<br />

extensor. In the hindlimb, the long extensor of the digits,<br />

extensor proper of digit III and the lateral digital extensor.<br />

The flexor tendons were the superficial digital flexor, deep<br />

digital flexor and the interosseous ligament. The common<br />

collateral ligament was divided into four groups; (1) abaxial<br />

lateral collateral ligaments, (2) abaxial medial collateral<br />

ligaments (3) axial collateral ligament of digit III, (4) axial<br />

collateral ligament of digit IV and (5) common collateral<br />

ligaments. There are two ligaments of the dewclaw; the<br />

transverse and distal suspensory ligament of digit III and<br />

IV. The interdigital ligament was divided into proximal<br />

interdigital and distal intedigital (superficial and deep). There<br />


are also two annular ligaments, one for the fetlock region<br />

and a digital annular ligament of digit III and IV, which was<br />

divided into proximal and distal. The sesamoidean ligaments<br />

were the following; middle sesamoidean (collateral,<br />

intersesamoidean, lateral and medial palmar ligament),<br />

distal sesamoidean (middle short sesamoidean ligament),<br />

interdigital phalangosesamoidean, cruciate sesamoidean,<br />

oblique sesamoidean, distal interphalangeal sesamoidean<br />

(axial collateral, abaxial collateral, axial digital, abaxial<br />

digital). There were three pairs of palmar ligaments of the<br />

proximal interphalangeal joint; the abaxial, middle and axial.<br />

Keywords: metacarpo-phalangeal region, metatarsophalangeal<br />

region, Philippine water buffalo, Bubalus<br />

bubalis<br />

* Masteral Thesis, College of Veterinary Medicine,<br />

University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna<br />

(2004). Copy of thesis available at the Library of the College<br />

of Veterinary Medicine, UPLB.<br />

A-79<br />


HEMOLYMPH NODE IN <strong>THE</strong> <strong>PHILIPPINE</strong> CARABAO<br />

(Bubalus bubalis): AN ANATOMICO-HISTOLOGIC<br />



E. L. Enriquez-Yap, Assistant Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine,<br />

University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City<br />

The hemolymph node or gland is a modified lymphoid<br />

structure which is a member of a group of histologicallyrelated<br />

lymphoid tissue forming the so- called “Hemopoietic<br />

System” of the animal. At present, there exist a diversity<br />

of opinion regarding its exact morphological nature that will<br />

place it into a class or category of its own in the system of<br />

the so-called lymphoid structures and/or hemopoietic<br />

organs. The knowledge of its exact character may suggest<br />

its probable role in hemopoiesis and in the immunologic<br />

functions of the animal. The present study is the first report<br />

made on this structure in the Philippine carabao which is<br />

an initial work involving the study of the whole lymphoid<br />

organ system in this animal. These structures are frequently<br />

encountered within the perivascular tissue, particularly<br />

along the abdominal aorta, in close association with the<br />

abdominal viscera, lymph glands and mesentery and in<br />

the subcutaneous tissue and retroperitoneal fat, especially<br />

in the perirenal region. Hemolymph nodes are oval<br />

structures, with color ranging from deep red to light purple<br />

and to dark purple. They vary in size from hardly noticeable<br />

to pea-size nodules with a diameter of approximately 0.1<br />

cm to 1.6 cm. A fibro-elastic capsule envelopes the entire<br />


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